
  1. 谣言引到了美国新泽西州长ChrisChristie身上。越来越多的推测显示,他又一次开始考虑参加共和党候选人提名的竞选中来,虽然他曾数度据拒绝。

    The rumour-mill turned its attention to Chris Christie , governor of New Jersey , as speculation mounted that , despite past refusals , he is again considering entering the Republican nomination race .

  2. 自1999年战争结束,科索沃就曾是(而据塞尔维亚称,她仍是)在联合国管辖下的一个塞尔维亚省份。

    Kosovo was-and according to Serbia still is-a Serbian province that had been under the jurisdiction of the United Nations since the end of the war in 1999 .

  3. 在11月恐袭两天后,主谋阿卜杜勒哈米德阿巴伍德(AbdelhamidAbaaoud)曾夸耀称(据一位目击者称)“还会有别的‘袭击’”。

    Two days after the November attacks , the ringleader Abdelhamid Abaaoud boasted ( according to a witness ) that " there will be other [ attacks ] . "