
  1. 虽然曾经辉煌过,但现在是时候结束了。麦蒂在接受ESPN《第一镜头》节目采访时如是说。

    I 've had a great run , but it 's time for it to come to an end , McGrady said on ESPN 's First Take .

  2. 电视文化曾经辉煌过,依然有其不可替代的作用。

    TV culture still cannot be replaced .

  3. 凯尔特人曾经辉煌,现在,让我们把辉煌继续。

    The Celtics have had a proud tradition and now I hope that we can add to the legacy .

  4. 我国显微修复重建外科技术曾经辉煌并且在某些领域依旧保持国际领先。

    The microsurgical repair and reconstruction techniques of China were once glorious and some of them remain advanced globally .

  5. 曾经辉煌的中国动画现在正处于低落期,那么创新发展中国动画成了当下的重要课题。

    Chinese animation was brilliant in the past , but now it is in the low period , so now , innovating Chinese animation is important task .

  6. 但是时代在发展,曾经辉煌的云南花灯也跟其它许多地方戏剧一样经历着同样的命运。

    However , in the development of the times , had a brilliant lantern Yunnan also with many other local drama , has experienced the same fate .

  7. 中国动画电影起步不晚,曾经辉煌,但现状堪忧。

    The beginning of Chinese animation film was not late , and which was brilliant before . However , the present situation of Chinese animation films is not very well .

  8. 公元前206年,秦王朝迎来了其臭名昭著的瓦解,这个曾经辉煌的王朝最终倒在了由自己暴虐的荒淫无度的行为所导致的民怨载道上。

    In 206B . C , the Qin Dynasty came to an infamous end and the glorious dynasty fell victim to the fear and mistrust bred by its own despotic excesses .

  9. 那曾经辉煌的生命,如涅磐的凤凰,在明年春风再起的时候,重展笑颜,岁岁永生。

    That was brilliant life , such as the Nirvana of the Phoenix , in the spring next year , when renewed , re-development of smile , but each eternal life .

  10. 我们坚信,曾经辉煌一时的公司之所以衰落,并非因为他们输给了对手,而是输给了自己。而且,一旦公司不再关注客户满意度时,这种情况就会发生。

    We believe that when once-great companies fall , they don 't lose to competitors , they lose to themselves & and that happens when they stop focusing on making people happy .

  11. 曾经辉煌的主客观条件,如今是否还存在?造成如今尴尬局面的主要原因,是一种社会发展的必然,还是一种本身发展的偶然。

    Subjective and objective conditions have been brilliant , and now it still exist ? Today , the main cause embarrassment , social development is a necessary , but also a chance for their development .

  12. 写实油画艺术长期以来在油画这一艺术领域占据了重要的位置,现实主义写实油画艺术在十九世纪的欧洲曾经辉煌一时。

    Realism art oil painting oil painting a long time in the field of the arts occupy an important position , realism realism art oil painting in Europe in the nineteenth century had brilliant time .

  13. 自公元3世纪起,伴随着罗马帝国的奴隶制危机,曾经辉煌一时的古典文化渐趋没落,古典史学也与古典文化的其它分支一样失去了往日的光彩。

    Since the third century , with the slavery crisis of Rome Empire , once glorious classical culture gradually declined , and classical historiography lost its past glory as the other branch of classical culture .

  14. 21世纪的今天,曾经辉煌的日本型经营的发展与变化,引起了研究日本社会变化的广大学者的关注。

    The development and changes of Japanese type of management that has enjoyed a glorious past have attracted the attention of those who are engaged in the study of the social changes of Japan in the 21st century .

  15. 如果雷诺没有追随本田,宝马和丰田退出,让我们期待它找到合适的买家,给它遭遇攻击的员工们一个让这支曾经辉煌的车队从零复苏的可能。

    If Renault does follow Honda , BMW and Toyota through the exit door , let 's hope it finds a suitable buyer that will give its beleaguered staff a chance to get this once-great team back on its feet .

  16. 回望中国动画80年的发展历程,一方面是历史让我们曾经辉煌;另一方面是特定时代强加给我们的精神束缚和艺术失落。

    Back to 80 years ' of Chinese development of animation history , on the one hand , we have glorious history ; specific times , on the other hand , it is forced upon us the spirit of restraint and artistic loss .

  17. 主要阐述了苏南模式的历史由来,分析其曾经辉煌与后来相对落后的原因,提出在新的时代背景与外部环境下,应该通过不断的改造、创新,创造出新的苏南模式。

    Probes into the historical origin of Sunan Country Model , analyzes the reasons of its splendid history and present backward situation , and points out that under the new background and outside environment , we should create new Sunan Country Model by continuous reformation and innovation .

  18. 众多国际著名投资银行和商业银行在此次危机中关门倒闭,曾经辉煌得不可一世的金融翘楚受危机拖累,或被兼并,或报亏损,或被迫转行;甚至出现个别国家资不抵债、破产的情况。

    Many well-known international investment banks and commercial banks were confronted with close and collapse . The once dominant leaders were dragged down by the crisis , or were merged , or reported deficit , or were forced to switch , some little countries even confronted bankruptcy .

  19. 特罗洛普家族曾经一度辉煌。

    The Trollope family had once been a distinguished one .

  20. 你曾经的辉煌纪录,现在都是我的了。

    All your outstanding markers , they 're mine now .

  21. 在他曾经取得辉煌胜利的地方士兵们战败了。

    The soldiers had failed where he had gloriously succeeded .

  22. 几个世纪之后的人们对于曾经的辉煌和造诣一无所知,或者说不能理解。

    After centuries , no one knows and understands the success and attainments of the past .

  23. 早期中国的战争电影对美国苏联战争电影有很多借鉴,并有所创新,曾经取得辉煌的成就。

    Chinese early war films had been influenced by United States and former Soviet Union war movies .

  24. 玛雅文明在十六世纪衰落了,它曾经的辉煌令人慨叹的同时更多的是遗憾。

    Maya civilization had decayed after 16 century , whose civilization brought people exclamation , especially regretting .

  25. 老人家的激动并非没有理由,曾经的辉煌的确值得骄傲。

    There is always the reason for the old man 's passion , that glorious work deserves any pride .

  26. 我国传统的大学语文由曾经的辉煌步入了如今十分尴尬的境地,必须通过变革找到出路。

    The traditional university has gone from the past refulgence to the present embarrassment , and the solution must be found by reform .

  27. 他正在追寻着史上乔丹曾经达到辉煌,他比任何人都清楚只有拿到更多的总冠军才能比肩乔丹。

    He is chasing Michael Jordan 's best-ever legacy and he knows better than anyone he needs a couple more championships to catch him .

  28. 中国茶业曾经拥有辉煌的历史,华茶贸易曾经在长时间内居世界首位。

    Chinese tea once owned glorious history . The trade of Chinese tea once was in the long run the highest in the world .

  29. 山东琴书的历史很悠久,但曾经的辉煌已经远去,由于各种原因,如今的山东琴书渐渐走向了没落。

    Shandong Qin history is very long , but once brilliant has gone , due to various reasons , now Shandong Qin gradually declining .

  30. 太平天国农民革命运动,曾经取得辉煌胜利,受到马克思恩格斯的高度赞扬,称它带来了“东方新纪元的曙光”。

    The Taipingtianguo movement historically won brilliant victory and was highly praised by Max to " bring the dawn of the Oriental New age " .