
  • 网络ituri;Toury;Gideon Toury;turi
  1. 而另一位以色列学者图里提出了三种规则:首要常规、初步常规和操作常规三大类,以确定常规在翻译中的作用。

    While another Israel scholar , Gideon Toury advocates three translation norms , initial norms , preliminary norms and operational norms , to confirm the function of norms in translation .

  2. 在图里的翻译规范中,元规范包括翻译的充分性和可接受性。

    According to the translation norms of Toury , initial norms consist of adequacy and acceptability .

  3. 这个菜单可以使我们在图里看到任意一个现有的Java类型。

    This allows you to Visualize any existing Java type onto the diagram .

  4. 我建议,将SOA治理作为关键环节包含到你的SOA路线图里。

    My recommendation is to include SOA governance as a critical piece of your SOA roadmap .

  5. 在这些径向概率分布图里,总有r等于0处,我们可以考虑为什么会这样。

    We will always have r equals zero in these radial probability distribution graphs , and we can think about why that is .

  6. 这个菜单的功能是首先找出资源管理器数据包里Java类型,然后把它放在图里,或者通过执行显示>增加到当前类图这一命令来实现。

    This menu saves you from first finding the Java type in the Package Explorer and then dragging it onto the diagram , or accessing the Visualize > Add to current Class Diagram command .

  7. 在援引了希腊哲学家们及其有关生命平衡的作品的情况下,占星家GeoffreydeMeaux试图利用十二宫图里的行星位置来预测每一次的瘟疫爆发会持续多久,为什么某些城市会变得如此脆弱以及下一个死去的将是何人等。

    Quoting Greek philosophers and their writings on the balance of life , astrologer Geoffrey de Meaux tried to use the positioning of the planets within the zodiac to determine how long each outbreak would last , why certain cities were vulnerable , and who would die next .

  8. 她在这张图里看起来有点像黛米·摩尔。

    She sort of looks like Demi Moore in this picture .

  9. 图里有一把雨伞和十一个练习本。

    There is an umbrella and eleven exercise-books in the picture .

  10. 开始简要回顾了描述翻译理论的发展,重点介绍了图里翻译理论。

    It briefly reviews the development of descriptive translation studies .

  11. 在这幅图里你看到什么?

    Boy : What do you see in the picture ?

  12. 好吧,正如诸位所见,这张图里是中国

    Seven Cai well as you can see , this picture made in China

  13. 简和亚力克是有血缘关系的吗?他们是怎么加入沃尔图里的?

    Q.Are Jane and Alec related ? How did they join the Volturi ?

  14. 我们可以从这张图里就能看出来。

    We can see that if we just look at this picture here .

  15. 这就像这些图里展示的这样。

    So that 's kind of what 's shown in these pictures here .

  16. 图里的黑色曲线显示了极性反向相连的高音喇叭响应。

    The black curve shows the response with the tweeter connected with opposite polarity .

  17. 尽管命名很笼统,但那些护卫们在技术层面上并不属于沃尔图里。

    The guard are not technically Volturi , though the name still applies loosely .

  18. 这条曲线可能在图里看不清楚。

    So , this curve is maybe not easy to see in the picture .

  19. 在这张图里,人们绕著三角形爬上爬下。

    In the picture , people walk up and down stairs around a triangle .

  20. 图里有两只绵羊。

    There are two sheep in the picture .

  21. 读下面短文,然后在下面的家庭成员图里填上相应的名字和年龄。

    Write the names and ages on the family tree on the next page .

  22. 在这张图里怎么了?

    What is wrong in this picture ?

  23. 但是现在的设计图里

    Um , but on this current blueprint

  24. 第三部分重点关注了图里以及他的研究,突出强调了他的三个重要翻译规范。

    The third part focuses on Toury and his studies , emphasizing on three translation norms .

  25. 本文是图里的规范理论应用于影视喜剧字幕翻译的个案研究。

    This thesis is a case study of Toury 's norm theory in translating humor in television .

  26. 正如你在前面的图里看到的,我有一层基本金属层在红色金属下面。

    As you can see from previous image I have a Base metal layer below Red metal .

  27. 宇航员用斯皮策太空望远镜拍摄的红外线图里根本没有它的身影。

    Researchers using the Spitzer Space Telescope could not see Fomalhaut b at all in infrared light .

  28. 文章在研究方法上采用了图里提出的描述性研究方法。

    With regard to the research methodology , the author adopts the descriptive approach proposed by Gideon Toury .

  29. 图里将翻译规范理论分为三种:初级规范、元规范和操作规范。

    Toury classified Norms Theory as three norms , i.e. initial norms , preliminary norms and operational norms .

  30. 沃尔图里就是指阿罗,马库斯,凯厄斯还有两位从未现身的女性。

    A.The Volturi are just Aro , Marcus , Caius , and two females who never go out .