- univocality

If the sources are on the different levels , P value of the form means the sum value of single meaning type .
The ambiguous index of the ambiguous form refers to the figure of the single meaning type which is included in the form , expressed with P. And the ambiguous source of it is the same as ambiguous examples ' .
Vectorization is performed based on Primitive Regions Adjacency Graphs .
Eight prefixes are univocal , and twenty three multivocal .
Typical Semantic Paradoxes and Their Presuppositions of Single Meaning Sentence
On the Semantics of the English Modals and Its Return to Monosemy
An Algorithm for Recognizing Circular Arcs and Circles Using Primitive Region Adjacency Graph
Monosyllabic noun is partially monosemy , but monosyllabic adjective and verb are mostly polysemy .
The cognition frequency of the single item is often unbalanced in the ambiguity structure .
The graph is used to represent geometry property and topology relationship of the image .
An algorithm of extracting characters from scanned image of engineering drawings using primitive region adjacency graph
The concept of fair has multiple meanings . The relation between fak and efficiency is complex .
Previous study method can by sorted as Single-meaning , Multi-meaning , or , as Designed-meaning , Interpreted-meaning , Content-noumenon .
The influence of the related degree of a polysemous word ′ s meanings on the lexical decision times was explored .
Analyzing geometry and topology features of Primitive regions , we can get the intersection regions which imply adjacency among them .
The main norm to follow is the univocal characteristic , and all is guided by the theory of the modern linguistics .
The paper presents a method to recognize integral lines in scanned image of engineering drawings based on a primitive regions adjacency graph .
For the language symbol , the former is single meaning , obeying standard grammars , the latter is compound meaning , violating the grammars .
Today we needs self-consciously consciously carries on the terminology in the modern thought science and under the linguistics theory instruction the induction and the construction .
A monosemous lexical item has a single sense , while polysemy is the association of two or more related senses with a single linguistic form .
The meanings of the whole word of these two-syllable adverb-verb structure compound words have some features , such as monosemy , narrows and so on .
Figurative Words are mostly words which have single meaning , the significance of a dark color or saucy or refined , its performance edge is very prominent .
Through at many pieces of it the observations of articles , we think that it possess following characteristics by the terms of Stylistics : Single meaning , professional , ambiguity and international .
In the second chapter , we mainly discuss the characteristics of the monosyllables from three aspects , i.e. literary ( distinguish the character andword ), syntax ( substantive and empty word ), semantics .
This article defines vocabulary concerning computer as the combination of the words giving the technical terms in IT field a sole meaning and the new set phrases of IT coming up in social life .
Ambiguity phenomena are described from multivocal word , single meaning word and abbreviation , and it is analyzed the causes of the ambiguous sentence It is the ambiguous development cause because there is a multi-explained word in sentence .
From the point of view of the relations between the amount of words contained in the meaning of words and word sense , can be divided into different meaning categories , such as single synonym , polysemous words , synonyms , antonyms .