
tuō lā
  • dilatory;slow;sluggish;procrastinating;laggard;traction;foot-dragging;behindhand;hang back;tardiness;dally
拖拉 [tuō lā]
  • [dilatory;laggard;slow;sluggish] 办事迟缓,不抓紧完成

  • 拖拉作风

拖拉[tuō lā]
  1. 他认为杰斐逊很快就会撤换他那位做事拖拉的指挥官。

    He was of the opinion that Jefferson would soon remove his dilatory commander .

  2. 阻饶议事的议员:用极端拖拉的战术来延迟或防止决议形成,特别是在立法程序上。

    Filibuster : The use of extreme dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action , especially in a legislative assembly .

  3. 这会议开得真拖拉。

    The meeting really dragged .

  4. 这些官僚拖拉了太久。

    The bureaucrats dallied too long

  5. 他工作从不拖拉。

    He never puts off his work .

  6. 如果你想告别拖拉懒散,那么就离这些拖拉者远点。

    If you want to stop procrastinating , stay away from time-spongers .

  7. 我现在就打给他。没有道理要拖拉。

    I 'll call him right now . No point in delaying .

  8. 拖拉者愚弄的人最终只有自己。

    Time-spongers can fool no one but themselves .

  9. 不用说,很多人都见过拖船拖拉巨轮的情景。

    Most of you no doubt have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners .

  10. 佩克姆将军谈到清洁和拖延的那些简报,使梅杰少校感到自己象一个邋遢的、作风拖拉的家伙。

    General Peckem 's communications about cleanliness and procrastination made Major Major feel like a filthy procrastinator .

  11. 我以前整天都很懒,做事拖拉,开着空调睡觉,看电影,有什么吃什么。

    I used to be so lazy all the day , procrastinating things , sleeping under AC , watching movies and eating all the food available .

  12. 一个自PageData视图拖拉的行为组合框。

    A Behavior for drops from Page Data view combo box .

  13. 现在,从配置板中拖拉TextField对象到它的表格中。

    Now , drag the Text Field object from the palette onto this form .

  14. 找到OutputText控件并将其拖拉到页面上。

    Locate the Output Text control and drag it to the page .

  15. 将从PageData视图中拖拉的行为更改为绑定并插入子控件。

    Change the Behavior for drops from Page Data view to Bind and insert child controls .

  16. 将Users数据集拖拉到报表上。

    Drag the Users data set to the report .

  17. 注意从PageData视图中拖拉数据,将会更改不同的数据。

    Notice that dropping data from the Page Data view will alter different attributes as a result .

  18. 当数据从PageData视图拖拉到一个控件上时,就需要使用Behavior组合框了。

    The Behavior combo is used when data is dragged from the Page Data view onto a control .

  19. 开发者可以仅仅通过拖拉用户界面组件到页面上,生成动态的Web页。

    Developers can create dynamic Web pages simply by dragging and dropping user interface components onto a page .

  20. 从DataExplorer视图将数据集拖拉到报表编辑器中。

    Drag the data set from the Data Explorer view to the report editor .

  21. 点击UserRole工具,并将其拖拉到您想要角色位于的地方。

    Click the User Role tool and drag it to where you want the role placed on the canvas .

  22. 点击ContentManagement«userteam»,并将关系拖拉到您想要将其联系的角色上。

    Click the Content Management « user_team » and drag the connection to the role you want to connect it to .

  23. 使用ProjectExplorer或者Search视图来拖拉工件以创建链接。

    Use the Project Explorer or the Search view to drag artifacts to create links .

  24. 当您从配置板或者PageData视图中拖拉标签时,这些配置元素就可以应用了。

    These configuration elements apply when you drag tags from the palette or Page Data View , and in some other tag-insertion scenarios .

  25. 在3D中,方向键可以用在鼠标拖拉的地方来旋转图像。

    In3D , the arrow keys can be used in lieu of the mouse drag to rotate the image .

  26. 如果数据从PageData视图拖拉到控件之上,那么这里所选择的默认属性将会绑定至数据。

    If data is dropped from the Page Data view onto the control , the Default attribute chosen here will be bound to the data .

  27. 点击dob,并将其拖拉到第二个DataTable之后的页面上。

    Click dob , and drag it to the page just after the second Data Table .

  28. 将该偏好拖拉至JSP中。

    Drag this preference into the JSP as you did previously .

  29. 从DataExplorer视图中,将工作项数据拖拉到新列中的数据单元中。

    From the Data Explorer view , drag the work items data set to the data cell in the new column .

  30. 将list声明拖拉到模型图表中,以创建一个可见的元素(对实际list声明的一个快捷访问路径)。

    Drag the list declaration to the model diagram to create a visual element ( a shortcut to the actual list declaration ) .