
  • 网络nanpan river;Kunming--Nanpanjiang
  1. 南盘江悬索桥加劲梁疲劳应力监测及分析

    Fatigue stress monitoring and analysis for stiffening girder of Nanpan River Suspension Bridge

  2. 针对超限重车无法通过原有南盘江桥梁的实际情况,必须架设一条临时桥梁来通行。

    It suggests that a temporary bridge needs to be built across Nanpan River due to the original bridge no longer to bear the traveling of any overload trailer .

  3. 东南则以右江褶皱带内的南盘江为界。统计表明,地震活动与南北带的速度结构相关:从20km以上的速度图象发现,大地震大都发生在高速和低速间的过渡条带上。

    The statistical data show that seismic activity is related to the velocity structure of North-South zone : almost all of the major earthquakes took place in the transition strips between high-and low - velocity zones in the crust above 20 km .

  4. 三级层序界面野外露头的识别判断标志&以南盘江坳陷晚古生界地层为例

    Identification Marks on the Field Outcrop of Three-grade Sequence Interface

  5. 南盘江地区二、三迭纪碳酸盐角砾岩分布广泛。

    The carbonate breccias exist widely in the Nanpan river area during the Permian and Triassic periods .

  6. 南盘江沿岸鼠类及鼠体寄生蚤类调查云南省19个县市黄胸鼠体表蚤类种类调查

    Survey of species of ectoparasitic fleas on Rattus flavipectus from 19 counties in Yunnan Province , China

  7. 南盘江上游水质水量综合分析与管理结合生态需水的黄河水资源水质水量联合评价

    Integrated evaluation of water quality and quantity in combination with eco-environmental water requirements for the Yellow River

  8. 南盘江断陷区二、三叠系的火山碎屑浊积岩&一种独特的无海底扇浊流沉积模式

    Research into the Permian and Triassic volcaniclastic turbidite of Nanpan River seg-a unique turbidite mode without submarine fan

  9. 南盘江盆地的早&中三叠世地层中,沉积相形成复杂而有序的空间变化和时间变化。

    There are complex and regular changes in depositional facies from the early to the middle Triassic strata in the Nanpanjiang Basin .

  10. 建立了地球化学光谱遥感图像三位一体的遥感找油气模式,根据油气遥感色调异常对南盘江地区进行了评价和分类。

    The geochemical-spectral-remote sensing exploring oil-gas model is then set up based on oil-gas remote sensing color anomaly with which Nanpanjiang region has been assessed and classified .

  11. 该文以南盘江表层结构调查为例,论述了综合物探方法在表层结构调查中的应用。

    Taking geological survey in Nanpanjiang as an example , we discuss application of synthetic geophysical exploration methods in geological structure survey of surface layers in this paper .

  12. 针对南盘江上游段自然地理、社会经济、生态环境及防洪能力的实际状况,对水库群及河道实施统一优化调度。

    According to the physicalgeography 、 socio-economy 、 environment and flood control ability and so on natural status and character , schedule the multi-reservoirs system and the river combined .

  13. 前言:南盘江上游生态破坏严重,导致水土流失严重,产生了水体的非点源污染。

    The ecological equilibrium on the upper reach of Nan Pan Rivere is destroyed seriously : This resulted in the loss of water and soil and the non-point pollution of water body .

  14. 并通过对沥青充填期次、包裹体研究和胶结物期次与沥青的关系,研究了古油藏经历的多期次充注、破坏过程,据此初步建立了南盘江盆地古油藏演化模式。

    According to bitumen filling periods , inclusion enclave analysis and relationship between bitumen and cementing matter in different generations , the multi-stage process of oil reservoir formation and destruction were studied .

  15. 该井是南盘江盆地第一口区域探井,查明该气藏的成因对该地区天然气勘探具有重要的指导意义。

    It is very im portant for natural gas exploration in the region to find out the origins of the gas reservoir , because this well is the first regional exploration well in the basin .

  16. 6个浅井的120个样品表明,南盘江盆地中下泥盆统烃源岩有机碳含量为0.37%~3.63%,平均值为1.65%;

    120 samples from 6 shallow wells indicate that , source rocks of the Middle and Lower Devonian have a total carbon content varying from 0.37 % to ( 3.63 % ) with an average of 1.65 % .

  17. 从岩石学、岩石化学及地球化学分析方法入手,通过对南盘江地区三叠系砂岩的物源性质及其沉积构造背景的综合分析和研究,结合近年来对扬子大陆边缘地质构造演化的研究成。

    In this paper , we analyse and study comprehensively on the nature of material origin of the Triassic sandstone in the Nanpan River area and its sedimentary geotectonic setting by means of petrographic , petrochemical and geochemical analyses .