
SVD Analysis between the annually first raining period precipitation in the south of China and the SST over offshore waters in China
Application of OLR data in analysis and forecast of exceptionally heavy rain in April-June rainy season in South China
Results show that western Pacific subtropical high and wind anomalies over the northeast of Lake Baikal and middle of Indian Ocean are important factors .
Relation between Pre-flood Season Precipitation Anomalies in South China and Water Vapor Transportation
The Forecast of Torrential Rain in Southern of China , Former Flood Season
Features Analysis of the Different Precipitation Periods in the Pre-flood Season in South China
Spatial Patterns of Frontal Rainfall and Summer Monsoon Rainfall during Pre-rainy Season in South China
Relationship between the variation of Antarctic sea ice and the pre flood season rainfall in southern China
Influence factors and prediction method on flood / drought during the first rainy season in South China
Circulation features of the abnormal winter monsoon and their relation with the early summer rainfall over South China
Analysis on Large-Scale Circulation Characteristic of Meiyu Rainstorm and Structure of Meiyu Front in Zhejiang Province during 2008
Heavy Rainfalls in South China and Related Circulation during First GARP Global Experiment Period GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
Wind anomalies over the northern India in January and the northwest Pacific in March may be strong prediction signals .
The influence of abnormal snow cover over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and East Asian Monsoon on early rainy season rainfall over South China
Besides both of the rainfall and rainy days have main oscillation periods of quasi-2 year , quasi-3-5 and quasi-6-8 years .
There were the heavy rainfalls happening in warm sector ahead of the front in South China during the pre-rainy season .
A Last Severe Precipitation Pre-flood Season in Fujian Features Analysis of the Different Precipitation Periods in the Pre-flood Season in South China
Numerical Simulation and Analysis on the Cloud Microphysics Fields of " 98.5 " Heavy Rainfall of South China in Pre-Summer Flood Season
A comparative study of a frontal and a non-frontal convective systems But the forward made a foul in the penalty area .
Besides , another reason of the heavy rain may be that the kinetic energy perturbation is released concentrically in South China .
Based on the precipitation data some years of drought and flood for the first rainy season over South China are Searated .
Results show that flood season precipitation in South China reveals different low frequency oscillation in pre-flood season and latter flood season .
Analysis of the definition of the onset and ending dates of the annually first rainy season in South China and Its Interannual Variation Characteristics
Ana lysis of bright band 's features of 0 ℃ cloud layer in gutian , Fujian Province during the first rainy season in South China
Response of rainy season onset to precedent anomalous Tropical Circulation Analysis of precipitation in the annually first rainy period and general circulation in the south of China
The main results are obtained as follow : the pre-flood season in South China is composed of the frontal precipitation period and the summer monsoon precipitation period .
The diagnosis and numerical simulation research of the torrential rain during the course of the rain belt extending towards the north in pre-flood season in the southern China
The first rainy season in south China is an important period of annual typical rainfall variation in China , and usually results in flood in south China .
The Space-time Change of Rainstorm and Origin Cause of Formation in Pre-Summer Flood Period of South China ; The Causes of Heavy Rainfall in Weihai in July 2008
In the mid-upper layer of troposphere , the high meridional temperature gradients lies in the southern latitude while the low in the northern part during the frontal precipitation period .