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fánɡ wū chū zū
  • House rental;house for rent;house to let
  1. 我问他是否有房屋出租。

    I asked him if he had any rooms to let .

  2. 据Mercer统计,在莫斯科,一套华丽装修的两居室房屋出租价高达每月4000美元;

    A luxury two-bedroom in Moscow now rents for $ 4,000 a month ;

  3. 纽约——家庭房屋出租服务先驱者Airbnb给自己打造了一个既有用又善良的形象,但从纽约检察长埃里克·T·施耐德曼(EricT.Schneiderman)本周四发布的一份报告来看,实际情况远远谈不上良好宜人。

    NEW YORK - Airbnb , the pioneering home rental service , presents itself as useful and virtuous , but the reality is far less benign , according to a report that Eric T. Schneiderman , the New York attorney general , released on Thursday .

  4. 基于房屋出租资料评估基准地价探讨&以小县城为例

    A Probe into Standard Land Price Appraisal Based on Building Lease

  5. 我看见外面写着“房屋出租”。

    I saw a sign " Apartment for Lease " outside .

  6. 他们打扫了房间,并将房屋出租了5次。

    They cleaned the room and rented it out five times .

  7. 卡尔德龙将多间房屋出租,这使他获得了额外的收入。

    Calderon owns several rental homes which provide additional income .

  8. 搬家将剥夺他们房屋出租的收入。

    Moving would deprive them of their rental income .

  9. 城乡结合部的农民房屋出租问题;

    The peasants ' renting houses ' problems of the combination of cites and towns ;

  10. 第三十八条房屋出租,不妨碍房产权转移。

    Article 38 The leasing of buildings shall not impede the transfer of building property rights .

  11. 他还有好多所房屋出租。

    He rents several other houses .

  12. 对于新来乍到的人来说,我认为找住处最好的方法是问学校房屋出租办公室。

    I think the best way for new comers is to consult the Housing Office on campus .

  13. 他常以低于市场价的租金将房屋出租或是将房屋闲置不管。

    He often rented them for well below market value and they were allowed to fall into disrepair .

  14. 假如出租人将房屋出租给了无照经营者,会产生什么后果?

    If lessor rented the building , do not have according to operator , what consequence can you produce ?

  15. 若没有潜在的资本增值,就不值得以一种未经尝试的模式冒险经营房屋出租。

    Without those potential capital gains , it is not worth the risk of renting houses with an untested model .

  16. 窗户上的告示上写着:房屋出租&有色人种勿扰(或是波兰人、匈牙利人,勿扰)。

    Signs in the windows read , Rooms to let - no Coloureds ( or no Poles , no Hungarians ) .

  17. 房屋出租时,甲方可以与乙方在合同中约定收取房屋租赁保证金。

    When the house is rented , Party A may charge Party B the house lease security deposit stipulated by the contract .

  18. 本课题正是基于这些问题进行开发,力求尽量简洁、实用地解决在线房屋出租管理方面的问题。

    The subject is how to solution this problem area , and developed a simple practical solution to online rental management system .

  19. 文章的第三部分主要介绍了房屋出租人的安全保障义务和其他不动产权人安全保障义务相比的特殊性所在。

    The third part of the article mainly introduces the the particularity of the housing lessor obligations compared with the particularity of security housing lessor .

  20. 住房租赁法律制度主要是调整国家、机构单位、个人将房屋出租给他人居住、使用并收取租金的法律关系。

    Rental housing legal system mainly adjust to the legal relationships referring to national , institutional units and individuals who rent house to others and charge rent .

  21. 房主一旦发现房客仍有可能从事违法活动,那么可以拒绝将房屋出租,并且还要及时向有关部门报告。

    Once the landlord tenant may still engage in illegal activities , then they may refuse to rent housing , and the need for timely report to the relevant departments .

  22. 根据国家有关法律、法规和有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商一致,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。

    In accordance with relevant Chinese laws 、 decrees and pertinent rules and regulations , Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract .

  23. 在城镇居民家庭中,居民家庭收入越低,房屋出租收入对财产性收入的贡献就越大;而收入水平越高,股权投资对其财产性收入的贡献就越大。

    In urban households in lower income households , rental property income the greater the contribution of income ; and higher income levels , equity investment income of their property , the bigger contribution .

  24. 猎头公司、搬家公司和房地产中介指出,随着暑期临近和许多房屋出租合同到期,一些外国专业人士正打算离开日本。

    As schools prepare for the summer vacation and property contracts approach renewal deadlines , some foreign professionals are deciding to leave Japan , according to recruitment firms , relocation companies and estate agents .

  25. 对于那些住在毗邻大学、度假胜地或者大城市这些“目标”场所的居民来说这不是件太困难的事情,他们可以将一个房间或者整栋房屋出租几周、几个月或者更长的时间。

    It 's less difficult for residents in ' destination ' locations near colleges , resorts or cities to rent a room or even the house for a few weeks , months or long term .

  26. 其中房屋出租人安全保障义务的内容主要讨论的是出租人除了对承租人负物的保障义务外,是否还承担人的安全保障义务以及这些义务的具体内容到底有哪些。

    Housing lessor security obligations mainly discuss that if the lessor need to undertake the duty of human security , except for the security obligation of object , and what is the specific content of the obligations .

  27. 本文就利用房屋出租资料评估基准地价的几个要点进行了探讨,如收集有效可靠的样点资料,正确的评估方法与步骤,常见的问题及处理方法等。

    This paper discusses such important factors in the appraisal of standard land price based on building lease data as the collection of reliable data , reasonable methods and steps of appraisal , and common problems and solutions .

  28. 同时该制度也从一定程度上限制了房屋出租人出卖房屋的权利,打破了契约自由原则,所以它必然与以往存在的法律制度存在很多的矛盾,呈现出许多纷繁复杂的问题。

    Meanwhile the system to a certain extent , limit the lessor the right to sell houses , the principle of freedom to break the contract , it must exist with the previous legal system has many contradictions , showing a lot of complicated issues .

  29. 当地报纸报道有误,称这些房屋已经出租了。

    The local newspaper misreported the story by claiming the premises were rented

  30. 越来越多的低收入欧洲旧贵族借助Airbnb网把自家豪宅的附属房屋对外出租,以赚取屋顶渗漏维修费用,格雷米翁说。

    Lower-income European aristocrats are increasingly employing Airbnb to rent outbuildings on their estates , helping to fix leaking roofs , says Gremillon .