
  • 网络GMS;monoglycerides
  1. 单甘酯可提高面团弹性、韧性和强度;

    Monoglycerides can improve dough elasticity , toughness and strength .

  2. 分子蒸馏单甘酯的特性及工业生产

    Characteristics and manufacture of distilled monoglycerides

  3. 油酸单甘酯的RF值较棕榈酸单甘酯的略高。氩离子束溅射沉积PTFE高分子膜

    RF of monoolein is slightly higher than that of monopalmitin . Forming PTFE film by Ar + sputtering deposition

  4. 这种凝胶是由月桂酸单甘酯(GML)制成的,GML常被添加在食物产品中,以抵御有害微生物。

    GML is commonly added to food products to protect against harmful microbes .

  5. 单甘酯40,80mg·kg-1可明显延长小鼠尾出血时间。

    GMS dosages of 40,80 mg · kg - 1 could significantly prolong the tail bleeding time of mice .

  6. 结果表明在添加浓度范围内,单甘酯、吐温-80和OP10对片剂的崩解和溶出均具有明显的加速作用;

    The results show that glyceryl monostearate , Tween-80 and OP-10 could improve the crack of the tablets and lead to fast diffluence of sulfadiazine .

  7. 本论文研究月桂酸单甘酯(简称GML)的合成与提纯,目的是得到单甘酯含量90%以上的产品。

    The objective of this study was to produce high-purity (≥ 90 % ) Glycerol Monolaurate ( GML ) through synthesis and purification .

  8. 以琥珀酸酐,分子蒸馏单甘酯为原料,合成了各项质量指标均符合FAO/WHO标准的琥珀酸单甘酯。

    Succinylated monoglyceride was synthesized by reacting succinic anhydride with distilled monoglyceride , and their quality indices were in accordance with the standards of FAO / WHO .

  9. 其中复配乳化剂由32∶1∶的单甘酯、蔗糖酯和吐温-80组成,HLB为9.4。

    Among which , emulsifiers whose HLB was 9.4 include glycerol monostearate , cane sugar ester and Tween-80 which had the proportion 3:2:1 .

  10. 将其作为乳化稳定剂和优良蛋白源,配合以海藻酸钠和单甘酯,可使制品冲调后24h无油层析出。

    Used as emulsifier , stabilizer and fine protein resource , cooperated with sodium alginate and monoglyceride , sodium caseinate can keep the product stable without oil separation within 24h .

  11. 研究不同亲水性物质柠檬酸、酒石酸、乳酸钠和单甘酯对低糖胡萝卜脯水分活度(Aw)的影响。

    This paper studies the influence of different hydrophilic materials including citric-acid , tartaric-acid , sodium lactate and monoglyceride on Aw of carrot low-sugar preserved fruit .

  12. 结果以A1B2C2D1为优选基质组成,即甘油0.5g、单甘酯1g、石蜡1g、凡士林0.5g。

    Results : The optimum matrix composition was glycerin 0.5g , glyceryl monostearate lg , paraffin wax lg and vaseline 0.5g .

  13. 结果表明:花生奶生产中使用0.2%的分子蒸馏单甘酯与0.12%的CMC-Na,工艺上采用均质,高温杀菌,可获得可靠的稳定效果。

    The results show that a reliable stability can be got by producing peanut milk with homogenizing and high temperature sterilizing , and adding 0.2 % distillation glycerin monostearate , 0.12 % CMC-Na into it .

  14. 通过添加NaCl、柠檬酸、蔗糖等7种添加剂后检查蕨根淀粉的冻融稳定性,结果表明:单甘酯、NaCl、碳水化合物对蕨根淀粉的冻融稳定性有促进作用;

    Fern root starch is studied when adding salt , sugar , CMC , and other food additives . The result indicates : monoglyceride , NaCl , and sucrose can improve the freeze-thaw stabilization of fern root starch ;

  15. 原味豆奶添加0.2%的单甘酯、0.01%的黄原胶或0.05%的CMC,经二次均质、杀菌制得,产品均一稳定、风味良好。

    The primary taste soymilk appended 0.2 % glycerol monostearate , 0.01 % xanthan gum or 0.05 % CMC , after two times homogenizing , sterilization resulted in the homogeneous product and the flavor was good .

  16. 结果表明:当混合乳化剂量为0.1%(其中单甘酯和蔗糖酯1∶1),CMC和PGA各为0.2%时,大大增加饮料的稳定效果,达到预期目的。

    The results show that 0 1 % mixed emulsifiers ( 1 ∶ 1 mixtures of monoglyceride and sucrose fatty acid ester ), 0 2 % CMC and PGA , respectively , are found more effective in increasing stability of the beverage .

  17. 结果表明,质量分数为0.12%的分子蒸馏单甘酯和0.16%蔗糖酯S-13与质量分数为0.24%的CMC-Na和0.02%的黄原胶为芝麻奶稳定剂的最佳组合。

    The result show that the combination of 0.12 % glycerol monostearate , 0.16 % sucrose ester of fatty acid , 0.24 % CMC-Na and 0.02 % xanthan gum was the best stabilizer for the sesame milk .

  18. 单甘酯、甘二酯高纯品的生产、理化性质及特殊用途

    The manufacture , physic-chemical properties and special use of mono-and diglycerides

  19. 研究了单甘酯和蔗糖酯同酪蛋白之间的作用机理。

    Mechanism of monoglycerid and sucrose ester with caseins was studied .

  20. 红花油脂肪酸单甘酯的合成及其宏观动力学研究

    Preparation of safflower oil fatty acid mono-glyceride and study of its macro-kinetics

  21. 油酸单甘酯的合成及其在毛纺中的应用研究

    Synthesis of MONOGLYCERYL ester oleate and its applied study in wool spinning

  22. 反胶团体系脂肪酶催化棕榈油水解合成单甘酯

    Synthesis of Monoglyceride by Lipase-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Palm Oil in Reverse Micelles

  23. 初步认为,单甘酯的最有效添加量为0.085%左右。

    The most effective adding amount of monoglycerid was0.085 % .

  24. 以阿拉伯胶、麦芽糊精为壁材,单甘酯和蔗糖酯为乳化剂制备了微胶囊化红松仁油粉末油脂。

    Pine seed powered oil was produced with microencapsulation .

  25. 陕北石油秩序影响红花油脂肪酸单甘酯合成的因素

    Effect factors of safflower oil fatty acid monoglyceride synthesized

  26. 乳化剂单甘酯、蔗糖酯比例1:3,添加量2%;

    Emulsifier 2 % which was comprised of mono-glyceride and sucrose ester 1:3 ;

  27. 不饱和单甘酯衍生物在甜橙乳化香精中的应用

    Research on the application of the unsaturated monoglyceride derivatives in sweet orange emulsion essence

  28. 中心组合设计优化红花油脂肪酸单甘酯的合成条件

    Optimization of safflower oil fatty acid monoglyceride syn - thesis using central composite design

  29. 重量收率111.5%(以硬脂酸单甘酯计)

    111.5 % product was obtained ( basis in the weight of fatty acid glyceride )

  30. 气相色谱法测定月桂酸单甘酯含量的方法研究

    Study on the Method for the Determination of Glycerol Monolaurate ( GML ) by GC