
yuàn nǚ
  • old maid;spinster
怨女 [yuàn nǚ]
  • (1) [old maiden] 到结婚年龄而未有婚配的女子

  • 怨女旷夫

  • (2) ;指年长的宫女

  • 死囚四百皆离狱,怨女三千放出宫。--《西游记》

  1. 论李贺诗歌中的怨女形象

    The Gloomy and Distressed Female Image in Lihe 's Poems

  2. 乱世怨女梦&战时中国作家的一种写作方式

    A writing type of chinese writers in wartime

  3. 本文以李贺长安任职期间创作的宫怨、闺怨诗和他妓女诗中的怨女形象为研究对象,分别阐述两类诗歌中怨女形象呈现的不同特征。

    This article makes his GongYuan and GuiYuan poems written in the period of his being in Chang ' an as an official and his prostitute poems as the study object , expounds the features of the gloomy and distressed female image in those two kinds of poems .