
  • 网络south tower
  1. 我们的记者StephenEvans在恐怖袭击发生时就身处世贸中心南塔。

    Our correspondent Stephen Evans was in the South Tower of the World Trade Center when it was hit .

  2. 江阴大桥南塔墩地基基础安全监控模型

    Safety Monitor Model Used in South Tower Foundation of Jiangyin Bridge

  3. 你可以找一张地图,在上面找一找,看看南塔开特在哪儿。

    Nantucket ! Take out your map and look at it .

  4. 你们两个已经在南塔基特岛入住了

    you two had checked in to the hotel in Nantucket .

  5. 所以,这正是南塔开始的地方。

    So , this is exactly where the South Tower started .

  6. 詹姆斯是在被劫飞机撞上南塔的时候丧生的。

    James was killed as the plane hit the south tower .

  7. 南京长江第三大桥南塔基础施工

    Construction of South Pylon Foundation of the 3rd Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge

  8. 在这个星球上,有三分之二是南塔开特人的。

    two thirds of this terraqueous globe are the Nantucketer 's.

  9. 我在南塔基特岛发现的一个小景点

    It 's a little spot I found in Nantucket .

  10. 登上南塔,慕尼黑的市容一览无遗。

    South Pylon board , Munich-exhaustive list of amenities .

  11. 17分钟后,联合航空175号航班撞向了南塔。

    Seventeen minutes later , United Airlines Flight 175 hit the south tower .

  12. 南塔吉克盆地油气地质特征

    Petroleum Geology of South Tajikistan Basin in Central Asia

  13. 本杰明·弗兰克林的奶奶就是玛丽·莫雷尔,她嫁到南塔开特以后,

    The grandmother of Benjamin Franklin was Mary Morrel ;

  14. 因此,在一段顺利的航驶后,我们安抵南塔开特了。

    so , after a fine run , we safely arrived in Nantucket .

  15. 世界贸易中心南塔楼倒塌导致帕斯车站被毁。

    A collapse of the World Trade Center south tower obliterated the PATH Station .

  16. 我问了问南塔基特岛的宾馆

    I talked to the hotel in Nantucket ,

  17. 吉阳大跨越南塔长江河岸治理的理论与实践

    Theory and practice of the bank treatment of Yangtze River near Jiyang overhead transmission line

  18. 因此,应该为南塔开特三呼万岁;

    And therefore three cheers for Nantucket ;

  19. 老挝南塔1号水电站征地移民安置规划设计

    Design of Land Requisition and Resettlement Program for Nam Tha 1 # Hydropower Station in Laos

  20. 从前那个叫做纳特。斯汪因的小伙子,本来是整个南塔开特和维因耶德数一数二的最勇敢的头桨手;

    There was young Nat Swaine , once the bravest boat-header out of all Nantucket and the Vineyard ;

  21. 上午9:50分,先是南塔楼的顶部几层坍塌,后又扩至整栋塔楼。

    At9:50 AM , first the top floors of the south tower collapsed , then the whole tower .

  22. 9点03分,又一个默哀时刻。第二架飞机在此刻撞入世贸中心南塔。

    At 9:03 a.m. , silence again to mark the moment when the second plane hit the South Tower .

  23. 因此这些南塔开特人,这些大的海隐士,在大海中无往不胜,

    And thus have these naked Nantucketers , these sea hermits , issuing from their ant-hill in the sea ,

  24. 南京长江三桥南塔钢套箱受水流力作用的试验研究

    Test Study of Water Current Forces on Boxed Steel Cofferdam for South Pylon of the 3rd Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge

  25. 鄂东长江公路大桥南塔承台大体积混凝土温度裂缝控制技术

    Thermal Cracking Control Technology of the Mass Concrete of Pile Cap in South Main Tower of E-dong Yangtze River Bridge

  26. “裴廓德号”的大副叫斯达巴克,他是个南塔开特土著,也是个桂克的后代。

    The chief mate of the Pequod was Starbuck , a native of Nantucket , and a Quaker by descent .

  27. 2013年1月4日,一场野火席卷了南塔斯马尼亚我家所在的沿海小镇达纳利。

    On the January 4 , 2013 , a bush fire swept through our small coastal township of Dunalley in Southern Tasmania .

  28. 然而,南塔开特终究是它的伟大的发源地…是这个迦太基的泰雅是人们把第一只美洲的死鲸拖上岸来的地方。

    yet Nantucket was her great original-the Tyre of this Carthage ; -- the place where the first dead American whale was stranded .

  29. 那么,这些南塔开特人,生在河滩,出海谋生,就不足为奇了!

    What wonder , then , that these Nantucketers , born on a beach , should take to the sea for a livelihood !

  30. 6月24日,位于迈阿密海滩以北近10公里处的瑟夫赛德镇尚普兰大厦南塔公寓大楼发生坍塌。

    The collapse occurred on June 24th at the Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside that sits nearly 10 kilometers north of Miami Beach .