
  1. 南宗在之后的历史长河中也一直处于中国画的主流地位。

    The Southern Sect has been in the mainstream of Chinese painting later in history .

  2. 慧能成为佛教南宗第六代传人,这故事流传相当久远。

    Huineng became a Buddhist sect sixth generation descendants , this story for a long .

  3. 同时,作为南宗的文人画地位得到确立乃至成为中国绘画观念的最高认识。

    During this period , the status of south Drawing of Scholar was established and became the highest cognition of painting .

  4. 依地域来说,南宗禅的崛起与南方的开发有着密切联系,怀海禅师出生于福建福州,是福建走出的第一位高僧。

    According to geographical , the rise of Southern Chan Southern development are closely linked to the Huai Hai was born in Fuzhou , Fujian , Fujian out a monk .

  5. 禅宗典籍中其“目不识丁”的形象可能是有意突出南宗禅“不立文字”的特征和普通劳动者的典型性。

    " Hliteracy " is probably only a symbol of Zen Buddhism 's deliberate dismissing of the written language and the manifestation of the laborer 's image emphasized by Zen Buddhism .

  6. 但是,南宗的灵动与北宗严峻的山形巧妙结合,在绘画史上是少有,更何况,两者是由一只西洋画笔调和的。

    However , the spirit of the south and solemnity of the northern topology are wittily integrated , which is rather rare . Moreover , the two adopted western painting techniques .

  7. 其实诗人寒山沿习了源于印度的传统禅法,他的思想与早期禅思想一致,与后来的南宗禅不同。

    In fact , the poems inherited the traditional India Dhyana , which makes his thought in accordance with the Chinese Dhyana of earlier period , but different from the Southern Dhyana .

  8. 南宗双修派的功夫论将炼丹分为三步:炼金丹,金液还丹和九转金液大还丹。

    The cultivating work of the south sect of integrated cultivation divides alchemy into three steps , cultivating the golden elixir , golden liquid back to elixir and the ultimate cultivation through nine transforms .

  9. 《绪论》中对学界有关金丹南宗之禅道关系的研究现状作了简要的综述,并指出了当前研究的不足之处。

    Study on current situation of academic research on the relationship of Tao and Zen in South-school of inner alchemy were reviewed in the introduction , analyzing the achievements and shortcomings of existing research .

  10. 作为太谷学派的南宗领袖,李光炘通过强化与地方社会力量的联系,努力改善与上层社会的关系,构建全新的社会支持网络。

    As a leader of the Southern Sect , Li Guangxin made great effort to construct a new network of social support by strengthening tie with the local power and modifying relations with the top society .

  11. 无相戒法的倡导,使得南宗禅在会昌法难及唐末五代离乱后开出抖落陈规、自由自在地寻求人生安立与解脱的新路。

    The Wuxiang enabled Southern Zen Buddhism to create a new way to find human peace and in a new and free manner after the Huichang Calamity and the tumult of the late Tang and the subsequent Five Eras .

  12. 在南宗禅看来,禅既是修行,又是得道,既是手段,又是目的,既是方法又是本体,既是定又是慧。

    To a Buddhist , Zen refers both to the practice of Buddhism and to the cultivation of one 's moral character , both a means and an end , both a method and a matter , both sight and insight .

  13. 以理学为代表的儒家文化,以南宗为代表的道教文化和以天台宗为代表的佛教文化在天台山胜地共栖、义理互补、圆融共处,共同组成了极具特色的天台山文化。

    Taking science as the representative of the Confucian culture , the South as the representative of the Taoist culture and the sect as the representative of the Buddhist culture in Tiantai Mountain developed together harmoniously and form a unique culture of Tiantai Mountain .