
  • 网络blog marketing;Blog Communication
  1. 基于Web数据挖掘的煤炭企业博客营销模式

    Mode of Blog Marketing of Coal Corporation based on Web Data Mining

  2. 随着电子商务、网络营销、博客营销的兴起以及数据挖掘、Web挖掘技术的日渐成熟,Web挖掘在企业博客营销以及顾客信息分析中的应用研究变的得重要并且急迫。

    With the fast development of electronic commerce , network marketing , blog marketing and the skills for data mining and web mining , web mining becomes more and more important and urgent in application research of enterprise blog marketing and customer information analysis .

  3. 浅析博客营销在高校图书馆服务推广中的应用

    The Application of blog Marketing in University Libraries Outreach Service

  4. 目前对博客营销研究的重点在于博客营销的内涵和如何有效进行博客营销。

    Current research trends in blog marketing focus on its connotations and effectiveness .

  5. 博客营销传播在网络营销中的效用实证分析

    Empirical Research on Blog Communication in Network Marketing

  6. 博客营销是用于描述通过网络博客进行的网络营销的术语。

    Blog marketing is the term used to describe internet marketing via web blogs .

  7. 博客营销:加入而不是控制

    Blog Marketing : Join but not Control

  8. 改善博客营销环境、制定企业博客规则。

    The environment of blog marketing should be improved ; the enterprise blog rules should be made .

  9. 要改变观念、对博客营销重视起来。进行网络信息监管。

    We should change the concept , pay attention to the importance of blog marketing and supervise the information of network .

  10. 本研究的主要目的在于了解消费者态度如何受微博客营销信息的评论与转发的影响。

    The main purpose for the study is to understand how consumers ' attitude is influenced by online reviews and forwardings of MMI .

  11. 基于博客营销优势,文章最后讨论了企业博客营销对于企业带来的实际价值,包括成本价值和广告价值。

    Based on blog marketing superiority , finally discussed the blog marketing the actual value which brings regarding the enterprise superiority , including cost aspect and advertisement aspect .

  12. 这些发现有助于企业更好地把握和监控微博客营销信息的用户互动行为,对于新兴的企业微博客营销的发展具有一定的现实针对性和应用价值。

    These findings have implications for enterprises in terms of how to manage and control the user interaction of MMI , which will be helpful for the development of the new micro-blog marketing .

  13. 接着是企业博客营销中的模块设计:包括公司基本状况模块、企业家博客、员工博客、技术与产品博客、服务与客户博客、事件行销博客。

    Then , the modules of business blog marketing have been designed . Modules include the basic conditions of companies , entrepreneur blog , staff blog , technology and products blog , services and customer blog , event marketing blog .

  14. 国内外企业积极尝试博客营销,在中国,在国际互联网大发展的背景下虽已取得一些成就,但除了个别成功例子外,大部分企业的博客营销还处于摸索阶段。

    Domestic and foreign enterprises try to blog marketing actively . Although China has made some achievements in the development of international internet , in addition to individual successful examples , the majority of business blog marketing is still in exploratory stage .

  15. 但是,我国博客营销的开展存在着诸多的问题,例如国内不少企业虽然已经认识到博客营销的重要性,但有的并未从行动上积极开展本企业产品的博客营销。

    For example , although many enterprises have recognized the importance of marketing blog , but action has not been carried out actively for the enterprise products blog marketing . As constraints of the environment such as laws and policies , the development of blog marketing is not very unobstructed .

  16. 正如任何的目标营销(企业博客是营销手段),它需要直接思考,以及始终如一的组织和运营方式。

    Like any targeted marketing ( and blogging for companies is marketing ), it needs to be thought through , organized and delivered consistently .

  17. 随着互联网技术的不断进步,博客成为企业开展营销沟通的一种新型方式。

    With the continuous advancement of the internet technology , nowadays blog marketing has developed into a new way for companies to communicate for marketing .

  18. 对企业博客进行有效管理,博客营销需定好位、专业化、特色化,综合利用博客资源与其他营销资源。

    Enterprises blog should be managed effectively . Blog marketing should be set the right position , professional , and characteristics of . Blog resources and other marketing resources should be taken advantage of comprehensively .

  19. 鉴于此,本研究将目光聚焦在了博客上,致力于通过对博客用户写作动机及写作动机影响行为的模式的分析,为博客服务商提供营销策略上的建议。

    It intends to provide some suggestions on marketing strategies for blog providers based on the analyses of bloggers ' writing motives and the way writing motives impacting writing behaviors .