
  • 网络Tailing phenomenon;smearing
  1. 在处理拖尾现象和保持图像信息方面,该方法优于基于Fourier分析的频域滤波方法。

    This method is better than Fourier transform based filtering in frequency field .

  2. 双凸极永磁电机中五种PWM控制方式下的电流拖尾现象

    Mechanism of Current Lag Under Five PWM Control Strategies in Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Motors

  3. Tc(0)为100104.3K,电阻温度曲线没有拖尾现象。

    The Tc ( 0 ) are in the range of 100 to 104.3K , without tailing for the resistance-temperature curves .

  4. 结果:该改良法能使凝胶聚合时间缩短、一次电泳时间从6h缩短为2h,HbF中各珠蛋白链得到良好分离,电泳条带清晰,无拖尾现象;

    Results : The globin chains can be well separated by this modified method and the electrophoresis time has been shorted down ( from 6 hours to 2 hours ) .

  5. 若细胞DNA受损时,其断片会进入凝胶中,电泳时受损片段向阳极迁移,形成荧光拖尾现象,形似彗星,因此又称彗星实验(cometassay)。

    If the cell DNA damaged , the fragment could get into the agarose gel . The damaged fragment migrated towards the anode after gel electrophoresis , and formed fluorescence tailing phenomenon which was like a comet . So it was also called comet assay .

  6. 本文还分析了波形测量中的拖尾现象和多项式拟合对测量的影响,进而,对利用G-S算法进行单模光纤传递函数测量的可行性进行了阐述。

    Then , the influence of attenuation and self phase modulation of fiber is discussed , and the influence of the delay phenomenon and fitted polynomial is also analyzed .

  7. 而且氟离子可导致酶切片段在电泳中显示拖尾现象。

    The fluoride induced the DNA cleavage phenomenon of enzymed fragments .

  8. 单细胞凝胶电泳中,正常对照组与大豆磷脂组均没有出现拖尾现象。

    In the single cell gel electrophoresis , all the groups were no smearing .

  9. 增大雷诺数,反应器的水力特性逐渐接近理想推流,水流的拖尾现象也随之被弱化。

    Hydraulic characteristics were gradually close to plug flow with increasing Reynolds number , and tailing effect was also weakened .

  10. 高频红外碳硫仪测定铁合金时拖尾现象的原因分析

    Analysis of Causes for Delay Phenomenon in Determining Carbon and Sulfur Content in Ferroalloy with High Frequency Carbon / Sulfur Determinator

  11. 浓海水的盐池中卤虫能生长,但颜色呈灰绿色,出现拖尾现象。

    The artemia could grow in the desalinated seawater pond , but the color assumed the grayish-green , appeared the trailing phenomenon .

  12. 与卫生部药品标准方法相比,柱效提高、拖尾现象减小,杂质分离更加有效。

    Compared with the current method , this method was better in the column efficiency , less tailing and effective separation of impurities .

  13. 在进行噬斑实验时,我们发现部分噬斑会出现拖尾现象,似乎是噬菌体定向移动后留下的痕迹,这一发现更强化了该噬菌体可以运动的印象。

    Furthermore , we also found curiously that some plaques had a long tailing beside them which seemed to be the trace of the directional moving of EECP .

  14. 为消除输出脉冲的前沿上冲和后沿拖尾现象,分析了脉冲形成线中的连接段与螺旋线阻抗的不匹配对输出波形的影响。

    The influence of the impedence mismatching between the joint section in pulse forming line and the helical line on the voltage waveform of the diode was analyzed .

  15. 戊酮和正丁醇的混合溶液消除了甲酚体系的浓度曲线峰拖尾现象,其脱附作用明显好于邻二甲苯。

    The mixture of3-pentone and n-butanol was considered as a more suitable desorbent since it eliminated the tailing of concentration profiles obtained from the tests with o-xylene as desobent .

  16. 色谱流出峰的拖尾现象普遍存在于制备和大型色谱分离过程中,它直接影响分离的产率和回收率.本文提出采用色谱流出峰形的不对称偏差度来表征色谱流出峰的拖尾程度;

    The tailed phenomenon of chromatographic elution peak universally exists in the large scale liquid chromatographic separation process and directly affects the production rate and recovery rate of chromatographic separation .

  17. 针对这一现象,论文分析并比较了非瑞利分布模型与瑞利分布模型的区别,验证拖尾现象对接收机工作性能的影响。

    According to this phenomena , the dissertation analyses and compares rayleigh-distribution and non - rayleigh-distribution , and then validates influence of receiver operating performance by the phenomena of heavier tail .

  18. 超速离心法:电泳分析图可见,处理后的样本电泳条带亮度高,但有拖尾现象,且通过电镜分析可知,背景纯度不高,且含有大量的杂质。

    Ultracentrifugation : Electrophoresis analysis diagram shows , the sample is high brightness of band , but tailing phenomenon , and electron microscope analysis , the background is not good , containing a lot of contamination .

  19. 例如对于活动图像,帧平均和帧积分会给运动图像带来拖尾现象和运动边缘模糊;

    For example , as to the moving image , when we use the algorithms of multiframe averaging and frame integration to reduce the noise , they will also bring the phenomenon of hauling tail and moving blur ;

  20. 结果表明,在饱和条件下,硝态氮垂直运移过程的穿透曲线呈现不对称形状和拖尾现象,主要由于土壤中存在着动水和不动水的比例不同和土壤的物理性质所致。

    The results showed , the breakthrough curve of nitrate vertical transport in saturated condition was more or less non-symmetrical , mainly due to the different proportion of mobile and immobile water in the soil and soil physical properties .

  21. 硝基苯的浓度峰值在含水介质中的持续时间并不很长,但由于硝基苯解吸附作用的存在,在此后相当长的一段时间里都存在较为明显的拖尾现象。

    The duration of peak value of the concentration is not too long , but tailing phenomenon has occurred obviously in a quite long time since nitrobenzene concentration has drawn down to a certain degree according to its desorption .

  22. 而且气冷微波固化组织无“拖尾”现象。

    The " air-cooled " microwave coagulation did not leave a trail in the coagulation area .

  23. 假定来流为指数衰减模式,数值试验结果表明泥流堆积过程具有较为明显的龙头衰减过程,头部流速较大,泥深沿程呈现小-大-小的分布,且有较长的拖尾衰减现象。

    The results show that the deposition has an obvious attenuation , and the mudflow flows faster in the front section . The depth of mud varies along the long trail .

  24. 其不使用固体作为载体,避免了固相载体的不可逆吸附和峰形拖尾等不利现象。

    Its not use solid as the carrier , so avoid a solid phase of the carrier absorption and irreversible peak shape tailing , and other negative phenomena .