
  • 网络Nanjie Village
  1. 运用信任、规范、网络的社会资本的框架分析“红色亿元村”南街村的治理优势,而社会资本自身的缺陷也适用于解释南街村发展的困境。

    The article analyzes the advantages of transforming Nanjie village by using social capital frame-works in terms of trust , standards and network .

  2. 南街村在独特政治氛围下取得的经济奇迹值得研究,社会资本不失为一个好的研究视角。

    Nanjie village , known as " Red Billion-Yuan Village ", works economic wonders in the unique political environments , which deserves serious exploration .

  3. 南街村集团也被省技术监督局列入“河南十大保护企业”行列。

    Therefore , Narjiecun Group is placed into the list of " the Ten Key Protected Enterprises in Henan province " by the Technological Sapervision Bureau of Henan Province .

  4. 随着13亿中国人艰难地应对日益增加的学费,医疗帐单和住房成本,王宏兵说南街村的居民都是被照顾了而不负责的。

    As the country's1.3 billion people grapple with escalating school fees , medical bills and housing costs , Wang says the residents of Nanjie are carefree ― and taken care of .