
  • 网络mental retardation
  1. 学龄期智能落后与儿童早期发育相关因素分析

    The correlation analysis between mental retardation at school age and negative factors in early development of childhood

  2. 抚触对婴儿早期发育的影响学龄期智能落后与儿童早期发育相关因素分析

    Study on the Effect of Baby Touch on the Infant 's Early Development The correlation analysis between mental retardation at school age and negative factors in early development of childhood

  3. 若此时能及早得到诊断及治疗,可避免新生儿重要脏器的不可逆性损害,更能避免体格生长、智能发育落后,甚至死亡。

    If we can get this diagnosis and treatment , can avoid the irreversible damage to vital organs , more can avoid physical growth , intelligent development backwardness , and even death .

  4. 结果:治疗组的各项体格指数比对照组高、精神发育异常率比对照组低,其中两组身高、体重指数和智能发育落后例数差异均有显著性。

    Result : At the age of six month height and weight index 、 intellectual development index in treatment group were significantly higher than those in control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 结果观察组及对照组分别有1776%、600%发生智能发育落后,异常顺位为语言障碍、适应性障碍、个人&社交障碍、精细动作落后、大运动落后。

    Results 17.76 % cases in the observation group and 6.00 % in the contrast group lagged behind in petty and major actions , including language barriers , suitability barriers and personal-social barriers .

  6. 早产儿(3例)体格智能发育稍落后,足月儿(4例)正常。

    Physical and mental development in 3 premature infants was slightly delayed while normal in the 4 full-term infants .

  7. 虽然诺基亚的智能机继续落后于其他品牌,但在传统手机市场他依然是王牌。

    Nokia continues to lag in smartphones , but its reputation for robust construction , ease of use , and low-key style has helped it dominate mass-market handsets .

  8. 随着汽车行业的高速发展,汽车空调越来越受到汽车厂商和消费者的重视,而目前国内的汽车空调在舒适性、耗能、智能控制方面落后于发达国家,还有待进一步的提高和改善。

    With the rapidly development of automotive industry , car manufactures and consumers paid more and more attention to the automatic air-conditioner , but domestic automobile air-conditioner fall the time behind of developed country in comfort , energy consumption and intelligent control , it is remains further improvements .

  9. 还好LG电视业务取得成功,因为它的智能手机业务很落后。

    Success in TVs for LG is just as well because its smartphones are falling behind .

  10. 分析人士称,苹果在升级Siri语言助手和推出智能扬声器上已经落后,亚马逊已经于2014年推出了Echo。

    Analysts say Apple has been slow to improve its Siri virtual assistant and launch a smart speaker , after Amazon launched its Echo in 2014 .

  11. 运用多元智能理论在智力落后儿童教育中进行了多方面的实践和研究。

    There are a lot of practice and researches on application of multiple intelligences theory in education for mentally retarded children .

  12. 分析人士批评任天堂在迎合日益增长的智能手机市场方面落后于索尼等竞争对手,手游开发姗姗来迟。

    Analysts have criticised the company for lagging its rivals like Sony and being late to the game in catering to the growing smartphone market .

  13. 根据Canalys的数据,就在去年10月,苹果还只是中国市场上排名第六位的智能手机制造商,落后于华为、联想、三星、小米和宇龙。

    Just last October , the company was the No. 6 smartphone maker in China , behind Huawei , Lenovo , Samsung , Xiaomi and Yulong , according to Canalys .