
  • 网络Southbridge;South Bridge;South Bridge chip;SBC
  1. 随着Intel865/875系列芯片组主板的上市,通过主板的南桥芯片便可以直接支持串行ATA了,这标志着串行ATA开始走向了成熟期。

    Along with the mainboard based on the Intel 865 / 875 appearing on market , serial ATA devices can be connected directly to the mainboard through the south bridge , which indicates that the ATA technique is well developed .

  2. PCI/ISA桥是PC机系统中南桥芯片的一个重要组成部分,其功能是进行PCI总线和ISA总线协议之间的转换,实现PCI设备和ISA设备的跨总线相互通信。

    The function of the PCI-to-ISA bridge is to translate the PCI bus protocol to ISA bus protocol . Such translation makes communication between PCI devices and ISA devices possible .