
dān fānɡ fǎ lǜ xínɡ wéi
  • unilateral legal act
  1. 公司捐赠是一种单方法律行为。

    The corporate donation is a unilateral legal act .

  2. 限制行为能力人的单方法律行为效力亦应为可撤销,经授权限制行为能力人可以从事代理行为。

    The legal effect of the unilateral legal act carried on by the persons with limited capacity should also be recallable and the persons with limited capacity can be authorized to take proxy action .

  3. 第四章:国家单方法律行为的解释。本章运用了从一般到具体的方法。

    Chapter IV : Interpretation of Unilateral Legal Acts of States .

  4. 本文通过对悬赏广告法律性质不同观点的比较,阐述了单方法律行为说的恰当性。

    On the theory of unilateral act , it further discusses the rights and duty of advertisers and designated action executers .

  5. 有效的意思表示,依据不同的情形构成单方法律行为或双方法律行为。

    The valid express of will can constitute one side legal act or both parties ' legal acts on different situations .

  6. 实际上作为宏观调控法的重要范畴,宏观调控行为是以宏观调控为意思表示的单方法律行为。

    In fact , as an important category of macro-control law , macro-control action is an unilateral obligation with meaning of macro-control .

  7. 本文提出,国家单方法律行为的实质性要件应当包括:(1)行为者具备作出单方法律行为的能力;

    This chapter argues that the substantial conditions of validity of unilateral legal acts includes : ( 1 ) the ability of States to formulate legal acts ;

  8. 侦查中的悬赏是一种以特定信息交易为单方法律行为,它基于侦查机关与案件知情者之间的信息不对称而产生。

    Basing on the unbalanced possession of information in a case , to offer a reward for information is a legal unilateral behavior by criminal investigative organs .

  9. 空白票据授权行为属于民事法律行为,而空白票据补充权的授权行为与代理权的授权行为有所差异,在此基础上将其界定为单方民事法律行为为宜。

    The authorization behavior of blank invoice belongs to civil law behavior and there are differences between supplement authorization behavior and authorization behavior of agent rights of blank invoice . Based on above statement , the authorization behavior is defined as civil law behavior .

  10. 授权行为究竟应是单方行为,还是法律行为,此已被我国法律所确定。

    Our country law has made sure the problem that the act of authorization is unilateral act or legal act .

  11. 假一罚十是商家的单方允诺,属于单方法律行为,它以买卖合同为生效条件,属于附条件的单方法律行为。

    " Decuple Penalty for Fake " is the company 's unilateral promise which belong to the unilateral legal act , meanwhile , It regards business contract as to effective term , belonging to the unilateral legal act attached conditions .

  12. 摘要:悬赏广告是广告人以公开方式声明对完成悬赏指定行为的相对人支付报酬的单方意思表示,性质为单方法律行为。

    Abstract : The reward advertisement is the unilateral publicly declaration to pay someone who has completed a specific mission , and the doctrine of unilateral conduct should be applied in defining its nature .

  13. 在国际社会中,各国常常通过各种途径发表一些声明,这些声明虽然是国家单方作出的,却可能会具有法律效果,构成国家的单方法律行为。

    In their conduct in the international sphere , States frequently carry out unilateral acts with the intent to produce legal effects .