
tí míng
  • title;subject;autograph;inscribe one's name
题名 [tí míng]
  • (1) [title;subject]∶题目名称,写作、印刷品、讲述或影印作品名称

  • (2) [autograph;inscribe one's name]∶写上姓名作为标记

  • 对联、题名。--明. 魏学洢《核舟记》

  • 请题名留念

题名[tí míng]
  1. 请题名留念。

    Please give your autograph as a memento .

  2. 题名力求简明、醒目、反映文章的主题。

    The brachylogy of autograph do one 's best , marked , theme that reflects an article .

  3. 浅论ILAS系统书目数据库有关题名检索点的著录

    Discussion on Indexing for Title Search in Bibliographic Databases in ILAS System

  4. 小说的题名伊甸之东取自《圣经》(Genesis,3:24,4:16)既有邪恶之地,又有希望之地的含义。

    The name of the novel – East of Eden – is taken from the Holy Bible , which means a place of devil as well as a place of promises .

  5. 论文的学术水平,英文题名、摘要的格式与质量,投稿方向是影响论文能否被EI收录的三个主要因素。

    The academic level , the form and quality of English title and Abstract , and the contributing direction are the three main factors to decide if an academic paper can be included in EI .

  6. ISBN与图书本来具有唯一性,但不少多卷书或丛书的总题名既有ISBN,各分卷(册)又有不同的ISBN,这是出版界对ISBN的滥用。

    Although each ISBN or title should be of exclusiveness , quite a few titles in several vol - umes or series are given ISBNs for both a multi-volume or series title and a partial tide , which is the abuse of ISBNs made by publishers .

  7. 爆炸与冲击2006年(第26卷)分类题名索引

    Explosion and shock waves 2006 ( vol.26 ) analytic subject index

  8. 社科论文题名与主题的吻合度辨析

    Consistent Analysis of Thesis Title and Theme in Social Science Edition

  9. 苏州私家园林中文字和题名背后的深层涵义

    The Meanings of the Writing and Titles in Suzhou Private Gardens

  10. 本文讨论了《世说新语》题名的内涵。

    The paper discusses the connotation of the title of Shishuoxiyu .

  11. 科技文章题名的修改及制作

    How to correct , edit and typeset titles of scientific articles

  12. 浅谈机读目录格式中题名的著录差异

    Brief Discussion on the Differences of Title Description in MARC Format

  13. 科技论文题名的信息构成及语言表述

    On information structure and its expression in titles of scientific papers

  14. 科技期刊论文英文题名编辑加工中的若干问题

    Some problems in editing English titles of papers in sci-tech journals

  15. 科技学术论文题名应言简意赅

    Titles of academic papers on sci-tech should be concise and comprehensive

  16. 地质科技论文题名英译方法初探

    Translation of the title of geological paper from Chinese to English

  17. 医学论文题名和摘要英译常见问题简析

    Common Problems Occurred in Translating Medical Papers ' Titles and Abstracts

  18. 有多种检索途径,例如作者、题名、主题或通用关键词等。

    How many ways can you retrieve items in this system ?

  19. 科技论文题名的写作要求及常见问题

    Topics of Scientific and Technical Theses : Requirements and Problems

  20. 最后要指出的是,精心设计的小说题名应该仍然显示出艺术性和文学性。

    Finally , the titles must show the artistic and literary quality .

  21. 有关题名与责任说明项之编目规则差异的思考

    The differences of cataloging rules in title and statement of responsibility area

  22. 带研究字样论文题名的常见问题与修改方法

    Research Paper Titles with the Term " Study ": Problems and Revisions

  23. 科技学术论文英文图表题名译写举隅

    Translation of English titles of figures and tables in sci-tech academic papers

  24. 科技论文题名英译应注意的几个问题

    Some Problems in Translating Titles of Sci-Tech Papers from Chinese into English

  25. 学术论文英文题名写作应注意的若干问题

    How to write an English title in an academic paper

  26. 作者给自己的书题名为“论诗”。

    The author entitled his book " On Poetry " .

  27. 刚得到了本地年度传媒奖的题名。

    Just got nominated for a local area media award .

  28. 正题名是法文;封面题名是俄文。

    Title proper in French ; cover title in Russian .

  29. 基于中文题名的计算机辅助标引

    Computer aided indexing system based on title of Chinese text

  30. 油气勘探开发论文题名英译常见谬误简析

    Common errors in English title translations of papers of petroleum exploration and development