
tuō wǎng
  • trawl;dragnet;townet;trawlnet;trail net
拖网 [tuō wǎng]
  • [dragnet;trail net;trawl;trawlnet] 在船后拖着或拉着的网

拖网[tuō wǎng]
  1. 基于C&RBR的拖网绞机集成推理研究

    The Study of Trawl Winches Integration Reasoning for C & RBR

  2. dBASEⅢ在拖网数据库中的应用

    The Application of dBASE ⅲ to the Data Base of Trawl Net

  3. 拖网渔船在冰岛沿海捕鱼。

    The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland .

  4. 他们用拖网沿运河打捞那些失踪的孩子。

    They dragged the canal for the missing children .

  5. 我们碰上一艘正用拖网捕鳎的渔船。

    We came upon a fishing boat trawling for Dover sole .

  6. 他们曾见过他用拖网捕鱼,因此知道那里有鱼。

    They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish

  7. 拖网渔船已经驶离了泽布吕赫港。

    The trawler had sailed from the port of Zeebrugge

  8. 英勇的中士冒着生命危险从熊熊燃烧着的拖网渔船上救出了29名渔民。

    The heroic sergeant risked his life to rescue 29 fishermen from their blazing trawler

  9. 为寻找在英吉利海峡失踪的一艘拖网渔船,人们展开了一场大规模的搜救行动。

    A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel .

  10. 昨晚比利时拖网渔船“幸运号”在荷兰海岸附近沉没后,仍有1人失踪,其余3人被救起。

    One man was still missing last night after the Belgian trawler Lucky capsized off the Dutch coast . Three other men were saved

  11. 他们跑到岸边看渔民拖网。

    They went down to the shore to watch the fishermen hauling in their nets .

  12. 基于CFD的拖网渔船阻力计算及试验验证

    Resistance Computation of a Trawler Based on CFD and Model Test Verification

  13. 对拖网采自马里亚纳海槽热液活动区(18°N附近)的8个玄武质岩石样品进行岩石地球化学初步研究。

    This paper reports the result of a petrological geochemistry study of eight basaltic samples from the Mariana Trough hydrothermal activity regions ( near 18 ° N ) .

  14. 以拖网绞机为研究对象,提出并研究了基于网络的C&RBR集成推理技术。

    C & RBR integration technique based on Web is presented and studied by Trawl Winches as researched object .

  15. 研究了基于网络的拖网绞机C&RBR集成推理求解模型,并对其若干关键技术进行深入剖析;

    Web-based Trawl Winches Integration C & RBR solution model is studied , and its main key problems are analysed deeply .

  16. 弓子网和底拖网的Sorensen相似性系数(SS)为0.6349,两种网具渔获物组成的相似性较差。

    The similarity of composition of catches between beam trawl and bottom trawl was low to 0.6349 .

  17. GM1网的能耗系数比GM2网低,在拖速3节时低于9%左右,作为中层拖网时的总体性能优良。

    The energy consumption rate of GM1 is lower about 9 % than that of GM2 . The performance of trawl GM2 is good when it is used to be middle water trawl .

  18. Turner说:“我们希望使人们更加了解这些新拖网技术如何保护海洋环境和提高渔业生产率”。

    " We very much wanted to raise awareness about how these new trawl technologies can protect the marine environment and improve fisheries productivity ," says Turner .

  19. 从生产试验情况看,它比目大5m拖网增产60%以上。

    From the commercial tests , the production of large mesh trawl increased more than 60 % over that of trawl with 5m in mesh .

  20. 美方表示,美国海军测量船“无瑕号”(impeccable)遭到中方多艘拖网渔船、渔政船和海军船舶的骚扰。

    The US said the impeccable , a US Navy surveillance ship , had been harassed by a group of Chinese trawlers , coast guard and navy vessels .

  21. 不要拖网街道、头对GXG在家对豪华品牌一份无敌的股份单和服务。

    Don 't trawl the streets , head to GXG home to an unrivalled portfolio of luxury brands and services .

  22. 综合分析认为:目前东海区最理想的拖网网囊网目不小于60mm。

    It is considered that the optimum mesh size of cod-end of trawl in the East China Sea region should be larger than 60 mm based on the comprehensive analysis .

  23. 本文根据1994~1995年间山东近海大面积底拖网探捕调查资料,对山东近海5~40m水深范围内海胆的种类组成及生态分布状况等进行了初步分析研究。

    In accordance with the survey data of the large area bottom trawl exploratory fishing conducted in Shandong offshore between 1994 and 1995 , the species composition and ecological distribution of sea urchin in waters of 5-40 m deep was analysed in this paper .

  24. 根据中上层鱼类的生态习性,选取网具的最大网目为7m,在网口周长、网线配置和网身形状等方面作了深入探讨的基础上,设计了182m×94.7m绳拖网。

    According to the ecological behavior of pelagic fish , the largest mesh of 7m was selected . On the basis of adequate discussion on the mouth perimeter , netting yam attaching and body configuration , a large mesh trawl with 182m × 94.7m in size was designed .

  25. 底拖网作业捕捞努力量标准化方法研究

    An Approach to the Standardization of Fishing Effort of Bottom Trawl

  26. 单拖网渔船避碰行为的统计研究

    Statistical study on the action of collision avoidance of trawling vessel

  27. 拖网中的最接近距离。

    A study on the closest distance of approach for trawling .

  28. 选择性虾拖网渔具渔法研究

    Study on Structure and Fishing Method of Selective Shrimp Trawl Net

  29. 主要作业参数对单船中层拖网性能的显著性分析

    Significance analysis on the main parameters of single boat mid-water trawl

  30. HYTW-1型海洋底质框式拖网及其受力

    HYTW & 1 Mode Bottom Frame Dredge and Its Force Analysis