
fáng shì
  • sexual intercourse;sexual intercourse between the married couple
房事 [fáng shì]
  • [sexual intercourse between the married couple] 指夫妇间性交的事

房事[fáng shì]
  1. 治疗期间,宜节制房事。

    During treatment , sexual activity should be abstinent .

  2. 方法:房事后服米非司酮10mg,12小时后服安慰剂一片。

    Methods : Mifepristone 10 mg was taken right after coitus , and a pill of placebo was then used with a interval of 12 hours .

  3. 为了解米非司酮用于排卵期房事后避孕引起的子宫内膜形态学改变,选择21名健康育龄妇女做为受试者,于排卵后72小时内口服300mg米非司酮。

    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the changes in endometrial morphology when mifepristone administration was used for postcoital contraception in the period of ovulation . Twenty-one healthy women were recruited . Mifepristone ( 300mg , orally ) was given 72 hours apart after ovulation .

  4. S-117型避孕宫颈帽是一种根据我国妇女宫颈形状采用医用硅橡胶制成的阻断式避孕工具,可留置宫颈上1~3天,不需要房事前后临时操作,不干扰性生活。

    S-117 contraceptive cervical cap is a kind of barrier device for contraception . It is made of silicone rubber and designed according to the different shapes of the uterine cervix in Chinese women . The cap can be left on the cervix 1-3 days without interfering normal sexual intercourse .

  5. 节房事,固护肾精。

    Temperance in sexual life to preserve the kidney-essence .

  6. 百合避孕囊房事后试验临床分析

    Clinical analysis of postcoital test using lily contraceptive capsule

  7. 思虑过度伤神,体力过度伤气,房事过度伤精。

    La Tortura thought excessive , excessive physical injury gas , sexual over-wound precision .

  8. 但大多数其他避孕方法不是笨拙就是会破坏我们的幸福房事时光。

    But most other methods are clumsy and ruin the moments of intimacy we have together .

  9. 米非司酮用于排卵期房事后避孕的子宫内膜形态学观察

    The Period of Ovulation The Observation of the Endometrial Morphology Using Mifepristone as Postcoital Contraception in

  10. 节房事,固护肾精。补肾健脾固冲汤在妇科中的运用

    Temperance in sexual life to preserve the kidney-essence . Bushen Jianpi Guchong Decoction Applied in Gynecopathy

  11. 在为期十天的节日中,她们承诺不饮酒,免房事。

    They had agreed not to drink alcohol or have sex for the duration of the 10-day festival .

  12. 他们涌入诊所,寻找房事后女用避孕药,并寻求性病方面的帮助。

    They are the ones crowding into health clinics seeking morning-after pills and help for sexually transmitted diseases .

  13. 经常房事,甚至一星期五次的夫妻更容易怀孕。

    Couples , who have frequent intercourse , up to five times per week , seem to get pregnant the fastest .

  14. 在斋月,我们不仅仅戒除食物,饮料,香烟,房事,而且我们要戒除所有不道德的行为与猥亵。

    In Ramadan , we don 't only abstain from food , drink , smoking , marital sex , but also we abstain form all kinds of immoral acts and obscenity .

  15. 这种光对人体的作用能产生激素效应,兴奋性功能,故夏季房事活动随着阳盛而有所增多。

    This kind of light can produce hormone effect to the action of human body , stimulant function , activity of reason summer sex is filled as this world and somewhat grow in quantity .

  16. 但是,安德森同时也指出,即使你采用奥运会体操运动员那样难度的动作来进行房事,其对于减肥的作用依然不如更为传统的锻炼方式。

    Even with Olympic-caliber libidinous gymnastics , Anderson is quick to note that sex alone won 't produce the kind of weight loss seen with , shall we say * more traditional forms of exercise .

  17. 这就意味着,排卵之前而非排卵期进行房事,会提高生女孩的机率,因为只有雌性精子具有足够的存活时间与卵子结合。

    This means that having sex before ovulation , rather than during , should increase the likelihood of conceiving a girl , as only the female sperm will survive long enough to penetrate the egg .

  18. 但由于长期以来封建理学思想的禁锢束缚,特别是封建男尊女卑思想的根深蒂固,导致女性往往对此持错误的态度,认为房事是丑陋肮脏或者难以启齿的。

    But female always hold an error attitude of sexuality and they think it is dirty and shame to talk , due to the deep influence of feudalist ideology and the view that men are superior to women .

  19. 方法:通过迫使雄性小鼠频繁交配以诱导房事不节,每日游泳以诱导劳倦过度,复制房事不节、劳倦过度肾阳虚模型,对治疗组小鼠应用金匮肾气丸进行治疗。

    Methods : It is used by excess sexual activity and tired excessiveness to establish the male mouse model with kidney yang deficiency , and then to treat the male mouse of the treatment group with Jin Gui Shen Qi Bolus .