
Huá Zhōnɡ Shī Fàn Dà Xué
  • Central China Normal University;Central China Teachers' University
  1. 本文以虚拟华中师范大学校园系统为实例,开发了基于VEGA平台的部分可交互虚拟三维浏览环境,在虚拟校园的漫游过程中对碰撞检测进行了研究和探讨。

    Based on the campus of HuaZhong Normal University as a virtual space , develop virtual three-dimensional browse environment based on VEGA platform . The collision detection during virtual walkthrough process is discussed in this paper .

  2. HW02是华中师范大学创制的新型除草剂。

    HW02 is a novel herbicide which is discovered by Central China Normal University .

  3. 22岁的郑旭来自华中师范大学教育专业,他表示后悔自己当初过于直率:有朋友曾想开着他的Peugeot在校园里兜风,而他们根本没有驾照。

    Zheng Xu , 22 , a teaching major at Central China Normal University , regrets having been too straightforward when some friends asked him if they could take his Peugeot for a spin around campus , without a license .

  4. 华中师范大学教学区总体规划

    Master Plan of the Teaching Zone in Central China Normal University

  5. 高校室外公共活动空间的思考与探索&以华中师范大学为例

    Outdoor Public Space in Campus : a Case of Huazhong Normal University

  6. 高校校园绿地分析与研究&以华中师范大学为例

    Green Space in Campus : A Case of Central China Normal University

  7. 1994年和2004年华中师范大学副高职以上人群心血管危险因素的分析

    Analysis of cardiovascular risk factors among senior intellectuals in Huazhong Normal University in 1994 and 2004

  8. 华中师范大学汉口分校

    Central China Normal University Hankou branch

  9. 它主要选取了华中师范大学英语专业的免费师范毕业生。

    This paper has mainly chosen the free normal graduates of English major in Huazhong Normal University .

  10. 研究结果表明:①华中师范大学通识教育实施效果良好。

    The results show that : ① the General Education of Central China Normal University has achieved success .

  11. 构筑知识的殿堂&华中师范大学南湖校区教学实验综合楼设计

    Building Knowledge Palace : Design of Teaching Experiment Complex Building in South Lake Campus of Huazhong Normal University

  12. 三个面向,理论务农:社会科学研究的反思性转换&华中师范大学中国农村问题研究中心20年回顾

    On Looking Back the 20 year 's Research of the Chinese Rural Problems Center in Central China Normal University

  13. 低成本高品质的设计实践&华中师范大学南湖校区学生食堂设计体会

    Design Practice with Low-cost and High-quality : Design of Student Canteen in South Lake Campus of Huazhong Normal University

  14. 最后,以华中师范大学为例对构建的评价指标体系进行简单的应用和分析,实践证明其具有一定的可行性。

    Lastly , taking the Central China Normal University for example to apply and analysis the evaluation index system .

  15. 建筑与环境的有机结合&华中师范大学理科综合楼创作体验

    An Organic Combination of Architecture and Environment & reation Experiences of Science Comprehensive Building in Central China Normal University

  16. 华中师范大学图书馆纸质期刊馆藏结构和使用效益分析

    Analysis on the Collection Structure and Utilization Benefit of Paper Periodicals in the Library of Central China Normal University

  17. 华中师范大学大学体育的改革与转型主要体现在体育理念和体育思想、体育教育模式、课程体系、管理模式等方面。

    , which were mainly embodied in sports concepts , P. E. modes , course arrangement system and management system etc.

  18. 曲水绿荫的校园空间环境&谈华中师范大学分校校园规划设计

    Curving Lake and Greenbelt Space in the Campus & General Planning of the Branch Campus of Central China Normal University

  19. 并重点论述了华中师范大学大学生艺术团的在校园文化育人中的作用。

    Focuses on the role of the Students Art Troupe of the Central China Normal University campus cultural education among .

  20. 以华中师范大学部分体测数据作为软件的测试数据,完成了软件的阶段测试。

    Using the Central China Normal University press in data as test data of the software , completed the software testing .

  21. 我校是华中师范大学一附中举办的一所小学初中寄宿制学校。

    Our school was set up by No.1 middle school attached to HuaZhong Normal university and includes both primary and middle schools .

  22. 湖北省武汉市的华中师范大学为学生和他们的父母提供了离开家之后的临时之家。

    The Central China Normal University in Wuhan , Hubei province is offering students and their parents a temporary home away from home .

  23. 因为缺乏合适和经济的住处,华中师范大学从2005年开始用其体育馆来给学生的家长提供住宿。

    The Central China Normal University began using its stadium to house students'parents in2005 , due to a lack of suitable and affordable accommodation .

  24. 华中师范大学二年级学生,18岁的杜敬琳就正为买送礼物而发愁。

    Du Jinglin , an 18-year-old sophomore at Central China Normal University , is bothered by all the gifts she has to buy and distribute .

  25. 现任福建武夷学院中文系教授,华中师范大学中国新诗研究中心特约研究员。

    Incumbent Fujian military Wuyi Institute Chinese Department professor , central China Normal University China free verse written in the vernacular Research Center special researcher .

  26. 这个名为替你买的微博账号由三名来自华中师范大学武汉传媒学院的大二女生创建。

    The micro blog Help You Buy was launched by three female sophomores from the Wuhan Media and Communication College at Central China Normal University .

  27. 比如,一位姓陈(音译)的毕业生和她的男友都毕业于中国中部湖北武汉的华中师范大学。

    For example , a graduating student surnamed Chen and her boyfriend are both from Wuhan-based Huazhong Normal University in Central China ` s Hubei Province .

  28. 以华中师范大学的实践为例,介绍利用网上学位论文数据库资源来实现本校学位论文数据库回溯建库的一种便利快捷的建库方法。

    The paper give an example of our university , introduce a convenience way on how to carry on the dissertation retrospective database by the on-line resources .

  29. 官方媒体周三引用华中师范大学中国农村研究院一份报告中的话说,中国的贫富差距正在逼近警戒线。

    On Wednesday , state media quoted a report by the state-backed Center for Rural Studies as saying inequality in China was approaching ' danger ' levels .

  30. 本研究主要采用了问卷法和访谈法对华中师范大学幼师国培班(2013年)的参训幼儿教师培训需求情况进行了实证研究。

    The empirical research is carried out on one class of preschool teachers state training in Central China normal university ( 2013 ) on their training demands .