
  • 网络Bona Film Group
  1. 总体上说,我们缺乏国际经验,中国博纳影业集团的首席执行官于冬说。该集团约有20%的股份归21世纪福克斯(21stCenturyFox)所有。

    We lack international experience , in general , said Yu Dong , the chief executive of China 's Bona Film Group , which is about 20 percent owned by 21st Century Fox .

  2. 在今年的北京国际电影节论坛上,博纳影业集团有限公司总裁于冬表示,中国电影的海外推广无外乎三个阶段。

    At a Beijing International Film Festival forum , CEO of Bona Film Group Ltd Yu Dong maps out three stages that Chinese films have to take to launch a global entry .

  3. 但博纳影业集团的于冬认为,要征服电影世界,在两个地方取得成功就行了&美国和中国。

    But , Mr. Yu , of the Bona Film Group , contended that to conquer the movie universe , it is really only necessary to prevail in two places , the United States and China .