
  1. 在被问到是否希望华视传媒当初能早点上市时,公司首席财务长刘丹(DinaLiu)表示,这只是首日上市交易,今后还有很长的路。

    Asked if she wished her company had come public earlier in the year , VisionChina Media Chief Financial Officer Dina Liu said , 'It 's just the first day of trading , and we have a long way ahead of us .

  2. 华视传媒这样的广告公司在中国有很多增长机会。

    There 's so many growth opportunities for advertisers like us in China . '

  3. 总部位于深圳的华视传媒主要在公交车和其它场所的数字显示屏上播出广告和本地电视节目。

    VisionChina , based in Shenzhen , operates digital-video displays on buses and other locations , delivering advertising and local-television content .

  4. 华视传媒签约中国网球大奖赛,成为2010“梅赛德斯-奔驰杯”中国网球大奖赛媒体合作伙伴。

    Vision Media has agreed to join the China Tennis Grand Prix " Mercedes-Benz Cup " as a media promotion partner in2010 .

  5. 华视传媒将开展为期一个月的赛前推广活动,在南京地铁高峰时段播放大奖赛宣传视频。

    VM will launch a month-long video pre-event promotion campaign that will include video advertisements on subway trains throughout Nanjing during both the morning & evening rush hours .

  6. 最后根据前文对项目的评价和判断,本文最终得出华视传媒电视娱乐节目项目在政策,经济等方面而言都是切实可行的。

    Finally , on the basis of above four parts , the paper draw a final conclusion thatHua-Shi media television entertainment program project is feasible in policy , market , function and finance .