
  • 网络vendor financing;VENDOR FINANCE;Seller financing
  1. 卖方融资意味着风险在一定程度上是共担的,因此,买方能够展开行动,而卖方能够作出让步从而使所有权易主,而且可能还会刺激管理层对一个亟需新想法的企业进行改造。

    Seller financing means the risk is to a degree shared , and so acquirers are able to stretch and vendors able to compromise allowing fresh ownership and perhaps invigorated management to relaunch a business that needs new ideas .

  2. 但这笔贷款同样是一种卖方融资。

    But it was also a form of vendor financing .

  3. 不错,上述数字中包含5000万美元的现金和3亿美元卖方融资,KKR在公开市场上需要付出更多代价才能获得这些。

    True , that number includes $ 50m of cash and $ 300m of financing from the seller , which would cost KKR a lot more to obtain on the open market .

  4. 这种贷款其实全都是卖方融资。

    This lending was all about vendor financing .

  5. 他创业时用的是自己的积蓄和25万美元卖方融资。

    He used his savings and $ 250000 in vendor financing to set up .

  6. 2000年,该行业未偿还卖方融资达260亿美元。

    The sector had an estimated $ 26bn in outstanding vendor finance in 2000 .

  7. 卖方融资或对客户投资

    Vendor financing or investments in customers

  8. 但信贷紧缩增强了对“订书钉融资”和卖方融资的需求。

    But the credit crunch is boosting demand for " staple financing " and vendor financing .

  9. 压力之下的欧洲对手跃跃欲试,它们可能会为卖方融资再次找到用武之地。

    Hard-pressed European rivals , spoiling for a fight , may yet find a use for vendor financing again .

  10. 它发放的数十亿贷款(有时使用政府的资产负债表)通常都是一种卖方融资。

    The multibillion loans it granted ( using the government balance sheet sometimes ) were often a sort of vendor financing .

  11. 而特殊融资方式则主要讨论了杠杆收购融资和卖方融资。

    Apart from the above mentioned common ways , special financing methods such as leverage financing and seller 's financing are also covered .

  12. 最近推出的把不良资产转出银行资产负债表的计划,本质上就是由华盛顿买单的卖方融资。

    The latest plan for migrating toxic assets off banks ' balance sheets is , at bottom , vendor financing with Washington footing the bill .

  13. 收购价格(代表相当于账面价值70%的企业价值)和交易结构(包括2亿美元的卖方融资)表明,福特非常急于抛出这家亏损的瑞典汽车制造企业。

    The price ( representing an enterprise value about 70 per cent of book value ) and deal structure ( including $ 200m of vendor finance ) show that Ford was pretty desperate to offload the loss-making Swedish automaker .

  14. 最后,因为有经纪人参与的物业在市场上停留的平均时间较短,所以第三种理论假设卖方急于拿到钱,因而愿意支付经纪人的佣金,却不愿意提供卖方融资。

    Lastly , because the average time on the market is lower for brokered properties , the third theory predicts that the sellers in these deals may need money quickly and therefore be willing to pay the brokerage commission but not willing to provide vendor-to-buyer financing .