
Nán Jīnɡ Lǐ Gōnɡ Dà Xué
  • Nanjing University of Science and Technology
  1. 针对南京理工大学校园网现状提出了基于Linux平台下的IPv4/IPv6综合组网方案。

    Under the actual network state of Nanjing University of Science & Technology , we propose IPv4 / IPv6 compositive network scheme based on Linux operation system .

  2. 以南京理工大学工程训练中心为例,说明了基于Windchill网络化制造教学系统的实施,并且对使用效果进行了说明。

    This paper , based on engineering training center of Nanjing University of Science and Technology , describes the implementation and the results of the teaching system .

  3. 南京理工大学化学系;

    Department of Chemistry , Nanjing University of Science & Technology ;

  4. 南京理工大学学报2006年总目次

    Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology 2006 Total Contents

  5. 原来是一位外国留学生,在南京理工大学留学。

    Yes . I 'm a student of NANJING technology university .

  6. 杨斌、周晓丽,南京理工大学经济管理学院;

    School of Economics and Management , Nanjing University of Science and Technology ;

  7. 南京理工大学图书馆网络系统的方案设计

    Introduction of the Design of Library Network of Nanjing University of Science and Technology

  8. 对南京理工大学推行新一轮体育课程改革的研究

    The Research to Carry out a New Round of Curriculum Reform in Physical Education about Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering

  9. 运用问卷调查、文献资料和数理统计等方法,对南京理工大学学生参加课外体育活动情况进行了调查分析。

    With methods of statistics , survey paper and data materials we analyze the situation about the spare time sport of student .

  10. 微流体数字化技术是南京理工大学微系统研究室最新取得的重要研究成果。

    The Digitalization of Microfluids Technology is an important research of The Micro-system Lab in Nanjing University of Science and Technology lately .

  11. 同一时间,南京理工大学学生胡云天(音译)也在追同一部剧,吃着同样的零食。

    At the same time , Hu Yuntian at Nanjing Tech University started to watch the same video , eating the same snacks .

  12. 利用南京理工大学实施教师岗位聘任制的机会,对体育部教师进行了三轮实施岗位聘任制管理模式的实践研究。

    Taking the opportunity of implementing teacher position appointment in NUST , it makes a practical study on management model of position appointment .

  13. 南京理工大学微软技术俱乐部首届平面设计大赛闪亮启动!本次大赛由微软技术俱乐部举办,并得到微软亚洲研究院的鼎力支持。

    The first Ichnography Design Competition in South China University of Technology initiated by MS club and sponsored by Microsoft Research Asia debuted stately .

  14. 单元到整体重复到独特&南京理工大学基础实验教学楼设计

    From Unit to Whole , From Duplication to Peculiarity & Design for the Teaching Building of Fundamental Experiment in Nanjing Science and Engineering University

  15. 新形势下构建高校就业工作长效机制的探索与实践&以南京理工大学就业工作为例

    Exploration and Practice of Constructing Persistent and Effective Mechanism for Students ' Employment in Universities in the New Situation ── Taking NanJing University of Science and Technology as an example

  16. 南京理工大学微软技术俱乐部的技术活动正在如火如荼地进行中,我们所有队员一起努力,向俱乐部六周年献礼!

    The technical activities of Nanjing University of science & technology are carrying on like a ranging fire . let 's try our best to give the present for the6th anniversary .

  17. 结合南京理工大学图书馆馆藏资源的实际情况,提出了较为有效的解决方法并建立了具有实际应用价值的实验系统。

    According to the actual situation about resources in the Nanjing University of Science and Technology library , it puts forward a fairly effective way to construct very practical experimental system .

  18. 在分析了所有本科生9月中旬到11月中旬的餐卡消费记录之后,南京理工大学教育发展基金会将现金补贴款存入到了301名学生的饭卡当中。

    The Nanjing University of Science And Technology Education Development Foundation deposited cash support into the meal cards of 301 students after analyzing the meal card consumption record of all undergraduates between mid-September and mid-November .

  19. 南京理工大学参与了南京城市一卡通的建设,提出以自助充值系统为突破点,开发一套具有行业领先水平的自助充值业务平台。

    Nanjing University of Science and Technology participated in the Nanjing City IC card construction , making self-service charging serve as breakthrough point with profound vision , and developed a self-service charging system platform with leading industry level .

  20. 相信南京理工大学常熟研究院会站在战略管理的高度,将战略规划、战略实施、战略评估有机地结合起来,切实起到推动学校发展的作用。

    I believe Nanjing University of Science and Technology of Changshu Institute will stand in the height of the strategic management , strategic planning , strategy implementation , strategy evaluation organically , to play a role to promote the development of the school .

  21. 本文的项目背景是南京理工大学N&1型道路状况智能检测车项目,目的在于对其中的智能病害识别系统进行改进,增强其可靠性和实用性。

    The background of my paper is the project of Nanjing University of Science & Technology , which named " N-1 Style Intelligent Road Surface Disease Inspection Vehicle " . Our goal is to improve the performance of the intelligent disease detection subsystem and make it more reliable and useful .

  22. 晨笑才,南京理工,中国大学。

    Chenxiao Cai , Nanjing University of Science & Technology , China .