
dān liè
  • single-row;single file
单列 [dān liè]
  • [single file] 一个跟一个成单行走动的人、动物

单列[dān liè]
  1. 单列和双列满滚子圆柱滚子轴承(后缀V)特别用于高负荷低速运行。

    Single-row and double-row full-complement cylindrical roller bearings ( suffix V ) are used for particularly high loads at low speeds .

  2. 正如单列型,外圈滚道是球面。

    As in the single-row type , the outer-ring raceway is spherical .

  3. 这些方程以单列矩阵方程表示会更简单。

    These equations are written more concisely as a single columnmatrix equation .

  4. 在此情况下,EMPNO列可以作为EMPTABLE的由单列组成的分区键。

    In this case , the EMP_NO column would make a good single-column partitioning key for EMP_TABLE .

  5. 介绍了用由面阵CCD组成的单列阵扫描法测量大型显像管玻壳模具的表面裂纹和砂眼等缺陷。

    A measuring method of the surface defects for the large model of the monitor tube , by scanning with planar CCD array is presented .

  6. 专业生产各类单列圆锥,双列角接触汽车轴承,以及第一、二、三、四代轮毂轴承单元(带ABS传感器)。

    The factory is producing all kinds of Taper Roller Bearings , DAC Wheel bearings , and Hub Assembly with ABS sensor from1st to4th generation .

  7. 文章讨论了以工时及成本最低为优优目标的FMS中设备单列式优化排列的数学模型及其建立原理;

    The paper discusses the model and principle of single-row machine layout , taking the lowest time and cost as the objection ;

  8. 论文专门单列一个章节对HB大客户营销体系实施进行了应用验证,提出了体系的实施保障措施。

    A special chapter was separated to test and verify the VIP marketing system of HB company and gave out system guarantee methods .

  9. 随函所附的价目单列有我们CIF最低价,相信非常具有竞争力。

    The enclosed price list will give your our best CIF prices which we believe are highly competitive .

  10. 一队多数由年轻女子驾驶的柔和色调的大众甲壳虫(vwbeetles),排成庄严的单列纵队行进,为了保持队形甚至不惜闯红灯。

    A cortege of pastel-coloured VW beetles , driven mostly by young girls , proceeded past in stately single file , running red lights to stay in formation .

  11. 而我对NACE单列的人文学科就业需求排行榜尤为感兴趣。政治学/公共事务管理学位居榜首,紧随其后的是哲学、英语、社会学,最后是历史&这让我有点难过。

    Political science / government ranked at the top , followed by psychology , English , sociology and finally , and to me somewhat sadly , history .

  12. 类型Ⅰ:筛管分子端壁倾斜,筛域数多,都为复筛板,韧皮射线大多为单列。卫矛属(Euonymus)的5种植物属于这一类型;

    In type ⅰ, as seen in 5 species of Euonymus , the sieve tube elements have more inclined end walls and numerous sieve areas ( compound sieve plates ), phloem rays are almost uniseriate .

  13. KCB-300~960型泵采用机械密约装置,轴承采用单列向心球轴承。

    KCB-300 ~ 960 type pump adopts mechanical device , bearing the single cut to the heart ball bearings .

  14. 第三章研究了Koszul遗传代数上的Koszul单列模并证明了Koszul遗传代数上的Koszul模M的Koszul合成列在同构意义下是唯一的。

    In chapter 3 , we study the Koszul uniserial module on Koszul hereditary algebra , moreover we prove that the Koszul composition series of Koszul moduls on Koszul hereditary algebra is unique up to isomorphism .

  15. 木射线为单列或多列的异型射线,由横卧细胞、方形细胞和直立细胞共同构成。

    The marginal ray cells are squared cells or upright cells .

  16. 海洋平台单列群桩效应的研究

    Research to Single Row Crowd Stake Effects in a Marine Platform

  17. 单列叶栅紊流流场有限分析数值研究

    Finite analytic solution of turbulent flow field through cascade of airfoil

  18. 对单列向心球轴承摩擦系数的研究

    A Research on Friction Coefficients of Single Radial Ball Bearings

  19. 单列双向螺旋槽干气密封的性能研究

    Research on Performance of Dry Gas Seal with Single-row Bidirectional Spiral Grooves

  20. 单列径向止推滚珠轴承

    E-direction self-aligning ball thrust bearing radial Bearing and thrust Bearing

  21. 关于深化城市计划单列的思考

    The Reflect on Deepening City 's Planned Single - list

  22. 研制了一种高精度、低温度系数单列直插式电阻网络。

    A resistor network in single inline package is developed .

  23. 单列向心推力球轴承开心式液压助力转向系

    Single row angular contact ball bearing open center hydraulic power steering system

  24. 其中大部分是带有一个保持架的单列轴承。

    The majority are single row bearings with a cage .

  25. 单列向心推力球轴承平向扩展的单核心家庭

    Single row angular contact ball bearing one horizontally extended family

  26. 单列短圆柱滚子轴承柔性航天器单轴姿态机动的鲁棒稳定性分析

    Single row cylindrical roller bearing Robust stability of flexible spacecraft during attitude maneuver

  27. 本例创建保存整数值的单列临时表。

    This example creates a single-column temporary table that holds an integer value .

  28. 二是将没收作为一种独立处分,以对财产的强制处理方法的名义单列;

    Two is consider " expropriation " as a kind of independent punishment ;

  29. 单列角接触球轴承能够提供径向和推力载荷。

    Single row angular contact ball bearings can accommodate radial and thrust loads .

  30. 这帐单列出了所有的服务费。

    The bill listed the charges for all services .