
  • 网络monotonic function;monotone function;monotonicity function
  1. 由于该求解方法是借助[-1,1]上关于y轴对称的单调函数实现的,结果表明在解存在的判定上优于Embedding法。

    Because the solving method is realized by the Symmetrical monotonic function with y axis on [ - 1,1 ] , the result show that this solving method is better than the embedding method presented for judging the fuzzy solution existence .

  2. 关于一个完全单调函数

    On a Completely Monotonic Function

  3. 而且,蓄热时间和相界面推移速度均随St呈单调函数规律发展。

    In addition , the thermal storage time and the lapse rate of phase interface vary monotonically with Stefan number .

  4. Lorentz空间上单调函数的加权不等式

    Weighted inequalities for monotone functions in Lorentz spaces

  5. 一种基于LUT的二元单调函数的幅值增量比较算法

    Magnitude Incremental Comparison for a Binary Monotone Function Based on LUT

  6. 讨论变分不等式问题VIP(X,F),其中F是单调函数,约束集X为有界区域。

    This paper studies VIP ( X , F ) , where F is a monotone function and constraint set X has the form of box constraint .

  7. 假如在较大的切削速度范围内进行试验时,所得VT曲线并非经常是一单调函数关系,实际上VT曲线有时呈驼峰状。

    If the test is made in a wide range of speed , the V-T curve obtained is not always in a monotonic functional relation , but sometimes becomes a camelback shaped form practically .

  8. 证明了单调函数在Lorentz空间上的加权不等式,作为应用,得到了某些积分算子的双权Lorentz范数不等式的特征刻划。

    The weighted inequalities for monotone functions in Lorentz spaces was proved . As application , the characterizations of two weights Lorentz norm inequalities for some integral operators were obtained .

  9. 研究在Lp(0,2π),(p>1)空间内弱收敛的单调函数列,导出并证明其一组性质。

    The monotone sequence of functions of weak convergence on the Lp ( 0 , 2 π), ( p > 1 ) space is studied and some of its properties are also proved .

  10. 关于上极限与连续单调函数运算的交换问题

    On Commutativity between a Continuous Monotonically Function and Upper Limit

  11. 与几何凸函数有关的一些单调函数的构造

    Construction of Some Monotone Functions Related to Geometric Convex Functions

  12. 单调函数关系限定下的模糊算子的研究

    The Study of the Fuzzy Arithmetic Constrained by Monotone Function

  13. 我们主要讨论了作用在半群上取值于算子代数的完全单调函数。

    We mainly consider completely monotone functions from semigroup to operator algebras .

  14. 基于单调函数的新弱化缓冲算子研究

    Study on weakening buffer operator based on strictly monotone function

  15. 基于单调函数的若干实用强化缓冲算子的构造

    The Construction of Practical Strengthening Buffer Operator Based on the Monotone Function

  16. 完全格上单调函数的不动点定理及其应用

    The Fixed Point Theorem of Monotone Function at Complete Lattice and its Application

  17. 一类单调函数的数学期望

    A Mathematical Expectation for a Class of Monotone Function

  18. 一类奇异单调函数与二进小数的一个度量性质

    A class of singular monotone functions and a metric property of binary decimal

  19. 严格逐段单调函数迭代根的不存在性

    Nonexistence of iterative roots of PM functions

  20. 马尔科夫链理论在奇异单调函数构造中的应用

    An Application of the Theory of Markov Chains to the Construction of Singular Monotone Functions

  21. 我们证明了对于单调函数,区间保持的性质与连续性等价。

    We prove that interval - preserving property is equivalent to continuity for a monotone function .

  22. T.Ando在文献[7]中给出关于几何均值和调和均值的算子不等式,算子单调函数和算子凸函数的刻画。

    T. Ando in [ 7 ] gave some important inequalities on geometric and harmonic means .

  23. 本文进一步证明了序贯均匀设计对椭圆型旋转单调函数类的有效性。

    In this paper , the validity of sequential uniform design for elliptic revolving monotone function was point out .

  24. [-1,1]上同序单调函数的同序变换群与模糊数运算

    Transformation Group of Monotone Functions with Same Monotonic Formal on [ - 1,1 ] and Operations of Fuzzy Numbers

  25. 另一种是利用C~-代数上的算子单调函数来完成的。

    Another type is based on an operator monotone function on a C - algebra . Guoxing Ji and J.

  26. 介绍了一种使用非单调函数作为隐层节点的激励函数的前馈多层神经网络模型构造棉花黄萎病预测系统。

    This paper introduces a multi-layered neural network cotton verticillium prediction system , whose hidden units use non-monotonic activation function .

  27. 但是,可以重新划分各个部分,让斜椭圆弧轨迹在各个部分中是单调函数,从而完成插补。

    However , interpolation can be implemented by re-dividing each quadrant to make the diagonal ellipse arc locus in each part monotonic function .

  28. 该算法将限幅比估计问题转换为一个单调函数求根问题,可以使用二分法快速求解。

    The algorithm considers the CR estimation problem as the rooting problem of a monotonic function , which can be solved with the bisection method .

  29. 最后,我们利用单调函数去构造更一般的结合算子,从而导出很多常用的算子作为特例。

    Lastly we construct more general aggregation operators by means of some monotonous functions , from which some frequently used operators are obtained as special cases .

  30. 给出了当枢轴量和检验统计量的分布密度为单调函数时,寻找最优置信区间方法,并说明了在此条件下进行假设检验选择单侧拒绝域的合理性。

    This paper presents a method to seek the best trust interval when the distribution density for the pivot quantity and the testing statistic quantity is monotone .