
  • 网络Kai Zeng
  1. 根据我的了解,我猜想这是他曾开过的车子。

    Putting two and two together , I assume that this was the car he used .

  2. 在创立第一家85度C之前,吴政学曾开过发廊、鞋底工厂和装修公司,还有几家别的公司。

    Before opening the first 85C store , he had set up a hair salon , a shoe-sole factory and an interior decoration business , among several others .

  3. 在近期新闻周刊的采访中,MrRajaratnam称联邦调查局曾开给他一份认罪协议&只要他带着窃听器录下与顾磊杰谈话记录的内容,就可以只让他坐5年牢。

    In a recent interview with Newsweek , Mr Rajaratnam said that FBI agents offered him a plea bargain & just five years'jail-time in exchange for wearing a wire and taping his conversations with Mr Gupta .

  4. 事实上,据该公司联合创始人及腕表工匠皮姆·克斯拉格(PimKoeslag)称,王妃本人曾开玩笑地建议说,该公司应该制作一款女士腕表。

    In fact , according to Pim Koeslag , co-founder of the company and its watchmaker , it was the princess herself who jokingly suggested that the company should have a ladies ' watch .

  5. 碰巧我过去曾开过那种汽车。

    I happened to have driven that kind of car before .

  6. 应该说曾开过,他已经失踪三天了

    Or did . Been missing for three days .

  7. 受军训时你曾开过枪吗?

    Did you fire the weapon in basic training ?

  8. 有人曾开玩笑说会有三个问题:

    someone once joked there 're only three issues :

  9. 就我记忆所及,他曾开过一张200美元的支票。

    To the best of my memory , he wrote a check for $ 200 .

  10. 他在写作获得成功之前,曾开过出租车,卖过报纸。

    Before making a success of writing , he worked as a taxidriver and a newspaper seller .

  11. 我曾开玩笑地说起这一点,但很多人问我,为什么超威没有进入智能手机行业。

    I joke about this but a lot of people ask me why AMD isn 't in smartphones .

  12. 作为一名产科医生和妇科医生,他二战前不久在布朗克斯曾开了一家诊所。

    As an obstetrician and gynecologist , he opened a practice in the Bronx shortly before World War II .

  13. 大家都曾开玩笑说,马克的狗路德和我的狗威尼斯是天生一对。

    Everyone used to joke about how Mark 's dog Rodd and my dog Venice were meant to be together . '

  14. 我们曾开过江去一支部队,埋伏了十天,敌人还不知道。

    For example , one of our army units crossed the river and hid for ten days without the enemy knowing .

  15. 布伦德指出,他曾开玩笑地让家人将汉妮塔在英特网上拍卖,但是女儿艾什利拒绝了他的建议。

    Brendle said he jokingly suggested to his family that it sell Henrietta in an Internet auction , but Ashley objected .

  16. 1863年,有记者曾开玩笑说:感恩节是国家授权观看橄榄球赛事的节日。

    In 1863 , a reporter jokingly said , Thanksgiving is a holiday granted by the Nation to see a game of football .

  17. 詹姆斯曾开玩笑说,如果他一个赛季可以得到5000万美元,他愿意去欧洲踢球。

    James once joked that he 'd be willing to play in Europe if he could get paid $ 50 million per season .

  18. 1990年,撒切尔夫人自己曾开玩笑说:政府的绝密信息都搁放在她的手提包里,因为在她看来,这是最好的防泄密地方。

    In 1990 , Lady Thatcher herself joked that she kept top government secrets in her bag , as it was the most leak-proof place she knew .

  19. 此前,浙江大学城市学院、清华大学和武汉的一所职业学校都曾开过类似的针对白领的培训课程。

    In the past , schools like Zhejiang University City College , Tsinghua University and a Wuhan based vocational college ran comparable courses , for example , for white-collar workers .

  20. 当菜园第一次播种时,米歇尔·奥巴马曾开玩笑地说整个奥巴马家的人,包括总统本人,都要来拔草,“不管他们愿不愿意。”

    When the garden was first seeded , Michelle Obama joked that theentire Obama family , including the President , would pull weeds " whether they like it or not . "

  21. 在讨论过程中,以铁的细节,亚足联的创始人和堪萨斯城酋长拥有拉马尔亨特曾开玩笑地提到了拟议的联赛冠军的“超级杯”。

    Duringthe discussions to iron out the details , AFC founder and Kansas CityChiefs owner Lamar Hunt had jokingly referred to the proposed interleague championship as the " Super Bowl " .

  22. 奥巴马则对这些言论深感困惑,今年早些时候他曾开玩笑说,除非修一条养满鳄鱼的壕沟把非法移民都赶入墨西哥湾,否则共和党人就不会满意。

    Bemused by such talk , Barack Obama joked earlier this year that Republicans would not be happy until there was a moat full of alligators to keep illegal immigrants at bay .

  23. 之后凯特王妃在布拉格曾开玩笑说道想再要一个孩子,然后该机构就像她写了一封公开信,旨在说明少养孩子对世界资源的重要性。

    Following the Duchess 's joke in Prague about wanting another baby , the group wrote an open letter to the royals about the importance of small families for the world 's resources .

  24. 1954年,土地规划作为一门科学引入我国,1956年在东北农学院开设了我国第一个土地规划专业,此后在一些大学曾开过土地规划课程。

    As one subject , land planning is introduced to our country in 1954 , and in 1956 , the course is opened in Northeastern Agricultural College , and after this some universities followed .

  25. 毕业后,她被任命为联合国妇女署亲善大使。联合国秘书长潘基文曾开玩笑说,希望沃森能用她的魔杖消除所有女性暴力。

    After her graduation , the actress was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon joked that he hopes Watson uses her magic wand to end violence against women .

  26. 我曾开玩笑对我的女朋友说,我害羞的,甜蜜的丈夫不知道如何把自己的感情融入他的话里。

    I had joked with my girlfriends that my shy , sweet husband didn 't know how to put his feelings into words , but I hadn 't realized how tragically true that would turn out to be .

  27. 妈妈曾开玩笑似地说大多数爸爸都是这样过休息日:修理后门的锁啦,带孩子们去沙滩玩啦而她许配给了一个像爱因斯坦一样不知换水龙头上的垫圈的人。

    Mum used to joke that most dads spent their holidays fixing the lock on the back door , or taking their children to the beach & trust her to go and pick an Einstein who couldn 't even change a washer on a tap .

  28. 布朗夫人曾自己开公司,是一位成功的公关主管。

    Mrs Brown was a successful public-relations executive who owned her own company .

  29. 1955年曾又开过一次庭。

    A sitting again took place in 1955 .

  30. 拉斯•冯•提尔上周曾因为开玩笑说他是纳粹分子而被排除出这次电影节。

    Von Trier was thrown out of the festival last week for joking that he was a Nazi .