
tú shuō
  • Illustration;description;illustrated explanation;illustrated books;illustrated handbook;descriptive text;pictorial handbook
图说 [tú shuō]
  • [illustrated books;illustrated explanation] 著作中以图画为主稍加文字说明,多在书中出现

图说[tú shuō]
  1. 在我展示给他的头10幅画中,我会把LinkedIn的这句图说都在所有的作品上。

    For the first 10 I showed him , I printed the LinkedIn caption on all of them .

  2. 到目前为止,她的造型都在意料之中,尤其是想到她Instagram上的第一张照片:一排挂起来的红、白、蓝色的裤套装,图说是困难的选择。

    So far , so expected , especially given her debut Instagram post : a series of red , white or blue pantsuits hanging in a row with the caption Hard choices .

  3. 培养阅览设备图说与专业技师沟通之基本能力。

    The ability of drawing reading and the communication with engineers .

  4. 深入浅出图说网络加密技术

    Explain the Profound Things in a Simple Way : Network Encryption Technology

  5. 为了做这试验,他把《植物图说》的铜版全押在当铺里。

    For this purpose he had pawned his copperplates of the Flora .

  6. 图说,网站现在已经恢复正常了。

    TEW said the site now works normally .

  7. 图和图说&必须清晰。

    Figures and Figure Captions-Must be legible .

  8. 在困难时期,卖不出去的首先是《植物图说》这一类的书。

    In a period of embarrassment , the first thing which does not sell is a Flora .

  9. 我们通常挑选一个没那么喜欢的作品,然后把图说去掉。

    We usually pick a submission that we don 't particularly like and take the caption off .

  10. 拨开迷雾,还原真相读《图说中国法律史守望和谐的法文明》有感

    Push the Dense Fog aside , Reduce the Truth & Reading " Illustration of Chinese Legal History "

  11. 清政府束手无策,甚至连详细的边界图说,也拿不出来。

    The Qing government could do nothing , even could not get out a detailed map of the border .

  12. 《黔南苗蛮图说》所反映的清代的生产活动和文化风貌。

    The production activity and culture features of Manchu Dynasty what reflect form 《 Qian Nan Miaoman Tu Shuo 》 .

  13. 多次曝光的照片必须在图说中清楚地说明,并且在发稿之前需向编辑室说明。

    Multiple-Exposure pictures must be clearly identified in the caption and drawn to the attention of pictures desks before transmission .

  14. 《黔南苗蛮图说》的版本、作者与成书时间考证。

    DO research about the edition , author and the complete time of 《 Qian Nan Miaoman Tu Shuo 》 .

  15. 北朝谱学与北朝政治从《帝鉴图说》看16世纪末的中国帝政

    The Royal Politics in China at the End of the 16_ ( th ) Century ── Viewed from Di Jian Tu Shuo

  16. 乐史图说四则&骨哨、骨笛、陶钟和夔鼓图像的相关描述

    Four Points about Historical Pictures & The Related Description of Bone Whistle , Bone Flute , Earthen Bell and Crocodile Skin Drum Picture

  17. 晚清地理图说按照其出版机构的性质,同样可以分为以上三类。

    The Map Illustration in Late Qing Dynasty can also be divided into these three categories according to the nature of the publish institutions .

  18. 《滚石》杂志在《图说摇滚历史》一文中这样评价菲利普斯:“如果没有他,就不会有摇滚乐。”。

    Without him , it says about phillips in the Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock Roll , there would have been no rock and roll .

  19. 来自英国南部威尔特郡的图说,他向美国联邦调查局报了案,因为他网站的主机设在美国。

    Tew , from Wiltshire , a county in southern England , said he informed the FBI because his site is hosted in the United States .

  20. 问:你熟悉《纽约客》的漫画图说是万金油的说法——一个图说适用于每幅作品吗?

    Are you familiar with the theory of the universal New Yorker cartoon caption : that there 's one caption that could work for every single cartoon ?

  21. 图说的第二部分是为了庆祝拉法革命的成功,让我们来看看贝尼特斯在伊斯坦布尔奇迹之后是怎样来展开拉法革命的。

    In part two of our photo special celebrating five years of Spanish rule , we look at how the Rafalution took shape in the seasons following Istanbul .

  22. 21岁的亚历克斯·图说他公布了自己如何通过网站筹集大学学费的故事,随后他的百万美元网站主页就受到了攻击。

    Alex Tew , 21 , said that his Million Dollar Homepage was targeted after he publicized how it had helped him raise money for his university studies .

  23. 两汉时期的济源及其陶器&济源汉代陶器图说之一随函寄上说明散热器位置的设计图和说明书各一份。

    Jiyuan of the Han Period and Its Pottery : Illustration of Han Period Jiyuan Pottery (ⅰ); We enclose a ~ and a plan showing required positions of radiators .

  24. 对体育教师的行为作用研究包括行为的关联图说、行为的观察结果、其他环境中教师行为的表现形式;

    The research on PE teacher 's behavior function includes associated illustration of behavior , observation result of behavior , and expressing form of teacher 's behavior in other environments ;

  25. 而据龙永图说,世界陷入肺炎在美国遭受冷落,现在,中国经济已采取了世界领导地位。

    Whereas it was long said that the world caught pneumonia when the United States suffered a cold , it is now the Chinese economy that has taken world leadership .

  26. 本文拟通过上述几部在近代具有代表性的地理图说的考述,阐明地理图说在中国近代地理学史上的作用。

    So this thesis , by doing the research on these modern representative Map Illustrations , clarify the role of the Map Illustrations in the history of Chinese modern geography .

  27. 1626年,明末机械专家王徵受传教士和中国传统技术的影响,撰写了《新制诸器图说》,描述了9种机械。

    Under the influence of Jesuit missionaries and the traditional technology of China . Wang Zheng , a specialist in machinery , wrote in 1626 a book entitled Diagrams and Explanations of Various Machines .

  28. 从《帝鉴图说》看16世纪末的中国帝政论汉代国家财政与帝室财政管理体制&与加藤繁先生商榷

    The Royal Politics in China at the End of the 16_ ( th ) Century ── Viewed from Di Jian Tu Shuo On the National Finance and the Royal Finance in the Han Dynasty

  29. 曾与曼德拉一道抵制种族隔离政策的南非大主教德斯蒙德图图说,曼德拉不仅是上天赐给南非的礼物,而且也激起了南非人民和非洲人民的民族自豪感。

    His fellow campaigner against apartheid , Archbishop Desmond Tutu , said he was not only an amazing gift to humankind , he made South Africans and Africans feel good about being who we are .

  30. 注:1785年出版的《三国通览图说》,是一部论述邻近日本的朝鲜、琉球、虾夷以及小笠原群岛等地理情况的书。

    Note : 1785 " published by the three-tabled plans ," and is an exposition of the Korean neighbouring Japan , Okinawa , shrimp razed and the Bonin Islands , and other geographical conditions of the book .