
  • 网络Alibaba Group;Alibaba.com
  1. 同时,由于与雅虎日本公司和阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)的关系,雅虎的公司结构可谓十分复杂。

    Its structure is complicated by its relationships with Yahoo Japan and Alibaba .

  2. 上周,在科技博客AllThingsD召开的会议上,阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)CEO马云称对雅虎非常感兴趣。

    At a conference hosted by all things d last week , Alibaba CEO Jack Ma said that he was interested in Yahoo .

  3. 最近,该公司决定出售价值70亿美元的中国阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)股份以筹集现金。

    The company recently decided to offload its $ 7 billion interest in China-based Alibaba just to raise some cash .

  4. 已拥有中国电子商务市场80%份额的阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)极有希望推出自己的云计算服务。

    Alibaba , which already handles over 80 % of online commerce , has high hopes for its own cloud computing service .

  5. 支付宝网站是国内先进的网上支付平台,由全球最佳B2B公司阿里巴巴公司创办,致力于为网络交易用户提供优质的安全支付服务。

    It was founded by the best B2B Company , Alibaba Company , devoted to providing high quality safe payment service for network transaction customers .

  6. 是他在1999年创建了这家在线商贸公司。2007年,其B2B平台阿里巴巴公司赴香港证交所上市并募得17亿美元。

    Its business-to-business platform , Alibaba . com , went public on Hong Kong 's stock exchange in2007 and raised $ 1.7 billion & at the time the second biggest internet IPO ever , behind only Google ( GOOG ) .

  7. 阿里巴巴公司创建于1999年,员工数量从最初的15个人发展到现在的3万多人。

    The company was founded in 1999 and since then has grown from 15 employees to more than 30,000 .

  8. 不过,阿里巴巴公司之后表示,国际反假联盟的决定是“错误的一步且令人遗憾”。

    The company later said the IACC 's decision was a " step in the wrong direction and regrettable . "

  9. 阿里巴巴公司强调,他们二人都并未卷入此次欺诈事件。

    Neither , the company stressed , are implicated in the fraud ; both were falling on their swords to accept responsibility .

  10. 阿里巴巴公司保留购买雅虎公司拥有剩余股份的优先购买权,目前为23%左右。

    It also reserves the right to buy the rest of the sharesowned by Yahoo which is about a 23 % stake right now .

  11. 集团下属的阿里巴巴公司如今号称有2460万用户。它是一个在线电子商务市场,主要为中小供应商和买家服务。

    Subsidiary Alibaba . com , an online business-to-business marketplace for mainly small and medium sized suppliers and buyers , now boasts 24.6m users .

  12. 雅虎将与威瑞森去年收购的另一家褪去光环的互联网明星企业美国在线组合。交易不包括雅虎在中国阿里巴巴公司颇具价值的股份。

    Yahoo will be combined with AOL , another faded internet star , which Verizon bought last year.The deal does not include Yahoo 's valuable stake in Chinese firm Alibaba .

  13. 管培生一度是外企的独家专享,而现在许多国企和私企也纷纷推出管培生职位,这其中包括中国交通银行和阿里巴巴公司。

    Once the exclusive reserve of foreign firms , management trainee positions are now offered by State-owned enterprises , such as China 's Bank of Communications and private corporations such as Alibaba .

  14. 这份基于阿里巴巴公司收集的数据的报告显示,65%的零食购买者是女性,她们大多数人购买的食品是饼干、干果、坚果和巧克力。

    The report , based on data collected by Alibaba , shows that 65 percent of snack buyers are females , with most of them buying biscuits , dry fruits , nuts and chocolates .

  15. 就在两周前,我会晤了中国阿里巴巴公司的创始人马云,这家企业在去年中国境内邮寄的88亿个快件中占60%。

    Just two weeks ago , I met Jack Ma , the founder of Alibaba , a Chinese firm that , among other things , accounted for 60 percent of the 8.8 billion packages mailed inside China last year .

  16. 早在很久以前,他就投资了雅虎日本和阿里巴巴公司。后者也许堪称史上最佳投资之一,2亿美元的投入如今已经升值到了大约700亿美元。

    He wagered early on Yahoo Japan and Alibaba . The latter investment alone may be one of the greatest investments ever , parlaying a bet of about $ 200 million into a stake worth in the neighborhood of $ 70 billion .

  17. 阿里巴巴美国公司总经理桑宁说,FastCompany等杂志以及CNNMoney等网站上都会打出广告,其广告语为“Findit.Makeit.Sellit”。

    Ads carrying the slogan ' Find it . Make it . Sell it ' will run in print magazines like Fast Company and across the Web on sites like CNN Money , said Kelly Sang , general manager of Alibaba.com Americas .

  18. 即使是在进行规模预计高达数十亿美元的IPO后,阿里巴巴的公司结构仍将允许持有该公司大约7%股份的马云有权提名董事会逾半数的董事。

    Even after the expected multibillion-dollar IPO , Alibaba 's corporate structure will allow Mr. Ma , who owns about 7 % of the company , to have a say in nominating more than half of its board .

  19. 申请文件也揭示出阿里巴巴在公司架构上更多有争议的细节。

    The filing also revealed more details about Alibaba 's controversial corporate structure .

  20. 于是,1999年,致力于连接商家之间的网络交易平台“阿里巴巴”公司在他的公寓中诞生。。

    So in 1999 , Alibaba , which is dedicated to promoting online businesses , was born in his apartment .

  21. 星期三,电商巨头阿里巴巴控股公司表示,他们将继续追加投资,以拓展在农村地区的淘宝业务。

    E-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd said on Wednesday that it would continue to make more investments to boost its presence in rural areas .

  22. 阿里巴巴子公司之一此前也是在香港上市,同时香港也更接近阿里巴巴在中国内地的本土市场和客户。

    That is where Alibaba previously listed one of its subsidiaries , and Hong Kong is closer to its home market and customers in China .

  23. 陈女士成了“刷单”现象的受害者,这是中国一个不想要的成长型产业,也是阿里巴巴等公司试图杜绝的现象。

    Ms Chen had become a victim of " brushing , " an unwanted growth industry in China and a practice that companies such as Alibaba are trying to stamp out .

  24. 考虑到马云与巴茨历来不合,这则消息引发了对阿里巴巴的公司治理、以及雅虎是否会进一步受到排挤的担忧。

    The announcement raised broader concerns about governance at Alibaba and about whether Yahoo could get squeezed out even more , given a history of difficult relations between Mr Ma and Ms Bartz .

  25. 其他投资者表示,他们已经明白阿里巴巴的公司治理是怎么回事,因而将利用与管理层会面的时间着重了解业务情况和增长潜力。

    Other investors said they had already come to terms with Alibaba 's corporate governance and focused their time with management on grasping the scope of the business and the growth potential instead .

  26. 在经历了艰难的开局后,雅虎2006年将在华业务转给了阿里巴巴母公司,换得这家中国电子商务公司39%的股权。

    After a tough start in China , Yahoo in 2006 handed its business over to Alibaba , the parent of Alibaba . com , in return for a 39 per cent stake in the Chinese e-commerce company .

  27. 曾鸣说,阿里云的优势包括融合了阿里巴巴子公司支付宝提供的在线支付服务,这可令移动交易更便捷、更安全。

    The advantages for Aliyun include , for example , the integration of the online payment services provided by Alipay , an Alibaba affiliate , into the operating system to make mobile transactions easier and more secure , Mr. Zeng said .

  28. 阿里巴巴国际公司事务副总裁约翰·斯比利奇表示,从营业收入的角度看,此次欺诈规模为每笔约1200美元,共计280万美元,因此是“微不足道的”。

    The scale of the fraud amounted to about $ 1,200 per incident , totaling around $ 2.8 million , and thus is " immaterial " , as John spelich , vice president for International Corporate Affairs says , from an earnings standpoint .

  29. 阿里巴巴子公司蚂蚁金服表示,沃尔玛在深圳的25家分店将率先参与这一合作,其中包括一家山姆会员店。今年年底,双方合作范围将扩大到沃尔玛在中国的全部410家分店。

    Ant Financial , a financial affiliate of Alibaba , said on Wednesday that the partnership with the world 's biggest retailer would start with 25 stores in Shenzhen , including one of its Sam 's Club locations , and be accepted at all 410 Wal-Mart stores in China by the end of the year .

  30. 本周二,阿里巴巴任命该公司董事会成员J·迈克尔·埃文斯(J.MichaelEvans)为总裁。

    Alibaba on Tuesday named J. Michael Evans , who already serves on its board , as its president .