
fǎn huí zhí
  • return value
  1. 此外,最后的>=>1是main()的返回值。

    Again , the final > = > 1 is the return value of main () .

  2. 返回值是target类一个实例的代理。

    The return value is a proxy for an instance of the target class .

  3. 函数返回值使用return语句指定。

    The return value of the function is specified with a return statement .

  4. 如果yield发生,return一定只发生在没有伴随任何返回值的情况中。

    If yield occurs , return must only occur without any accompanying return value .

  5. 有返回值SqlServer存储过程的一个调用方法

    A Calling Method of SQL Server Stored Procedure with Returned Value

  6. 如果返回值是STARTELEMENT,则解析事件指示某一元素已经被解析。

    If the return value is START_ELEMENT , the parse event indicates an element has been parsed .

  7. release的返回值会被忽略。

    The return value of release is ignored .

  8. 注意,usernametaken()方法并没有返回值。

    Notice that the username_taken () method does not return a value .

  9. SOAP消息对参数进行编码,并返回值。

    SOAP messages encode parameters and return values .

  10. 通过基于HTTP的API,返回值需要从XML反序列化,然后再设置类型。

    With HTTP-based APIs , the return value needs to be deserialized from XML and then type-casted .

  11. Web服务操作的输入参数及数据类型的返回值对于Web服务的互操作性产生非常大的影响。

    The input parameters and return values of data types of a Web service operation have a great impact on the interoperability of the Web service .

  12. 空的或null数组不是一个有效的返回值。

    An empty or null array is not a valid return value .

  13. 当序列到达返回值“balance”的时候,它检查看看是否余额比金额更少。

    When the sequence gets to the return value " balance ," it checks to see if the balance is less than the amount .

  14. rc参数是一个地址,在该地址可以指定可替换的返回值。

    The rc parameter is the address where an alternate return value can be specified .

  15. 返回值将在另一条SOAP消息里被传送回来,再由客户提取出来。

    The return value will be passed back in another SOAP message and extracted by the client .

  16. 不能探测Java函数的出口点,因此不能获取函数的返回值。

    Exit point of Java functions can not be probed , thus it can not retrieve the return value of a function .

  17. 唯一的主要区别在于,服务将输入和输出定义为XML消息,而不是调用参数和返回值。

    The only major difference is that the service defines inputs and outputs as XML messages rather than as call parameters and return values .

  18. 远程过程的返回值通过call转换成标准的Perl标量,并打印出来。

    The return value from the remote procedure is converted into a standard Perl scalar by call and printed .

  19. 在很多情况下(即便不是所有的情况),您都希望在错误发生时生成自己的故障,否则Web服务无法返回值。

    In many cases , if not all , you want to generate your own faults when errors happen ; otherwise , the Web service cannot return a value .

  20. 为返回值和参数定义XMLserializable类型。

    Define XML serializable types for the return value ( and the parameters ) .

  21. 您可以使用JavaScript返回值,例如,计算后的字段返回值。

    You can use JavaScript to return a value , for example , for a computed field .

  22. 有些命令可有返回值,您可以通过使用returns属性将这个值赋给备忘单变量。

    Some commands can have a return value , which you can assign to a cheat sheet variable using the returns attribute .

  23. 创造和消费Web服务的应用,你需要使用本地或申请自定义类型作为参数和返回值由您的Web方法。

    NET , to create and consume your application Web services , you need to use native or application-defined types as both arguments and return values from your Web methods .

  24. 下面是IBM股票代码请求的CSV返回值

    The following is the CSV return value for the request of the IBM stock symbol

  25. 因此,此API用于调用并不返回值但可能引发异常的服务。

    So this API is to invoke a service where that does not have a return value but that could throw an exception .

  26. 如果它得到了定义,那么如上所示,就会返回值,否则就会返回null。

    If it is defined , as shown above , the value is returned , otherwise null is returned .

  27. SPE程序中main()函数的返回值被存储到PPE程序的变量状态中。

    The return value from main () in the SPE program is stored into the variable status in the PPE program .

  28. 然后SOAP服务器将这个方法的返回值转换成一个SOAP响应数据包,并将它返回给发送请求的客户端。

    The SOAP server will then convert the method return value into a SOAP response packet and send it back to the requesting client .

  29. MDB和类似的软件部分没有返回值。

    MDBs and similar software pieces don 't have return values .

  30. 它减少了冗余测试代码,能够强制使用标准的机制执行任务,并且可以跟踪API方法的返回值。

    It reduces redundant test code and can enforce a standardized mechanism to perform some tasks and keep track of values returned by the API methods .