
  • 网络homecoming;home-coming
  1. 今天晚上,我一句一句地学习了《返校节王后》。

    I learn 《 Homecoming Queen 》 sentence by sentence tonight .

  2. 克劳斯将于返校节回归神秘瀑布镇,还有比这更好地时机吗?

    What better time for Klaus to come home than Homecoming ?

  3. 在返校节上他是橄榄球队长。

    On the homecoming court , captain of the football team .

  4. 可以看作是瀑布镇的返校节

    It 's a back to school thing at the Falls .

  5. 被选为返校节女皇意味着要为学校服务。

    Being selected homecoming queen is about serving your school .

  6. 你是不是选错返校节的舞伴了

    Did you come with the wrong person to homecoming ?

  7. 是啊我只是在做返校节的东西

    Yeah , I was just doing some homecoming stuff .

  8. 奥斯汀艾姆斯加冕返校节舞会王子称号。

    Austin Ames was crowned Prince of the homecoming dance .

  9. 我不介意是否能成为返校节王子。

    I really don 't care about becoming homecoming prince .

  10. 如果你想带其他人去返校节舞会

    If you want to take someone else to homecoming ,

  11. 鼓动你参加昨晚的返校节。

    And pushing you to go to homecoming last night .

  12. 海莉是我们的返校节女王-好吧。

    I mean , Haley , our homecoming queen . -

  13. 我猜你已经有返校节舞会舞伴了

    I guess you already have a date to homecoming

  14. 和我一起参加返校节的那个阿历克斯

    Alex , that I went to homecoming with ?

  15. 你只能当一次返校节女皇。

    You only get to be homecoming queen once .

  16. 在返校节舞会见面吧。

    Please meet me at the homecoming dance .

  17. 并不是每个人都想当返校节皇后。

    Not everybody wants to be homecoming queen .

  18. 学生们别忘记返校节门票

    Students don 't forget about your homecoming tickets

  19. 就你的立场而言竞选返校节皇后有点紧张吧。

    Kinda nervy for someone in your position to be running for homecoming queen .

  20. 即使返校节女王也难获得如此热闹的迎接。

    Even the cutest home-coming queen would struggle to achieve such a rousing reception .

  21. 还记得她有一次找不到舞伴参加返校节吗?

    Oh , and remember when she couldn 't get a date for homecoming ?

  22. 他趁我心不在焉的时候邀请我参加“返校节”的舞会。

    When he asked me to homecoming , it totally caught me off guard .

  23. 从这些最新的剧照来看,克劳斯在返校节上备受关注。

    Judging from these new photos , Klaus is quite the attention-grabber at homecoming .

  24. 在返校节上发生了什么事?

    What happened to you at homecoming ?

  25. 刚才买了两张返校节的门票

    just bought two tickets to homecoming .

  26. 我是返校节组委会主席

    I 'm head of the committee ,

  27. 返校节时你准备穿什么

    What are you wearing to homecoming ?

  28. 你想讨论一下返校节的事吗

    do you wanna talk about homecoming ?

  29. 返校节王后要走了吗

    The homecoming queen is leaving ?

  30. 你真的要带那个乡村俱乐部的递毛巾的男孩来返校节吗

    So , is it true you 're taking the country club 's towel boy to homecoming ?