
  • 网络doctoral program;Ph D program
  1. 我们学校刚刚又申请到一个博士点。

    Our college has a newly established doctoral program .

  2. 本文得到国家自然科学基金项目(9030401860672137),教育部博士点基金项目(20060497015)和湖北省自然科学基金项目(2004ABA043)的资助。

    This dissertation is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 90304018 , 60672137 , the Doctoral Program Foundation of Ministry of Education of China under Grant 20060497015 and the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province ( No. 2004 ABA043 ) .

  3. 北京交通大学有5个国家级重点学科,11个部级重点学科,8个博士后科研流动站,l1个一级学科博士点、60个二级学科博士点、102个硕士点,5个学科被列入国家“长江学者奖励计划”。

    BJTU has 5 state key disciplines , 11 ministerial key disciplines 8 post-doctoral scientific research stations , 11 doctorate programs in first-level disciplines , 60 doctorate programs in second-level disciplines , 102 graduate programs 5 disciplines are granted to establish the positions of " Cheungkong Scholars Program

  4. 本文研究课题源于国家教委博士点基金项目人工智能基础理论(泛符号主义)研究(98069923)和国家863项目生产计划与实时优化调度系统(2002AA412020)。

    This paper came from Ph. D foundation program of Ministry of Education , Research on Basic Theories ( Universal Symbolism ) of Artificial Intelligence ( 98069923 ) . and national 863 program , Attemper Systems of Produce Plan and Real Time Optimization ( 2002AA412020 ) .

  5. 切实抓好环境工程博士点建设积极创建一流学科群

    On the construction of doctoral programs and first-class group of subjects

  6. 论安全管理工程二级学科博士点的设置

    Theory on Disciplines Establishing education program for doctorates of safety administration

  7. 年被聘为西安交通大学低温工程学科博士点博士研究生导师。

    Was authorized by the University of Xi'an Jiaotong as a doctoral Supervisor ( 1994 ) .

  8. 2005年,获得理论经济学一级学科博士点授予权。

    In2005 , it has the authority to launch Ph.D Program of first-class disciplines in Theoretical Economics .

  9. 第三次是2006年天津大学创立职业教育学博士点。

    In2006 , the third time was that Tianjin university founded a doctor station of vocational education .

  10. 本文是国家教育部博士点基金项目“粘性流体在叶片泵内的流动机理研究”的一部分。

    The dissertation is part of the Doctoral Scientific Fund Project of the Ministry of Education of China .

  11. 我国博士点审批政策应注重互动博弈、保持相对稳定、尊重规则管理。

    It can be concluded that we should focus on reciprocal game ? steady policy and management by rule .

  12. 高等学校博士点的主要目标是培养高素质、高层次的创造性人才。

    Primary target of doctoral discipline is to bring up creative talents with high diathesis and high administrative levels .

  13. 在学科上,本实验室建立了“微机电工程”和“精密仪器及机械”两个二级学科博士点。

    There are programs for Ph.D candidates in the specialties of MEMS Engineering and Precision Instrument and Mechanics at the lab.

  14. 浙江大学理论物理学科是1981年获准的全国首批博士点之一。

    The discipline of theoretical physics in Zhejiang University is one of the first PhD-awarding branches approved in1981 over China .

  15. 本文结合笔者的实际教学和科研经验,探讨了我校高电压与绝缘技术博士点的学科定位与发展。

    According to the practical teaching and scientific research experience , high voltage and electrical insulation doctoral discipline of our university are discussed .

  16. 随着高校博士点的快速发展,如何合理配置博士点的资源成为一个共同关注的话题。

    With the development of doctoral unit in China universities , how to collocate the resources of doctoral unit become a common theme .

  17. 本文收集整理了我国图书馆学博士点2005年招生研究方向、入学考试科目以及课程设置的相关数据。

    This paper collects and analyses the data of study directions of doctor education of Information Science , examinational subjects and some curricula .

  18. 21世纪初,领导教育学专业博士点的设置,标志着领导教育学作为一门学科的诞生。

    At the beginning of 21st century , the professional establishment of doctoral empowerment of leadership pedagogy indicated the birth of leadership pedagogy as a discipline .

  19. 设有本科专业78个,硕士点248个,博士点173个,博士后科研流动站22个。

    It offers a variety of programs , including 78 undergraduate programs , 248 Master 's programs , 173 doctoral programs and 22 post doctoral research centers .

  20. 论述了设置安全管理工程博士点的意义、安全管理工程专业的特点、安全管理高级工程师必备的知识体系、安全管理工程专业博士生的培养计划和目前安全管理人才培养与实际需要的差距等问题。

    This paper strongly proposed establishing the education program of Doctor of Safety Administration , in order to meet the big demand of senior safety management engineers in China .

  21. 本专业为广东省“名牌专业”,对应的土木工程学科还拥有国家重点实验室,一级学科博士点,博士后流动站。

    Civil Engineering The civil engineering is certificated as Guangdong Province " brand subject " with a state key laboratory , the first-class doctor degree discipline and post-doctoral research center .

  22. 本学位论文课题属国家自然科学基金(No.5017500950275019)和高等学校博士点专项科研基金(No.20010141005)资助项目。

    This subject is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No.50175009 , 50275019 ) and Doctoral Specialty Foundation of Colleges and Universities ( No. 20010141005 ) .

  23. 本课题为教育部博士点基金项目电网谐波抑制技术的研究(20101402120004)的组成部分,是针对电网中日益严重的谐波污染问题提出的。

    This study is a part of the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education ( 20101402120004 ) . It is proposed on the growing problem of harmonic pollution in the power grid .

  24. 本论文以重庆市自然科学基金项目《面向三维空间的无线传感器网络最优覆盖策略研究》和博士点基金项目《传感器网络路由协议自适应机制研究》为选题背景。

    This paper stems from the Chongqing NSF project , Research on optimal cover of WSN in three-dimensional , and the cooperative projects of Doctor Foundation , Research on self-adapt mechanism of routing protocol for WSN .

  25. 第三,运用数据统计分析的方法,对我国教育经济管理专业博士点、硕士点的时间分布空间分布以及专业研究方向情况进行描述。

    In addition , we depicted the issues of units granting doctorates and master programs of educational economic and management discipline from the aspects of time and regional distribution as well as research direction , by using statistics .

  26. 国家传感器科技攻关和技术发展结合国家863计划项目、国防973项目和教育部博士点基金项目,研究了有限样本下基于机器学习的高维多光谱数据分类问题。

    The theories and methods for high dimensional multispectral data classification with limited training samples are studied , which are parts of important research contents of National 863 Hi-Tech , 973 Project and Ministry of Education PhD Fund .

  27. 学校拥有本科专业77个,硕士授权点130个,一级学科博士点9个,博士授权点60个,博士后科研流动站7个。

    The university is authorized to confer 77 bachelor 's degree programs as majoys , 130 Master 's degree programs , 9 first-category Ph. D. degree programs , 60 Ph. D. degree programs and 3 post-doctoral mobile stations for scientific research .

  28. 学校设有18个学院(系),共有60个本科专业,52个硕士点、2个一级学科博士点、13个二级博士点、2个博士后流动站。

    SYTU consists of 18 schools and departments offering 60 specialties for undergraduate studies . It is entitled to confer master degrees in 59 programs , 2 doctoral programs in the first level , 13 doctoral programs in the second level and 2 postdoctor stations .

  29. 对外经济贸易大学设有14个学院和2个直属系,设有研究生部和体育部,共有25个本科专业、14个博士点、39个硕士点、两个博士后流动站两个国家级重点学科和一个国家级人文社科研究基地。

    UIBE consists of over 14 academic schools , 2 direct departments apart from postgraduate department and physical education department . It has 25 undergraduate programs , 14 doctoral programs , 39 master programs , 2 post doctorate stations , 2 state key disciplines and 1 state research base of social sciences .

  30. 有S4个本科专业,121个硕士授权点、43个博士授权点、16个工程硕士授权领域和工商管理硕士(MBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、高校教师专业学位授予权,并设有5个博士后流动站。

    The university now has 54 specialties for undergraduate studies , and it is entitled to confer master 's degrees in 121 programs , doctoral degrees in 43 programs , Engineering Master Degrees in 16 programs as well as the MBA program , MPA program , Normal Degree program for College Teachers and 5 post-doctoral centers .