
  • 网络library school;Graduate Library School
  1. 1939年,她只身来到美国,并在爱因斯坦的强烈要求下,北卡罗莱纳大学的图书馆学院学习。

    She arrived in the United States alone in1939 and , at Einstein 's urging , attended library school at the University of North Carolina .

  2. BIBSYS向挪威的大学图书馆、学院图书馆、国家图书馆以及大部分研究型图书馆提供图书馆和信息系统。

    BIBSYS provides library and information systems to Norway 's university libraries , college libraries , a number of research libraries and the National Library .

  3. 图书馆作为学院的三大支柱之一,在学院的建设和发展中起着举足轻重的作用,图书馆藏建设任重而道远。

    College Library , as one of the three pillars in the construction and development institutes play a decisive role in the library of building a long way to go .

  4. 某大学图书馆与人文学院主楼在23.800m高空处通过一混凝土空间桁架连廊相连,该连廊结构为预应力混凝土桁架结构,简支于两端主结构上。

    An overpass corridor , located at 23.800m high for connecting two main buildings of the library and the human college of a university , is a prestressed reinforced concrete truss structure . Two ends of the truss structure are simply supported on two main building structures respectively .

  5. 文章在论述大学院系间知识转移必要性的基础上,对大学院系间知识转移的内容及影响因素进行了分析,并对图书馆促进大学院系间知识转移的作用进行了探讨。

    Based on the explanation of the necessity of the knowledge transfer within inter-school , the paper analyzes the contents of knowledge transfer and the factors that influence it . Finally the paper discusses the role of the library on promoting the knowledge transfer within inter-school .

  6. 高校中,图书馆系统与各个学院、系、专业或研究所等并存着一个资料室系统。

    In universities , the library system with each college , department , specialty or search institute and so on coexist a reference room system .

  7. 教育学院图书馆应根据教育学院办学模式的变化,随时调整自己的办馆途径,使教育学院图书馆发挥应有的作用。

    The library should adjust her own ways for running the library at any time according to the changes of the college-running style which can make the library play her proper role .

  8. 当我第一次到耶鲁大学神学院图书馆时&神学院是耶鲁大学最老的学院,我就想找厕所。

    I tried to find one when I first visited the Divinity School Library , the oldest school in Yale University : I tried to find the signs with words such as WC , Ladies , Bathroom , and Washroom .

  9. 学院建筑的底楼是汉堡公共图书馆的中心图书馆,作为歌德学院的学员您可以免费使用。

    The ground floor of our building houses a large public library , which our course participants can use free of charge .

  10. 论合并高校分校区图书馆文献资源共享浅谈高校图书馆与学院图书分馆建设

    On Document Resources Sharing among the Libraries of Branch Campus in Emerged University Simple Discussion about the Construction of University Libraries and Their Branches

  11. 建筑院校图书馆信息资源共建共享研究浅谈高校图书馆与学院图书分馆建设

    Research on Building and Sharing of Construction College Library Information Resources

  12. 论大学图书馆科班馆员队伍的建设浅谈高校图书馆与学院图书分馆建设

    On Building a Team of Expert Librarians in University Library ; Simple Discussion about the Construction of University Libraries and Their Branches

  13. 提供1999年美国图书馆协会(ALA)认可的49所大学图书馆学情报学院系的信息,并就其名称、学位授予、课程设置的变化、特点与发展趋势作简要分析。

    Provides the information about library and information studies programs accredited by the ALA in 1999 and analyzes the changes and characteristics of library and information units ( schools or departments ) and their general trends .