
  • 网络ocbc;OCBC Bank;Oversea-Chinese Banking;OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED;Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp
  1. 但据新加坡CalamanderCapital估计,这将使华侨银行的资产管理规模增加两倍多,从而跻身亚洲前十。

    But this will more than triple OCBC 's AUM , vaulting it into Asia 's top 10 , on estimates by Singapore-based Calamander Capital .

  2. 由于汇丰不愿意提供更多东西,华侨银行凭借着不会裁减新员工的承诺最终胜出。

    With HSBC unwilling to offer more , OCBC won out thanks to a pledge to shield its new staff from redundancies .

  3. 但按照将于2019年生效的巴塞尔III规则,华侨银行为永亨支付的商誉等项目将不得计入核心资本。

    But the full Basel III reforms , which come into force in 2019 , will strip out items such as the goodwill paid for Wing Hang from the core measure of capital strength .

  4. 上周早些时候,华侨银行(OCBCBank)分析师巴纳巴斯o贾恩曾写道:历史上,军事干预一直都是结束政治冲突和建立合法政府的有效方法。

    In a note earlier this week , Barnabas Gan , an analyst with OCBC Bank , wrote , Historically , a military intervention has been effective in ending political strife and establishing a legitimate government presence .

  5. 对5.5亿美元资本盈余进行调整后,华侨银行支付的价格相当于该部门管理资产价值的5.8%,高于宝盛收购ING瑞士资产所支付的2.3%。

    The price paid represents 5.8 per cent of the unit 's assets under management , after adjusting for surplus capital of $ 550m . This compares with the 2.3 per cent measure paid by Julius Baer for ING 's Swiss assets .

  6. 华侨银行同意保留荷兰国际集团亚洲私人银行部门的管理层以及为他们提供支持的员工。

    It has agreed to retain the ING unit 's management and their support staff .

  7. 华侨银行为其收购荷兰国际集团亚太业务的价格进行了辩护,称此项收购将增加其明年的每股收益。

    OCBC defended the price it paid for the regional ING unit , an acquisition it said would add to earnings per share next year .

  8. 华侨银行旗下的附属保险公司大东方控股,在资产和市场份额方面,是新加坡及马来西亚地区最大的保险集团。

    OCBC Bank 's insurance subsidiary , Great Eastern Holdings , is the largest insurance group in Singapore and Malaysia in terms of assets and market share .

  9. 新加坡华侨银行为其12.2%的股份支付了约7500万美元,法国巴黎银行支付了8700万美元。两者均将获得丰厚收益,至少在纸面上是这样。

    OCBC paid around $ 75m for its 12.2 per cent stake and BNP Paribas $ 87m . Both stand to make healthy profits , at least on paper .

  10. 星展银行、华侨银行、大华银行的私人银行部门管理的资产,规模增速超过了2011年该地区私人财富11%的增速。

    Growth in assets under management at the private banking divisions of DBS , OCBC and UOB outpaced the 11 per cent growth in regional private wealth in 2011 .

  11. 上述现金交易令华侨银行的私人银行业营业资本增长了两倍,达到230亿美元。这是境况不佳的西方金融集团在亚太地区的最新资产处置举措。

    The cash deal , which triples OCBC 's private banking funds to $ 23bn , marks the latest asset disposal in the region by a troubled western financial group .

  12. 新中国成立后,保留了汇丰银行、东亚银行、华侨银行和渣打银行4家外资银行继续在上海营业。

    After the founding of New China , retained HSBC , Bank of East Asia , OCBC Bank and Standard Chartered Bank to continue to four foreign banks operating in Shanghai .

  13. 钱乃骥表示,华侨银行将通过减少风险加权资产(资本充足率计算公式中的分母)、出售非核心资产来逐步提高资本充足率。

    Mr Tsien said the bank would move over time to improve the ratio by reducing its risk-weighted assets – the denominator against which capital is measured – and selling non-core assets .

  14. 收购和配股完成后,华侨银行的一级普通股本资本充足率按照现行监管标准将为13.2%,仍高于其他许多银行。

    After the acquisition and the rights issue , OCBC will have a common equity tier one ratio of 13.2 per cent under current regulatory standards , still higher than many peers .

  15. 汇丰银行正重新将注意力聚焦于传统的亚洲根基,它曾被视为收购这些资产的热门人选,而汇丰和华侨银行之间的竞争帮助推高了出售价格。

    HSBC , which is refocusing its attention on its traditional Asian roots , was considered a strong favourite to acquire the assets and the competition helped to push up the sale price .

  16. 华侨银行计划通过收购永亨银行扩展自身在中国内地的业务,同时搭建起一个平台,以更好地利用中国和自身大本营东南亚之间不断增长的贸易往来。

    OCBC intends to use the deal to boost its existing presence in the mainland and establish a platform for better capturing the growing trade flows between China and its southeast Asia home .