
  • Unit step function;【电工】[Heaviside] unit step
  1. 单位阶跃函数的Fourier变换只有一种正确结果

    Correct Fourier Transformation of the Step Function Is Unique

  2. 最后分析了单位阶跃函数、单个脉冲函数、N个脉冲函数在有损介质中传播时电场强度的波形变化。

    The transient responses of electric intensity in a dissipative medium are also discussed for excitation of unit step function . one pulae and N - pulse .

  3. 并且把能够充分体现间歇运动机构的质量捕获和质量逃离的Heaviside单位阶跃函数及其逻辑组合引入动量方程,得出了自动机构运动的一个明确表达式。

    The Heaviside unit step function and its logical groupings are introduced , which fully describe capturing mass and escaping mass in mechanisms with intermittent motion , and a clear formula giving equations of motion for the automatic machanism is obtained .

  4. 用单位阶跃函数研究分段线性电阻网络

    The Study of Piecewise - Linearization Resistive Networks Using Unit Step-Function

  5. 一般函数的单位阶跃函数表达式

    The Expression of Ordinary Function in the Form of Unit Step Function

  6. 单位阶跃函数在梁影响线计算中应用

    Application of Unit-Step Functions in Calculating Beam Influence Lines

  7. 也谈单位阶跃函数在一阶动态电路分析中的用法

    A Discussion on the Use of the Unit Step Function in Analyzing Fist-Order Circuits

  8. 用单位阶跃函数求梁的变形和解连续梁的探讨

    The Discussion of Solution to Beam Deformation and Nonstatic Continuous Beam by Unit Step Function

  9. 本文对单位阶跃函数在一阶动态电路分析中的用法进行了分析,指出了一些在教学或学习过程中值得注意的问题,供教师和学生参考。

    In this paper , the usage of the unit step function is analyzed in the solving fist order circuits . Some problems in teaching are discussed .

  10. 该文应用的方法是,以单位阶跃响应函数辨识被控制过程的等效模型[2];

    In this paper , a unit step response function is applied to identify a model of the controlled process .

  11. 详细分析了采用单位冲击函数和阶跃函数产生双指数脉冲的双口网络,给出了参数设计的原则。

    The design principle of RC two - port parameter is given .