
  • 网络harmonized standard
  1. 最近,欧洲协调标准EN13445《非直接受火压力容器》提出了一种不同于传统方法的多鞍座卧式容器的最新设计方法,这是多鞍座卧式容器设计第一次正式写入标准。

    A new method was given in European harmonized standard & EN13445 Unfired Pressure Vessels . It is the first time that the method of design of horizontal pressure vessel on multi-saddles was written in the official standard .

  2. 欧盟承压设备技术法规和标准介绍&指令和协调标准

    Introduction the Technical Rules and Standards of European Pressure Equipment & Directive and Harmonized Standard

  3. 组合设备及多路无线电设备欧盟EMC协调标准解析

    Guide to the Application of EU Harmonized EMC Standards to Combined Equipment and Multi-radio Equipment

  4. 但是,相信既然A8修订文件即将采纳为协调标准,正式的EC型式检测可能也就不再需要了。

    However , it is understood that as harmonization of Amendment A8 will be imminent , a formal EC type-examination is unlikely to be required .

  5. IPPC秘书处同成员国政府和区域植物保护组织磋商决定制定标准的优先领域并且协调标准的制定过程。

    The IPPC Secretariat , in consultation with member governments and RPPOs , defines priorities FOR standard setting and coordinates their elaboration .

  6. 欧盟低电压电气指令内容及协调标准

    Contents and Coordinate Standard of EEC Low-voltage Electrical Equipment EUROPE

  7. 城市化与生态环境协调标准及其评价模型研究

    Study on the Coordinative Criteria and Coordination Degree Model between Regional Urbanization and Eco-environment

  8. 住宅建筑模数协调标准

    Standard for modular coordination of dwelling houses

  9. 欧盟医疗器械标准管理体系由指令、协调标准以及符合性评估程序组成。

    Medical devices standards system in EU is composed of directive , harmonized standards and conformity assessment procedures .

  10. 现行建筑模数协调标准体系存在的问题与修订

    Existent problems in system of coordination standards in force at home for constructional module and their revision opinions

  11. 政府除了建立倾向于本地化自由/开源软件的政府采购政策,在去除障碍,提供资助和协调标准方面也要担当重要角色。

    Beyond establishing governmental purchasing policies that favour localized foss , governments have an important role in removing obstacles , providing funding and coordinating standards .

  12. 结合工作实践,对我国现行建筑模数协调标准体系存在的问题提出了修订意见。

    Associated with constructional practice , the existent problems in the system of coordination standards in force at home for constructional module are reviewed and opinions of their revision are presented .

  13. 根据胶合木的主要物理力学性能和我国住宅建筑模数协调标准,借鉴国外木结构的结构形式,确定胶合木结构住宅的基本结构形式为梁柱承重的框架体系。

    Confirming Post-Beam frame as the basic type of glued laminated timber structure according to the Glulam physical mechanic features , our Building Modular Coordination Standard and structure type of foreign timber structure .

  14. 研究表明,该协调标准和模型意义明确、应用简单,能有效判别区域间城市化与生态环境协调的不同发展层次,对于协调区域城市化发展与生态环境保护等具有一定的意义。

    The study shows that the coordinative criteria and model are univocal and easy to apply . They can effectively distinguish the different development levels of regional urbanization and eco-environment coordination , and are effective for coordinating regional urbanization development and eco-environment protection .

  15. 这种以母国控制为手段、以最低协调标准为基础的相互认可制度,为过渡时期的欧盟金融服务市场创造了一个颇具特色的法律框架。

    Based on the minimum harmonization and the principle of Home country control , combining the means of centralized regulatory control with the decentralized regulatory control , mutual recognition regime creates a distinctively transitional legal framework for the EU in the field of financial services .

  16. 文中论述了CE标志和《技术协调与标准化新方法》指令之间的关系,给出了企业获得CE标志的具体步骤。

    The article describes the relations between CE mark and directives of European harmonized standards , and presents the detailed procedures on how to get CE mark .

  17. 该规范还提供一个内容机制iContext,用它来控制页面的整体管理,包括页面级控制、布局、协调、标准和用户定义服务。

    The specification also provides a context mechanism , iContext , which controls overall management of a page , including page-level controls , layout , coordination , and standard and user-defined services .

  18. 技术协调和标准化政策工作队

    Working Party on Technical Harmonization and Standardization Policies

  19. 他说,中国的协议集中在基本问题上,例如减少关税,制订定配额以及协调海关标准等。

    He says Chinese agreements focus on such basic issues as reducing tariffs and quotas and harmonizing customs standards .

  20. 为了协调这些标准化组织的工作和优化这些设计,它们最好能遵从一种规范的方法。

    In order to coordinate the work of these standards organizations , and in order to optimize the designs , it is desirable to follow a well-defined methodology .

  21. 协调的环境标准能促进贸易,差异的环境标准会被贸易保护主义者用来限制贸易,在金融危机背景下更容易被WTO成员方利用作为贸易壁垒。

    Harmonized environmental standards will promote trading , while diverged environmental standards would be used to restrict trade by trade protectionism , especially during the period of financial crisis .

  22. 模数协调与建筑标准化是现代主义盛期的重要日程之一。

    Modular coordination and building standardization was a part of the critical agenda of high modernism .

  23. 所有的计画与准备都要达到与制作人协调同意的标准。

    You have to organize and prepare in order to arrive at what was agreed with the producer .

  24. 协调性翻译标准包括“忠实原则”和“具体情况具体分析”两个部分。

    Compromising translation criterion is " the loyalty principle " plus " making a concrete analysis of concrete conditions " .

  25. ISO9001:2000标准已于2000年底公布,八项质量管理原则是该标准修订的重要依据,修订后的标准与ISO9004:2000标准成为一对协调一致的标准。

    ISO9001:2000 standard , which has been published by the end of 2000 , is mainly based on the eight quality management principals .

  26. 社会风气是社会文明程度的重要标志,也是衡量社会发展是否全面协调的重要标准。

    The society is an important symbol of social civilization , as well as comprehensive , coordinated development of society is an important standard .

  27. 根据城市化与生态环境交互作用的时空规律,基于协同论的观点指出城市化与生态环境协调的评判标准并构建了二者之间的协调度模型。

    Based on synergistic theory and the interaction regularity between urbanization and ecological environment , this paper puts forward the coordinative criteria and coordination degree model .

  28. 手机电视是广电和通信产业融合的重要尝试,主管部门的协调和技术标准的制订将直接影响未来三网融合的进程。

    The coordination of the offices in charge and the establishment of technology standards will directly affect the progress of the network integration in the future .

  29. 目前我国信息标准化缺乏理论研究和标准协调,评价标准化的指标和方法不统一。

    At present , our information standardization is short of theory research and concerted standard , and has not uniform guideline and method that evaluates information standardization .

  30. 我们所说的贸易协定实际上是关于保护投资、以及在诸如知识产权等领域实现监管协调和建立标准的协定。

    What we call trade agreements are in fact deals on the protection of investment and on achieving regulatory harmonisation and establishment of standards in areas such as intellectual property .