
  • 网络unit crime
  1. 对单位犯罪自首有关问题的法律思考

    Give oneself up relevant legal consideration of issue to unit crime

  2. 建立单位犯罪量刑制度的构想

    Conceiving About Up building Systems of Unit Crime in Measuring Penalty

  3. 单位犯罪的两罚制及其完善

    Dual Punishment System of Crimes Committed by Unit and Its Perfection

  4. 单位犯罪中行、刑两种性质的交叉关系

    On Intersect Relative Between Administrative and Criminal Nature in Corporate Crime

  5. 因此,必须对现行刑事诉讼法进行修订。我国刑法对单位犯罪中犯罪单位的处罚只规定了罚金刑。

    So , we must revise current criminal procedure law .

  6. 第二部分:关于单位犯罪入罪标准的理论争议。

    PartII : Theory controversy on the standard of the unit crime .

  7. 关于单位犯罪刑罚论的几个问题

    On Several Problems of the Theory of Penalty to the Unit Crime

  8. 试论单位犯罪与共同犯罪的关系

    On the relationship between crimes committed by a unit and joint crimes

  9. 浅议单位犯罪的自首立功制度

    A Brief Talk On Voluntary Surrendering and Atoning for Crimes of Units

  10. 第二章是全文的重点,即单位犯罪形态。

    Chapter 2 is the key , namely unit full criminal pattern .

  11. 第三部分是单位犯罪未遂的责任追究。

    Part three is on the investigated duty of unit attempted crime .

  12. 单位犯罪刑事责任研究

    A Study on the Criminal Responsibility of the Unit Crime

  13. 单位犯罪在现代社会,已经不是个别的现象了。

    Organization crime in today 's society becomes a serious social problem .

  14. 论单位犯罪的自首制度

    On the System of a Unit 's Confessing Its Offense

  15. 第四部分对单位犯罪的客体要件进行了探讨。

    Part four explores the object of unit crime .

  16. 没有单位犯罪的立法确立,也就没有单位累犯的研究必要。

    Without these legislations , there is no need to study unit recidivist .

  17. 论我国单位犯罪的特征及责任的承担

    Discussion on the characteristic and the responsibility of the unit crime in China

  18. 论我国单位犯罪中对单位的处罚

    The Punishment on Unit in Unit Crime in China

  19. 论单位犯罪的辩护权

    Studies on the defending Right of the Unit Crime

  20. 单位犯罪作为一种特殊犯罪形态,很多问题都有研究价值。

    As a special form of crime , unit crime values a lot .

  21. 但对于单位犯罪未遂问题,却鲜有专门的论述。

    But they hold silent to unit attempted crime .

  22. 单位犯罪主体界定的理性研究

    The Retional Research on the Judical Assessment of the Subject of Unit Crime

  23. 增设以单位犯罪为适用对象的资格刑刍议

    Deliberation of Extending Qualification Penalty Applying to Unit Crime

  24. 单位犯罪直接责任人员的认定

    On the Determination of the Direct Person Liable in Crimes Committed by Units

  25. 单位犯罪主体认定中的若干疑难问题

    On the Difficult Issues of Subject of Institutional Crime

  26. 单位犯罪与三罚原则

    Crime Committed by a Unit and Triple Punishment Principle

  27. 从理论上分析,单位犯罪也具有过失的形式。

    In theory , unit crime may be negligent .

  28. 这一部分主要论述了单位犯罪未遂责任追究的范围和责任追究的原则。

    This part mainly discusses the range and principle of the investigated duty .

  29. 单位犯罪的现状分析与防治

    Analysis of Present Situation of Legal Person Crime and Its Prevention and Cure

  30. 单位犯罪主体及刑事责任承担者的界定问题探析

    Crime Analysis Unit and the Main Bearer of the Definition of Criminal Responsibility