
  • 网络boulder;Bold;Bordes
  1. 前几天,在美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(CUBoulder),我给一班即将毕业的MBA学生做了一次讲话。

    I gave a talk yesterday to a class of soon-to-graduate MBA students at Cu boulder yesterday .

  2. 这间神奇的办公室就是Freshwater软件公司的客户服务中心,该公司位于科罗拉多州的博尔德(Boulder),现在已不复存在。

    This was the call center of Freshwater Software , a now defunct company based in Boulder , Colorado .

  3. 第一次是在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(UniversityofColorado-Boulder)。

    The first came at the University of Colorado-Boulder .

  4. 杰西•怀特(JessWhite)在堪萨斯州内陆地区长大,现在住在博尔德市。她说她以前下水总是战战兢兢的。

    Jess White , who grew up landlocked in Kansas and now lives in Boulder , says she never felt confident in the water .

  5. 科罗拉多州博尔德市的西南研究院(SouthwestResearchInstitute)太空研究部科学家戴维·E·斯蒂尔曼(DavidE.Stillman)说,在不同地区造成条纹的水可能是不同的。

    David E. Stillman , a scientist at the Southwest Research Institute 's space studies department in Boulder , Colo. , said water for the streaks might be different in different regions .

  6. 克劳塞特在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(UniversityofColorado,Boulder)任教,同时还是圣菲研究所(SantaFeInstitute)研究员,他在过去十年内一直奋战在计算和统计研究的前沿。

    Clauset , who teaches at the University of Colorado , Boulder and is part of the Santa Fe Institute , has spent the past decade on the frontier of computing and statistical research .

  7. unreasonableinstitute将这种新人训练营概念扩大到更长形式的课程,组织25名企业家花6周时间在科罗拉多州博尔德接受50名导师的培训,这些导师包括谷歌(google)高管和社会企业家。

    Extending the boot camp concept into a longer-form programme , the unreasonable Institute unites 25 entrepreneurs for six weeks in Boulder , Colorado to receive training from 50 mentors , from Google executives to social entrepreneurs .

  8. 那是三年前的事了,Bernstein和儿子在科罗拉多州博尔德市的家中建了第一个这样的系统。

    That was three years ago . Ms. Bernstein built her first system with her son outside her home in Boulder , Colorado . Today she raises and . She feeds them once a day .

  9. NCAR的和乌卡博士后已收到来自世界各地的博士学位,从像在科罗拉多大学博尔德尽可能接近,日本京都大学挖角。

    NCAR and UCAR postdocs have received their doctorates from all over the world , from as close as the University of Colorado at Boulder to as far away as Kyoto University in Japan .

  10. 贝丝•戴维斯(BethDavis)在科罗拉多州博尔德(Boulder)开设了一个游泳培训班。戴维斯表示,到她这里参加游泳培训的成年人的人数近几年增长了将近一倍,2009年她只有34个成年学员,现在已经达到67个。

    Beth Davis , who operates her own swim clinic in Boulder , Colo. , says the number of adults in her practice has nearly doubled in recent years , from 34 adult students in 2009 to 67 currently .

  11. 科罗拉多州博尔德太空科学研究所(SpaceScienceInstitute)的行星科学家费希尔(PadmaYanamandra-Fisher)在彗星接近太阳之前说,观察显示,这颗彗星在靠近太阳前曾一度变亮又失去了亮度。

    Before the close approach , observations ' showed that the comet had brightened and then lost brightness . So there 's a lot of conjecture that it might be fading , ' said Padma Yanamandra-Fisher , a planetary scientist at the Space Science Institute in Boulder , Colo. , before the comet made its close pass with the sun .

  12. 博尔德城刚刚打破年降水量的一个新纪录。

    The city of Boulder just set a new record for annual precipitation .

  13. 博尔德警察称伊尔摩尔在一家杂货店被捕。

    Police in Boulder say Earl Moore was captured today at a grocery store .

  14. 杜阿尔德博尔德回忆起一名被派驻中国分厂的法国企业高管。

    Mr Duhaldeborde recalls a French business leader assigned to a factory in China .

  15. 再多停一站博尔德我要见我的姐姐

    Just one more stop ... boulder . I want to see my sister .

  16. 在科罗拉多州博尔德的人有一个欣赏他们的环境的声誉。

    The people of Boulder , Colo. , have a reputation for appreciating their environment .

  17. 在一个晚会上,朗博尔德太太吃了五块蛋糕,喝了三瓶啤酒。

    At a party Mrs Runbold put away five cakes and three bottles of beer .

  18. 后来,他发现博尔德伍德也进了城,自己投了案。

    He then found that Boldwood had also entered the town , and delivered himself up .

  19. 这进而又会让博尔德县赫林豪斯特这样的人感到明显的不满和恐慌。

    That in turn leaves men such as Mr hullinghorst in Boulder feeling distinctly cynical and alarmed .

  20. 帕维根公司(英国一家生产发电地砖的公司)在博尔德街修了一条路,伦敦的购物者只要沿着这条路走,就可以发电。

    London shoppers create electricity just by walking down a path installed by Pavegan on Bird Street .

  21. 这些城市其中最吃香的一个是科罗拉多州的博尔德市,这个城市在我们的排行榜中高居榜首。

    One of these sought-after settings is , the city claiming the top spot in our rankings .

  22. 实际上,洛基闯宴是害死光明之神博尔德阴谋的一部分。

    In fact , loki 's intrusion was part of his artful scheme that caused balder 's death .

  23. 博尔德的居民订得最多的是烹饪,食物和酒类书籍。

    The residents of Boulder ordered the most books in the cooking , food , and wine category .

  24. 飞行五分钟的路程大约有20英里,相当于从博尔德到丹佛。

    Five-minute flight right now will take you probably from Boulder to Denver which is approximately 20 miles .

  25. 图中迷人的日落景色,出自位于科罗拉多州博尔德的洛基山脉前沿的烫斗形山后方。

    An amazing view of the sun setting behind the Flatirons of the Rocky Mountain front range in Boulder CO.

  26. 博尔德的刑事辩护律师事务所表示所里只有那两名律师符合案件的要求。

    The boulder public defender 's office says two of its attorneys are the only ones on the case .

  27. 除了具有预言性的《自动化》一书的作者约翰迪博尔德之外,几乎没有人臆想到计算机将改变世界。

    Almost no one dreamed they would change the world & john diebold , author of the prophetic book automation .

  28. 结果他所选择的那只基金持有雷曼的票据博尔德县因此损失了近70万美元。

    The fund he had chosen turned out to be holding Lehman paper and boulder lost almost $ 7 00000 .

  29. 但是,美国国家航空航天管理局以及科罗拉多州博尔德市国家大气研究中心设计的模拟表明,情况并非如此。

    But models developed by NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder , Colorado , argue otherwise .

  30. 我会问问博尔德夫人,然后再告诉您。

    Woman 1 : I 'll ask Mrs Bould about that and let you know . Woman 2 : Right .