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yān zhī
  • how can...know?
  1. 不吃苦,焉知甜。

    Who have never taste bitter , know not what is sweet .

  2. 但是,塞翁失马焉知是福。

    But it had all worked out for the best .

  3. 即使马上再弄来一辆,焉知不再遇上那样的事呢?

    Even if he got another one , who knew when the same sort of thing might happen again ?

  4. 未知死,焉知生读狄金森死亡之诗生存的悖谬与虚无的拯救《李尔王》的一种解读

    The Paradox of Being Alive and Dead Paradox of Being and Salvation of Nothingness A Kind of Reading King Lear

  5. 未知死,焉知生&中国古代死亡观探究

    We do not as yet understand death ; how can we understand life & probing into China 's ancient outlook on death

  6. 焉知神已把我们放在某个位置,在特定的时刻成为祂手中的器皿。

    Who knows ? We may be the ones God has put in position to be the instrument in His hand at that particular moment .

  7. 藉由考察《论语》原文中可见的孔子之生死观,对《先进篇》中“未知生,焉知死”一语之意涵进行再检讨。

    This paper , based on Confucius view of life and death , analyzes the implications of " If you don t understand what life is , how will you understand death " in The Analects .

  8. 我泱泱大国14亿人,竟让斯人来向西方大众代言我中华文化之精髓,实乃悲哀之至&焉知这个世界还能虚假到何种程度。

    It is so sad that out of1.4 billion of my countrypeople she was chosen to speak to the western audience the very essence of our culture & how fake this world could get I wonder .