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yuàn qì
  • grievance;resentment;complaint
怨气 [yuàn qì]
  • [grievance] 怨恨之气

怨气[yuàn qì]
  1. 没有拿到工资的工人们的怨气最后会爆发吧。

    The complaint of the unpaid workers will be exploding .

  2. 博伦曾与人合著过一篇研究文章,发表在四月份的《南方传播杂志》(SouthernCommunicationJournal)上。研究显示,同事表现出的怨气通常会让人们放弃本应有权享受的家庭假期。

    Boren is co-author of a study in the April issue of Southern Communication Journal showing that messages of peer resentment often stop people from taking the family-leave time they 're entitled to .

  3. 但是幽默的背后却透着怨气。

    But underneath the humour is an edge of bitterness

  4. 对巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)、对整个世界都怨气冲冲的美国,抛弃了曾经承诺要改变一切的奥巴马。

    Angry at Barack Obama , angry at the world , America has turned its back on the president who promised to change everything .

  5. 博伦曾与人合著过一篇研究文章,发表在四月份的《南方传播杂志》(SouthernCommunicationJournal)上。研究显示,“同事表现出的怨气”通常会让人们放弃本应有权享受的家庭假期。

    Boren is co-author of a study in the April issue of Southern Communication Journal showing that " messages of peer resentment " often stop people from taking the family-leave time they 're entitled to .

  6. 事实表明,1935年通过的、用于保护试图结社的工人免受报复的《全国劳资关系法案》(NationalLaborRelationsAct)同样适用于保护在Facebook上发泄怨气的员工。

    It turns out that the National Labor Relations Act , passed in 1935 , which protects workers from suffering reprisals for trying to organize a union , can also apply to people who are just venting on Facebook .

  7. 优步(Uber)可能是当今时代最令人敬畏的企业之一,但它也是有怨气的人都喜欢抨击的某种意识形态公敌。

    Uber may be one of the most formidable businesses of our times but it is also something of an ideological pi ñ ata , which everyone with a grievance loves to whack .

  8. 他早就厌倦这类怨气冲冲的话题了。

    He had long since wearied of discussing the rancorous subject .

  9. 满肚子怨气对您没好处。

    It 's no good for you to store up complaints .

  10. 他把愤怒和怨气都转向他那公义的弟弟亚伯。

    His anger and resentment grew toward his righteous brother Abel .

  11. 所以无论我太太对这件事有多大的怨气。

    So all the anger my wife has about this project .

  12. 而外籍劳工的怨气也在这一制度下不断加深。

    Foreign workers have also increasingly bristled under the system .

  13. 不要把怨气宣泄到爱人身上。

    Don 't take your frustrations out on the ones you love .

  14. 了解了真相,梅婧心中的怨气一扫而光。

    Having known the truth , Mei felt free from anger totally .

  15. 这么快又得去见他,我感到一肚子怨气。

    I felt resentful about having to see him again so soon .

  16. 相信我,对付满腹怨气的家长我经验可丰富了

    Trust me . I have plenty of experience with disapproving parents .

  17. 她利用那次会议诉说了所有的怨气。

    She used the meeting to ventilate all her grievances .

  18. 跟你有什么关系?他怨声怨气地说。

    " What is it to you ?" he growled .

  19. 我就想知道这地方是否能挡住怨气。

    I just wanna know if it protects against attitude .

  20. 当然,木兰烘焙坊并没有因为人多而怨气冲冲。

    Of course Magnolia Bakery isn 't exactly complaining .

  21. 却把你的怨气发泄到其他人身上!

    While you take it out on everyone else .

  22. 内助:妻子,或是充满怨气的另一半。

    Helpmate : A wife , or bitter half .

  23. 我就是你父亲怨气的对象啊

    I have been on the receiving end of your father 's disapproval .

  24. 我不该把对你妈妈的失意怨气撒在你身上

    I shouldn 't have taken my frustrations with your mother out on you .

  25. 你能做到释放你的怨气

    You can . Let out your frustrations .

  26. 他利用那机会表达了对主席积压已久的怨气。

    He used the occasion to express all his old grievances against the chairman .

  27. 好了,汤姆,吐完了怨气达成协议吧。

    Now , Tom , let the steam off and come to an agreement .

  28. 所有工人都准备继续罢工直至完全发泄他们的怨气。

    All the workers were prepared to stay out until their grievances were remedied .

  29. 她看起来倒不像是愤愤不平或者怨气连天,只是为什么事儿稍稍有些焦心。

    She seemed to be slightly anxious about something rather than aggrieved or irate .

  30. 带着你的怨气离我的手术室越远越好。

    You will take your energy as far away from my o.r.as you can get .