
  1. 该方法应用到四川南桠河梯级水电厂日优化运行中,结果令人满意。

    These models are applied to the cascade hydropower plants on the Nanya River in Sichuan , and the results are satisfactory .

  2. 本文根据南桠河三级水电站取水口前后实测含沙量和颗粒级配资料,比较了两种悬移质垂线分布计算方法。

    Based on the measured sediment discharge and grain composition data , the two calculation methods for suspended load vertical distribution are compared in the paper .

  3. 冶勒水电站工程位于四川省凉山州冕宁县和雅安市石棉县境内,为南桠河流域梯级规划“一库六级”的第六级龙头水库电站。

    Yele Hydroeletric Project , With the leading reservior station of Nanya river cascade development , is located on Nanya River in Mianning county and Shimian county of Sichun Province .