
  • 网络Southern Dynasty Literature;the literature in southern dynasties
  1. 北朝文学的发展,是通过模拟南朝文学,以北朝文学南方化的方式实现的。

    By imitating , the literature of North Dynasties graft onto the South .

  2. 南朝文学对文学之“丽”的复兴从刘宋文学开始。

    The renaissance of luxuriance in literature in Nanchao Dynasty begins from the time of Liusong .

  3. 这种追求唯美的倾向对南朝文学产生了重要影响。

    This tendency of the pursuit of the aesthetic had a significant impact on literature of the Southern Dynasty .

  4. 本章主要讨论南朝文学集团与南朝政治的特殊关系。

    The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the effect of Nan Dynasties politics on literary groups in Nan Dynasties .

  5. 本文首先提出了南朝文学批评的新变称号,继而对新变的指向和界定做了阐释。

    This article firstly put forward the name of the theory of New change that the literacy criticism of the Nan dynasty derived of .

  6. 作为元嘉三大家之一的鲍照,是近年来南朝文学研究的热点之一。

    Bao Zhao , one of the three famous writers in Yuan Jia Period , has been researched as one of the focal points in Nan Dynasty literature research in recent years .

  7. 南朝文学批评中关于雅俗问题的讨论相当深入,其成果对后世文学的理论和创作均产生了深远的影响。

    Discussions about Elegance and Commonness in the literary criticism were very deep in the Southern Dynasty and its result exerted a great influence on the theory and writing of later literary .

  8. 刘氏家族是南朝文学家族中的佼佼者,他们的文学活动和文学创作成就,在南朝文学中占重要地位。

    Liu Family , whose literary activities and literary achievements play an important role in literature of the Southern Dynasties , is the leader of the literary families in the Southern Dynasties .

  9. 本文从文学集团的角度研究南朝文学,即主要研究南朝文学集团对南朝文学发展的影响。全文共分八大部分:绪论、正文六章和结语,共约17万字。

    This thesis consists of eight parts , including a preface , six chapters , and a conclusion . The main subject of this thesis is the effect of literary groups in the development of Nan Dynasties literature .

  10. 本文认为,南朝文学批评理论的特色及生成,贯穿其中的一条主要线索即是新变说与折衷说的形成及两者矛盾运动的发展轨迹。

    This article holds that the literacy criticism of the Nan dynasty owned its distinguishing feature and its formation . The main clue running through it was the track of formation and contradictory movement between Eclecticism and New change .

  11. 南朝帝王在文学发展中的作用

    On the Influence of Emperors of Southern Dynasties on Literary Development

  12. 南朝文化、文学观与散文风格

    The Culture , Literary Sense and Prose Style in the Southern Dynasty

  13. 南朝帝王的文学活动促进了文学场走向自主运作。

    The literary activities of the emperors in the Nan Dynasty boosted the field of literature towards autonomous operation .

  14. 我国南朝梁代文学理论家刘勰,在其巨著《文心雕龙》中对前代作家多有评述,其论往往精辟独到,令后人信服。

    Liu Xie , a literature theorist of the Southern Liang Dynasty , has commented on a proliferation of writers before the Southern Liang dynasty .

  15. 南朝对建安文学的接受主要体现在两个方面,一是抒情性文学传统的继承,二是追求美的形式。

    Jian'an Literature 's being accepted in the Southern Dynasty is shown in two aspects : one is the inheritance of lyric literary tradition , the other is the pursuit of beautiful forms .

  16. 南朝时由于当时文学风尚的影响,连珠体的写作呈现个性化与抒情化的特征,形成了多样化的别格。

    Because of the influence of the literature prevailing custom during the Southern Dynasties , the writing of Lian-zhu style became more and more individualized and lyrical .

  17. 刘勰是在全面总结先秦以至南朝宋齐时代文学创作和文学批评丰富经验的基础上撰著《文心雕龙》的。

    Liu Xie thoroughly summarized the abundant experience of literature creation and literature criticism from Qin Dynasty to Song Qi Period of Nan Dynasty ; the book Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature was written on the basis of the summarization .

  18. 谢庄是南朝刘宋一代的著名文学家,也是东晋南朝谢氏文学集团的重要成员之一。

    Xie Zhuang is a famous litterateur in the Jin period of Nan Dynasty , and he is also one of the members of the Xie literature group .

  19. 摘要江庵是我国南朝诗人、辞赋家,在南朝文学史上占有重要的地位。

    Jiang Yan is a poet and Ci Fu writer in the Southern Dynasty of china , who occupies an important position in the history of the Southern Dynasty literature .

  20. 南朝皇室与士族社会生活互动关系及其对南朝文学的影响

    The Interaction of the Royalties and Tu Nationality in the Social Life of the Nan Dynasty and the Influence on Its Literature