
  1. 书的题赠是:献给约翰·阿洛特——劳丽·李。

    The book is inscribed : To John Arlott from Laurie Lee .

  2. 题赠写着:“献给爱玛,爱你的哈里”。

    The inscription reads : ' To Emma , with love from Harry ' .

  3. 题赠通常以书或艺术品作为非正式的赠予。

    The usually informal dedication of a book or an artistic work .

  4. 他的“记游诗”,写得尤为成功,“题赠奉和诗”,也写得较有特色。

    His poems about traveling are extremely successful and his poems of compliments also have characteristics .

  5. 把一本书题赠给朋友

    Inscribe a book to a friend

  6. 访问期间,卡扎菲向赖斯赠送了一枚钻戒、一把鲁特琴、一个刻有自己肖像的小挂盒、并给她题赠了一本绿皮书。

    During the visit , he presented Rice with a diamond ring , a lute , a locket with an engraved likeness of himself inside and an inscribed edition of The Green Book ` .

  7. 多年以前,一位学生时代的老友题赠我一本他撰写的关于乳牛养殖业的书,在此行当他堪称权威。

    Many years ago , an old friend of my schooldays sent me an inscribed copy of a book he had written on dairy farming , a subject on which he was an authority .