
  • 网络North South and;Taipei - Tokyo Cafe;Taipei Tokyo;Chinese Cafe;Dumpling Cafe;The Greatest Clvil War on Earth
  1. 科学家在三个方向主测定地震的运动:上下、南北和东西。

    Scientists measure seismic ground movements in three directions : up-down , north-south , and east-west .

  2. 与此同时,我们必须帮助来自发展中国家的科学家通过南北和南南研究合作,从而参与到全球创新系统中。

    At the same time , we must help scientists from developing countries participate in global innovation systems through South-North and South-South research collaborations .

  3. 第四,海西早期的南东-北西向挤压应力是本区近南北和近东西方向两组剪切缝和近北东拱张缝形成的主要构造力。

    Fourth , the early Hercynian SE-NW compression stress is formed by the interaction of near SN , near EW shear fractures and near NE arched fractures .

  4. 根据银川盆地不同厚度覆盖层上的三分向(东西、南北和垂直)地脉动测量数据,绘制出水平向振幅谱与垂直向振幅谱的比值曲线。

    Based on tri component measurement of microtremor on different thickness sediment layers in Yinchuan basin , the curves of ratio of horizontal spectrum to vertical spectrum were drawn .

  5. 传统的方法是选取南北和东西二个方向测定后平均,但因其值小于实际值而造成材积的低估;树皮断面积的计算是用带皮断面积减掉去皮断面积。

    In contrast , the sectional area of bark is overestimated , since it is calculated by subtracting the area of wood section from over-bark area without considering bark splits .

  6. 亚马逊先前一直对于这种商业模式在物流运输方面的服务进行试验:一种是在西雅图、加利福尼亚的南北部和纽约市里推出的AmazonFresh,承担实体店的所有货运服务;

    It 's already tested the business with two services where it takes care of the delivery : the company 's Amazon Fresh offers full-service grocery delivery in Seattle , southern and northern California and New York City .

  7. 螺旋波的形成,主要由于南北方向和垂直方向空气的较差转动及Coriolis参数随纬度的变化。

    The formation of the spiral planetary waves is mainly due to the differential rotation along the meridional and vertical directions , and the variation of Coriolis parameter with latitude .

  8. 本文从国际贸易中环境问题的南北差异和冲突的角度进行研究,试图寻求解决此问题的最佳途径,并探讨了WTO在协调国际贸易中环境问题中南北冲突的作用。

    This paper studies the environment problem in international trade from the point of discrepancy and conflict between the South and the North and tries to seek the best approach to solve this problem . The role of WTO to harmonize the South-North conflict is also probed .

  9. 重点分析了南北驼峰和赤道槽的位置和对应处的TEC值、谷宽和峰谷比。

    Our analysis concentrated on the locations and the corresponding TEC values of northern crest , equatorial trough and southern crest , and also the width of the trough and the ratio of crest to trough .

  10. 用基准站的静态数据模拟动态单点定位解算得到的坐标同已知坐标求较差计算出的RMS,南北分量和东西分量均优于3cm,高程分量优于5cm。

    Making differences epoch by epoch between PPP simulated kinematic solution and known coordinate of static base station derives RMS shows that horizontal RMS is smaller than 3 cm , vertical RMS is better than 5 cm .

  11. 该带中的活动断裂主要有两组,即南北向和北北东向。

    Two active faults are north-south faults and north north-east faults .

  12. 南北美洲和北欧变得越来越多雨;

    North and South America and northern Europe are getting wetter ;

  13. 现今柯坪构造带南北向和东西向断裂体系是不同时期构造的叠加。

    The present N-S and E-W fracture systems in Kalpin structural belt are the results of superimposition of structures in different stages .

  14. 鲍照诗歌尚奇特点对南北朝和唐代的影响非常显著,特别是唐代的大诗人几乎都受到了他的影响。

    The impact is very remarkable , especially the famous poet in the Tang Dynasty has been nearly all influenced by him .

  15. 吐鲁番地区是新疆境内南北交通和东西交通的交汇点,从古至今都是新疆多元文化交汇的地带。

    Turpan is north-south and east-west traffic in Xinjiang region . Early from ancient times , it is the multi-cultural area in Xinjiang .

  16. 岩脉的分布受断层构造的控制,刘家沟石英闪长岩体的展布特点说明其就位受近南北向和北西向断层的控制。

    The characteristic of quartz-diorite in Liujiagou shows that it is controlled by the compound positions of the north-west striking and north-south striking faults .

  17. 他们并指称,缓慢消失的可能不是大西洋而是太平洋,从而促成南北美洲和亚洲结合。

    Instead of the Atlantic disappearing , they say , the Pacific might slowly vanish , sending North and South America careering into Asia .

  18. 美国和加拿大边贸供应链优势在于把双方传统的东西向贸易格局演变为南北向和东西向贸易的网络化格局。

    The advantage of border trade supply chain between US and Canada relies on the network pattern which evolved from west-to-east trade pattern to north-to-south pattern .

  19. 该区共有断层20多条,多为南北向和北西向,少量为北东向。

    There are more than 20 faults in this area , mostly north-south and north-west oriented , and with a small number of them north-east oriented .

  20. 以“方城隘口”为核心的“方城道”是古代重要的交通系统,自古就是南北交通和文化交流的孔道;

    Taking " . Fangcheng Pass " as the centre ," Fangcheng Road " is the important system for transportation and cultural communication in ancient China .

  21. 秦岭是我国中部东西走向的最高山脉,成为气候的南北屏障和分界线。

    Being the highest mountains in central-western China continent , Qinling Mountains are the barrier of the climate both north and south China , are the boundary ;

  22. 为了阐明规划概念和建议,本次研习锁定这个愿景不可或缺的三个重点领域:河滨地区、南北轴线和南岸地区。

    To illustrate planning ideas and recommendations , the workshop targeted three focus areas integral to this vision : the waterfront , the north-south axis and the south side .

  23. 根据南北向和东西向连井剖面及地层的沉积模式,分析不同可容空间变化带的特点,证实了塔里木盆地志留系地层垂向和横向上存在的可容空间变化。

    Based on the north-south and west-east sections and the stratigraphic sedimentary model , the accommodation zones are analyzed and the accommodation changes in vertical and horizontal directions are identified .

  24. 全球化成为滋生恐怖主义的新温床,恐怖主义是全球化的一种伴生物:全球化加剧了南北差距和贫富分化;

    The globalization has become the seedbed for terrorism which accompanies the globalization all the way : it accelerates the difference between the South and the North , the polarization of the wealth ;

  25. 在中华民族的发展历程中,佛教扮演了极其重要的角色,在实现中国化之后,在南北朝和隋唐时期成为中国社会的主要宗教形态,成为中国传统文化的重要组成部分。

    In the developing history of China , the Buddhism plays a very important role . After the Sinicization of the Buddhism , it became one of the most important religious form in China .

  26. 石窟中许多美丽生动的舞蹈雕像,既有南北朝和唐朝的时代特征,也具有特定地区的中原风韵。

    Many beautiful and lively images in the grottoes convey both the ethos of such dynasties as the South and north as well as tang , and a " mid-china " style of certain areas .

  27. 对建筑物平屋顶水平面上南北向和东西向放置圆柱形吸热体真空管集热器的日、年能量收益,以及上述两种集热器管中心距与能量收益的关系进行了分析研究。

    According to the Clear-Day Model , the daily energy gain and its annual variation for different center-to-center distances of evacuated collector with cylindric absorber in two different axes installation on horizontal plane are studied .

  28. 该区是由北东向、南北向和东西向展布的三组构造所组成的三角区,平面上表现为帚状构造,剖面组合为隔挡式褶皱。

    The area is made up of three groups of tectonics of which trends are severally northeastern , transmeridional and southern-northern , it is brush structure on plane , which also named ejective folds on vertical section .

  29. 从绿洲上空水汽含量区域分布及沿着探空站南北向和东西向剖面看,水汽含量在空间分布上存在较大差异。

    According to the regional distribution of the water vapor content and the section plane along the sounding site from East-West and south-north , there is biggish difference in the spatial distribution of the water vapor content .

  30. 由于我们尝过南北战争和种族隔离的苦水,走出了那个黑暗时代并变得更加坚强和团结,我们不能不相信昔日的仇恨终有一天会成为过去;

    and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation , and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united , we cannot help but belive that the old hatreds shall someday pass ;