
dān fēn zǐ jì shù
  • single molecular technique
  1. 研究人员还应用了单分子技术,该技术能灵敏检测基因活性。

    The researchers also used a single-molecule technology that enabled them to generate sensitive readouts of gene activity .

  2. 开发新的探针用于检测单个活细胞内生物分子的作用机制,成为单分子技术发展的一个迫切需求。

    So it is greatly needed to develop new probes with potential application in detecting the mechanisms of biological molecules in single living cells .

  3. 利用自组装单分子层技术在传感器金膜表面构建DNA探针修饰电极的研究

    Construction of Electrode Modified with DNA Probe at the Surface of Sensor Gold Membrane by Self-assembled Monolayer Technique

  4. 现就荧光单分子检测技术在研究动力蛋白、DNA转录、酶反应、蛋白质动态性和细胞信号转导方面的应用进展作一综述。

    The present review summarized recent progresses in application of molecule detection techniques in molecular motors , DNA transcription , enzyme reactions , protein dynamics , and cell signaling .

  5. 单分子操作技术已越来越多地应用于相关的核酸研究中,如DNA的打开与修饰、DNA蛋白质相互作用、DNA凝聚、复制和转录。

    Single-molecule manipulation techniques have increasingly been applied to the study of nucleic acids , such as unfolding and modifying DNA , DNA condensation , DNA-protein interaction , replication and transcription .

  6. 荧光相关谱与微流控芯片联用的单分子检测技术

    Combination of Micro-fluidic Chip with Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy for Single Molecule Detection

  7. 荧光单分子检测技术在生命科学中的应用

    Application of the Single Molecule Detection Techniques in Life Science

  8. 对生物单分子检测技术这一研究领域的发展趋势作了展望。

    The trend of this research field is prospected .

  9. 单分子操作技术在核酸研究中的应用

    Application of Single - molecule Manipulation Techniques to the Study of Nucleic Acids

  10. 单分子检测技术的发展现状及展望

    The Development and Prospect of Single Molecules Detection

  11. 单分子操纵技术

    Single Molecule Manipulation Technology

  12. 本文概述了单分子操作技术的原理及其在核酸研究中的应用。

    This paper introduces the principles of single-molecule manipulation and the application to the study of nucleic acids in brief .

  13. 单分子检测技术的发展已经揭开了生命科学研究的新篇章。

    In recent years , the development of single molecule detection techniques has opened up a new era of life science .

  14. 单分子合成技术已经成为研究从植物和动物物种中提取的初加工药品样品的基因变异的有效工具。

    Molecular DNA-based techniques have become an important tool to study genetic variation between samples in raw drugs derived from plants and animal species .

  15. 荧光单分子检测技术是用荧光标记来显示和追踪单个分子的构象变化、动力学,单分子之间的相互作用以及单分子操纵的研究。

    The single molecule detection technique is a technology to study conformational change , dynamics , interaction and manipulation of single molecule by fluoresce labeling .

  16. 单分子探测技术是一项超高灵敏度的探测技术,在生物、医学和环境等领域有着广泛的应用。

    Single molecule detection is a kind of ultra high sensitive detection technique . It is widely used in biology , medicine , environment and so on .

  17. 生物学的研究中,已经从研究群体的共性转为寻找群体之中个体的差异性,进而研究个体的差异对整个群体的影响,单分子检测技术无疑是研究个体差异性的必要手段。

    Biology researches have shifted from studying common characteristics of groups , to individual differences among a group , then to how these differences affect the whole group . To study these differences , single molecule detection technique has gradually become a necessary means in routine experiments .

  18. 单分子操作技术,如原子力显微镜技术、光镊技术和单分子荧光光谱技术,能够对单分子局部力进行测量,因而能在单分子水平上研究核酸的弹性性质和机械诱导的结构转变。

    Single-molecule manipulation techniques , such as atomic force microscopy , optical tweezers and single-molecule spectroscopic methods , can be used to detect local force , so they can be used to study the elastic properties and mechanically induced structural transitions of nucleic acids at the single-molecule level .

  19. 单分子荧光成像技术在液&固界面研究中的应用

    Single-Molecule Fluorescence Imaging at Liquid-solid Interfaces

  20. 随着仪器检测手段的革命性进步,单分子力谱技术得以空前发展。

    With the revolutionary advances in instrument and detection means , single molecule force spectroscopy techniques have developed rapidly .

  21. 近年来新兴的单分子光学成像技术以其高的灵敏度和分辨率正好适应这一发展的要求,而且它们自诞生以来就一直处于迅速的发展中,成为当今生命科学及相关学科研究的前沿和热点。

    From the day of their birth , single molecule optical imaging techniques have been the important research frontier and hotspots of life science and related disciplines .

  22. 同时,我们开发出了高通量的单分子光谱测量技术实现了对新一代荧光探针分子&原子团簇的发光机理、光物理特性等的详细表征。

    We also developed a novel high throughput single molecule spectrum imaging method to characterize the luminescence mechanism and photophysical properties of new generation fluorescent probe , silver nanocluster .

  23. 海洋油气化探中激光单分子BTEX异常处理技术研究

    Study of Anomaly Processing about BTEX Data of Laser Single-Molecule Detection for Marine Oil and Gas Geochemical Prospecting

  24. 本文对海洋油气化探中激光单分子BTEX异常处理技术进行了较全面的研究。

    This paper researches anomaly processing of BTEX data of laser single-molecule detection for marine oil and gas geochemical prospecting by the numbers .

  25. 单分子层自组装技术应用于硝酸铵防吸湿的探讨

    Self assembling Monolayers for Anti - moisture Absorption of Ammonium Nitrate

  26. 本文介绍了基于原子力显微镜技术的几种单分子压弹性测量技术及这些技术的具体应用,同时也简要阐述了这些技术的局限性。

    Here we introduced some measurement techniques based on the atomic force microscopy for compression elasticity of single molecules , and demonstrated the concrete applications and the limitations of these techniques .

  27. 本文综述了近年来单分子检测领域的进展和单分子检测的基本技术,重点介绍了用电化学方法进行单分子检测的发展状况,并展望了单分子检测的发展前景。

    With emphasis on electrochemical detection of single molecule , the basic techniques and results for single molecule detection are reviewed .