
  • 网络tractor skidding
  1. 拖拉机集材道最大坡度和最大坡长的探讨

    Discussion on maximal gradient and slope length of Tractor Skidding trail

  2. 手扶拖拉机集材对集材道土壤影响的研究

    Study on the Impact of the Soil by Walking Tractor Skidding

  3. 拖拉机集材对林地土壤的影响

    Effects of skidding on forest soils

  4. 目前我国的集材装备主要是集材拖拉机和索道集材,畜力集材已经逐渐被机械化所取代,而索道集材由于受地形限制,应用区域有限,因此主要是拖拉机集材。

    Skidding tractor and ropeway tractor are mainly used in China , animal skidding are replaced by mechanization gradually , while the application area of ropeway skidding is limited since it is restricted to the landform , so tractor skidding is the mainly manner .

  5. 以手扶拖拉机为原型机的集材绞盘机系列研究

    One of Series Researches on Yarder Based on Archetypal Machine Tractor

  6. 本文概述了集材&50拖拉机在重载陡坡集材行驶时出现反转向的原因;

    This paper discusses causes on the reversal direction arisen when 50 crawler tractors are skidding at the steep slopes with heavy load .

  7. 对以手扶拖拉机为原型机的集材绞盘机系列的整机构造、工作原理、主要技术参数的选择与计算等方面涉及的有关设计理论与工程实践问题进行分析研究。

    Tractor is used as archetypal machine of yarder . Theory and engineering practices referring to its structure , working principle , and the selection and calculation of main technical parameters are analyzed and researched .

  8. 本文通过对集材拖拉机运输能力、集材生产定额、经济效益以及幼苗损伤程度等指标的分析阐述了集材拖拉机的选型原则,又通过定性和定量分析提出了几种选型方法。

    The general principles of log skidder model selection is discussed by analyzing transportability , logging production quota , economic benfit and the extent of destroyed sapling . Some methods of model selection by means of qualitative and quantitative analysis is also proposed .