
tí cái
  • theme;subject matter
题材 [tí cái]
  • [subject;subject-matter;theme] 作品内容主题所用的材料

  • 农村题材

题材[tí cái]
  1. 她要写一部新书,正寻找题材。

    She 's searching for subject matter for her new book .

  2. 题材的选择无关紧要。

    The choice of subject matter is irrelevant

  3. 这个故事是非常典型的肥皂剧题材。

    The story has all the elements of a soap opera .

  4. 古典风景画是18世纪许多画家所喜欢用的题材。

    Classical landscapes were a popular subject with many 18th century painters .

  5. 经他一点化,极普通的题材也能变得令人叫绝。

    He transforms the most ordinary subject into the sublime .

  6. 她通常写环境方面的题材。

    She usually writes about environmental issues .

  7. 她最喜爱的题材是那些在海边散步时发现的贝壳。

    Her favourite subjects are shells spotted on beach walks .

  8. 像这类题材最好别碰。

    Subjects like this are better left alone .

  9. 有大量各种题材的报道争着上今天报纸的头版。

    There is a wide spread of stories jostling for coverage on today 's front pages .

  10. 他执导过多种题材的电视节目。

    He directed various TV shows

  11. 写完了具有未来色彩的《女仆的故事》之后,玛格丽特·阿特伍德的第七部小说《猫眼》回归到了人们较熟悉的题材上。

    Following the futuristic The Handmaid 's Tale , Margaret Atwood 's seventh novel , Cat 's Eye , returns to more familiar territory

  12. 无论什么时候,只要知名女演员们聚在一起,去演绎一部“女性题材电影”,那毫无疑问里面准是一堆多愁善感的故事。

    Whenever famous actresses get together to make a ' woman 's film ' you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush .

  13. 这是写剧本的好题材。

    This is good material for a play .

  14. 敌对两党之盛衰给两幅最优秀的漫画提供了题材。

    The ups and downs of the rival parties furnished subjects for two excellent cartoons .

  15. 由于他反复使用这些陈腐的题材,所以他的文章味同嚼蜡。

    His frequent use of cliches made his essay seem banal .

  16. 这个剧本以民工生活为题材。

    The theme of the play is the life of migrant workers .

  17. 有些历史题材的影视纯属戏说,不必那么认真。

    Some historical films and TV plays are pure light-hearted entertainment , so don 't take them so seriously .

  18. 禁用暴力或毒品相关题材。

    No subject on violence or drugs .

  19. 为什么现在电视剧题材多以古装剧和历史剧为主?

    Why nowadays are most TV series costume dramas and period dramas ?

  20. 仅以维多利亚时期为题材,她就写过五部相关的书籍。

    She wrote five books about the Victorian era alone .

  21. 这是大多数标注的电视幽默剧所采用的题材

    This is the stuff most stadard TV sitcoms are made of .

  22. 从很早时候起,瀑布就是画家所喜爱的题材

    Waterfalls are from very early times a favourite theme for the painter .

  23. 我们应该依法大力提倡反腐败题材的影视作品创作,影视才能出好的作品。

    We should greatly encourage production of high-quality films and television series on anti-corruption .

  24. 原因就在于深刻一些的现实题材电视剧审起来都非常繁琐。

    Because it 's too difficult to put a drama that reflects reality onto the screen .

  25. 与许多其他体育题材的电影不同,《棒!少年》并不仅仅聚焦于励志情节。

    Unlike many other sports films , Tough Out doesn 't simply focus on the inspiring part .

  26. 大部分网络漫画系列都在大型门户网站免费发布,每周更新一到两次,涵盖的题材也很广泛,浪漫喜剧和恐怖故事等,都涵盖其中。

    Most webtoon serials3 are published on major Internet portals free of charge and once or twice a week . They cover a wide range of genres4 , as diverse as romantic comedies and horror .

  27. 老年痴呆症——这一影响着全球百万人群,令人闻之色变的可怕精神疾病,无疑是一重要的课题,当然,它也不是你会在辛勤工作了一天想要回家打开的电影题材。

    Take dementia - a truly horrific mental condition which affects millions of people worldwide . An important topic , for sure , but not necessarily the kind of thing you 'd choose to watch a movie about after a hard day at work .

  28. 美国当代女作家安妮·赖斯(AnneRice,1941&)以写吸血鬼题材的小说而驰名。

    Anne Rice ( 1941 & ), an American contemporary writer , is famous for her writing vampire novels .

  29. 史蒂文:NIT正在收购拉金的公司?我喜欢那个题材。

    Steven : NIT is buying Larkin 's company ? I like that story .

  30. 澳大利亚著名女作家凯特.格兰维尔(KateGrenville)曾创作了一系列女性题材的作品。

    Kate Grenville , one of the most prestigious Australian contemporary women writers , has written a series of fictions focusing on women .