
Táo Xínɡzhī
  • educational theorist and reformer
  1. 论陶行知对杜威生活教育思想之超越&道德教育回归生活世界的理性反思

    On TAO Xing-zhi 's Transcendence over Dewey 's Life Education Thoughts

  2. 陶行知研究范型的嬗变(上)

    Changes in Models of Research Into Tao Xingzhi ( I )

  3. 陶行知的生活德育思想内涵丰富。

    Tao Xingzhi 's thought is rich of living moral education .

  4. 论陶行知教育思想的强大生命力

    Comment on Good Vitality of Tao Xing Zhi 's Idea of Education

  5. 陶行知的师范教育思想

    Tao Xing Zhi ′ s thought of teacher education and its significance

  6. 教学合一:陶行知教育思想与远程教学

    Teaching Learning in One : TaoXingzhi 's Educational Thought and Distance Teaching

  7. 裴斯泰洛齐与陶行知的生活教育理论之比较

    Comparison on the Theory of Life Education between Pestalozzi and Tao Xing-zhi

  8. 论陶行知创造教育的思想体系

    On the Logical System of Creation Education Differentiation Between Creative and Innovative Education

  9. 陶行知所构建的课程体系,从本质上说是一种综合课程体系。

    Tao Xingzhi 's curriculum system is in nature a comprehensive curriculum system .

  10. 陶行知的生活教育理论,是陶行知教育思想的精华。

    Tao Xingzhi 's life education theory is the soul of his education thoughts .

  11. 生活与教育&杜威教育即生活与陶行知生活即教育之比较杜威和他的后雅典时代

    An Comparison between Du Wei and Tao Xing-zhi 's Points towards Life and Education

  12. 教育家陶行知先生的这一名言,对于老师把握课堂质疑具有深刻的启示作用。

    This proverb has a great effect on teachers to grasp questions in class .

  13. 陶行知论乡村教育

    On the rural education by Tao Xing-zhi

  14. 陶行知人口理论与教育

    Tao Xing-zhi 's Population Theory and Education

  15. 回顾陶行知创造教育思想,对我国当今教育改革与发展有着重要的现实意义。

    It means a lot to the on-going reform and development of education in china .

  16. 学习陶行知教育思想努力提高教师的情商

    Study TAO Xing-zhi 's Ideology for Education and Heighten the Teacher 's Quotient of Feeling

  17. 论陶行知的健康教育思想

    Studies on TAO Xing-zhi health education thought

  18. 在陶行知极其丰富的教育思想中,德育理论占有重要的位置。

    The theory of moral education occupies an important place in TAO Xing-zhi 's education thought .

  19. 陶行知的教育改革实践及给我们的启示

    Tao Xing-zhi 's Practice of the Reform of Education and the Inspiration We Draw from That

  20. 借鉴陶行知创造教育思想改革师范教育之浅见

    How to Upgrade Teacher Training Education by Making Use of Tao Xing-zhi 's Creative Education Theory

  21. 使中国教育走向世界的尝试&陶行知与国际教育会议

    An attempt to make Chinese education into the world & Tao Xing-zhi and international education conference

  22. 世纪名人教育瑰宝&记丽水学院图书馆陶行知研究资料中心

    A Century Master and a Treasure in Education & the Research Resource Center of Lishui College Library

  23. 陶行知平民教育思想与当今乡镇社区教育

    On the Thought of Common Civilian Education by Tao Xing - zhi and Village Community Education Today

  24. 陶行知崇尚创造精神,留下了丰富而宝贵的创造教育思想。

    Tao Xingzhi advocates the creative spirit all his life , leaves abundant valuable educational thoughts of creation .

  25. 素质教育理论、建构主义理论、陶行知生活教育理论是本文分析的理论源泉。

    Quality education theory , constructivist theory and the Negligence education theory are the foundation of my theory .

  26. 从陶行知“生活即教育”的内涵看当前幼儿园教育

    View on the current preschool education judging from Tao xingzhi 's idea that " life is education "

  27. 陶行知认为,学生有了兴趣,就肯用全副精神去做事,学与乐不分。

    Tao , students have the interest , will go to work with full spirit , and music .

  28. 陶行知教学做合一理论在素质教育中的应用

    The Application of TAO Xing-zhi 's Theory of " Combination of Teaching and Practice " to the Quality Education

  29. 陶行知培养学生学习能力的思想,是他所创立的“生活教育”理论的有机组成部分。

    Tan Xingzhi 's thought of learning capacity training is an organic component of his " life education theory " .

  30. 陶行知的社会大学教育思想的形成与发展有着其特殊的历史背景。

    The formation and development of Tao Xing-zhi 's education thinking of ″ social university ″ have special historical background .